The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 31, 1978, Image 2

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The Battalion
Texas A&M University
Tomorrow’s city and school elections feature a number of races — not all of
which are subject to Battalion endorsements. There are a few contests,
however, in which The Battalion has found frontrunners. Their
endorsements follow.
Place 2 on the College Station City Council is being sought by David
Pugh, assistant professor of urban planning at Texas A&M, and Homer
Adams, owner of Adams Storage Co. We are inclined to favor Pugh. His
experience as an urban planning consultant with the city makes him the
more knowledgable candidate of the need for orderly growth, instead of
growth for growth’s sake which at times seems the directive of the council.
We back housewife Patricia Boughton over Tony Jones, owner of Tony
Jones Construction Co., for the Place 4 seat. Although we question
Bough ton’s view of limited involvement of students on the council, her stand
for cautious expansion of city construction and opposition to relaxing exisit-
ing zoning laws is a step in the right direction.
We make no endorsements for mayor. Texas A&M student Karl Crawley
lacks the needed expertise, although we applaud his interest. Incumbent
Lorence Bravenec has the expertise, and has managed the council
Our endorsement for School Board, Position 6, goes to Bruce Robeck,
political science professor at Texas A&M, Robeck has done an admirable job
on the board, and we see no reason to replace him. He seems to have a good
grasp on the school district’s tax problems — the needs and the limitations of
the district’s taxing prerogatives.
School Board, Position 7, support goes to Bill Wasson, director of audits
for the Texas A&M System. Although not an incumbent, Wasson seems to
March 31, 1978
share our opinion that the board has been tied up long enough in tax hassles
and that it’s time to move on to more constructive matters. He, too, under
stands the value of individual citizen input, input that should not be buried
under the political power of larger interest groups.
We urge you to consider all the candidates carefully. Copies of The Battal
ion s Wednesday election section with interviews with all the candidates are
available in The Battalion office, Reed-McDonald Bldg. 216. But don’t stop
there. Cast your ballots tomorrow.
Place 4 candidates
seek mixed vote
The Fourth Ward of College Station
takes in the residential areas of south Col
lege Station — the newer neighborhoods
where professors and middle-class salary
earners make up the majority of the area.
The apartment complexes hold hundreds
of students. The ward is probably the
county’s closest relative to a metropolitan
Most of the city’s new homes are being
constructed in the Southwood Valley area
of the ward. The past two years have seen
the construction of new apartment com
plexes in the area — the leading edge in
College Station’s residential growth.
Two candidates are trying to become
the council representatives for this atjca ()f
College Station. They are Patricia
Houghton, '46-year-old housew ife, and
Tony Jones, a 31-year-old home builder.
Both are political novices.
In the past few elections home builders
and developers have fared poorly in Col
lege Station council races. Incumbant Don
Dale was defeated in 1975 by Bob Bell.
One of the main issues of the campaign
was Dale’s occupation as a builder and his
United Press International
WASHINGTON — The only way for
Middle East peace negotiations apparently
is up.
President Carter and Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin reached rock
bottom in their recent meeting in Wash
ington on what is necessary to move to
ward peace. As far as the administration is
concerned, the basic issues were clarified
and defined like never before.
Carter sought ways to approach Israeli
security fears by indicating that some U.S.
guarantees might be arranged — with the
approval of Congress — but Begin appar
ently indicated he is not willing to accept
any alternative t.' the Israeli Army.
Begin has said everything is “negoti
able although it is clear that Carter has
not found him that forthcoming or open,
and prospects for a settlement have been
set back.
The Israeli Prime Minister won the
unanimous backing of his Cabinet on his
return to Israel and there are reports that
new secret proposals will be made to
Letters to the editor
favoring the development of a residentially
zoned area for an apartment complex. Jim
Jett, a local realtor, was defeated by Gary
Halter in the same election.
Where the previous candidates were
against the restrictions of local zoning
Jones told The Battalion that zoning must
be maintained to secure and preserve per
sonal privacy and safety. This may seem
the antithesis of most builders. But in re
cent years some builders have realized
that zoning can be used to their advantage.
And it’s a political necessity, in Odlege sta-
tiort to take a stand in favor cirzbinng con
Boughton takes the stand that zoning
needs to be updated by devising better
procedures for tlie rezoning of apartment
and commercial areas.
Both candidates appear to be cautious
about the involvement of students in the
talks can’t
Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.
From that aspect, the ball is back in the
Israeli-Egyptian court and any immediate
movement will have to be generated by
those two countries. Right now, the
United States appears to be taking a wait-
and-see approach.
Washington Window
Officials stress that they have not closed
the doors and will continue to probe pos
sibilities for negotiations. But Carter
aides, and the congressmen he has briefed
on the talks with Begin, indicate that the
president is discouraged and less optimis
tic than he was a few months ago.
To American officials, Begin has taken
the position that he is not bound by past
Israeli government acceptance of U.N.
Resolution 242 which calls for Israeli with
drawal from Arab captured territory. The
Israeli leader also is adamant that the set
tlements must remain where they are, and
forecasts more settlements on the West
city government.
Boughton is totally opposed to the idea
of a student being a councilman. She be
lieves that it would be impractical for stu
dent to be on the council because they
usually live in the city for only four years.
The housewife does believe that students
could be on advisory boards and serve as
volunteers to distribute surveys and ques
Jones, on the other hand, took the easy
way out in answering a Battalion question
concerning student participation in city
government. He said that all registered
voters have equal rights and respon
sibilities in city government. This was bas
ically a politically neutral statement.
Neither anti-student or pro-student. It
keeps everyone happy.
It probably doesn’t matter if Botighton
and Jones are pro-student or anti-student.
The election is on a Saturday and if the sun
is out, the students will be out at Some
rville or at the pool. With the present state
law placing all local elections on the same
day and that day being a Saturday, the
students are less likely to take time out
from their only full day of relaxation.
Bank — a move Garter believes woidd fur-
the r complicate negotiations.
Both Begin and Carter agree that a
Palestinian state should not evolve from
peace negotiations, but Carter has urged
that the Palestinians be given the right to
align with Jordan, or align with Israel or to
continue interim arrangements. Begin has
proposed a form of self rule for the West
Bank with a continuation oflsraeli military
Despite the differences which broke
into the open. Carter and all top adminis
tration officials have reaffirmed the U.S.
commitment to Israeli security. But the
political gap is presently wide, and for the
first time, the traditionally stalwart pro-
Israeli senators and congressmen have ex
pressed hope for more Israeli resiliency in
the negotiations.
Meantime, Egyptian President Anwar
Sadat has urged Carter to take the role of a
partner, instead of mediator in the negoti
ations, and that is not what Carter has in
mind, according to aides.
“As it is, we are accused of taking sides.
The student vote in the Fourth Ward
this weekend will probably be negligible
at best. The polling place at South Knoll
Elementary School is a car drive away for
most students in the ward. A car drive
most students won’t take.
The only candidate that is assured of a
win on Saturday is incumbant Councilman
Jim Dozier. His Place 6 ward failed to
draw a two-man race this spring.
Dozier, a 54-year-old finance professor,
has been a councilman for eight years, dur
ing which time he has presented a pragma
tic, hard-line attitude to the council’s con
trol of the city government.
Polling places in tomorrow’s city council
election are as follows: Ward 2 (includes
the Commons and Corps dorms) is the
A&M Consolidated Special Services
Building on Jersey street. Ward '4 is at
South Knoll Elementary School. Ward 6,
including a few Northgate dorms, is the
College Station Fire Department. For the
wards voting in just the mayorial race the
polling places are: Ward 1 at College Hills
Elementary School, Ward 3 at Lincoln
Center and Ward 5 at the Bee Creek
Municipal Swimming Pool.
said one official.
It appears there may be some feeling
that the dust should settle in the Middle
East tug of war, but the basic problems
remain and time will not be the great
Peace in the Middle East seems far
away. Carter said publicly after the latest
round of talks. Coming to grips with the
realities, rather than just the hopes of all
sides for peace is what has now happened.
No one doubts that the Israelis and the
Arabs want peace, but on what terms and
with what concessions remain in question.
If anything, recent events indicate a
hardening of positions, but those positions
are better known now than ever before,
and the public’s perception of the basic is
sues involved in achieving a peace settle
ment is much clearer than in the past and
there is greater awareness.
From that aspect there is the element of
public opinion which will undoubtedly
play a bigger role from now on in deter
mining the course of U.S. Middle East
get much worse
Good bull can go so far before it goes bad
One of the purposes of higher education
is not only to learn a profession, but to
develop an attitude of professionalism. An
important part of this attitude is learning
to work with people, including women. I
am not a raving feminist, but the career
woman is here to stay. With 9,000 women
enrolled here and the number growing,
this is rather obvious.
We have all got to learn to compete on a
friendly basis, and men must develop the
confidence to work with women without
having their masculinity threatened. It is
not mature to dump butyric acid and ma
nure in the vents of Dorm 1 just because
one does not agree with everything W-l
does. It is a pity that an organization as
fine as the Corps is teaching their
freshmen such rotten professional views.
This may be “good bull,” now, but the bad
attitude developed now will hinder many
CT’s the rest of their careers.
Dorm 1 (of which we non-regs take up
three floors) has been flooded, and now
bombarded by nauseating aromas. As we
gasp for air we wonder — how can such
senseless actions go on at an institute ded
icated to turning out the nation’s top engi
neers, scientists and other professionals?
— Claire Hodgin, ’81
Good luck
It is indeed a shame that I will not be at
Texas A&M long enough to enjoy the
editorship of Ms. Kim Tyson who I think is
beautiful both in her writing and looks.
Congratulations, Kim. If Pat O’Malley has
taken some of the excellent pictures which
we have had the good fortune to see in the
Battalion in its recent issues we should
look forward to a graphic Aggieland. Keep
on truckin’, Batt.
— I.A. Chisti, ’78
Theft at Sbisa
No, I never thought it would happen to
me. You know you always read letters by
people who have had things stolen. I al
ways managed to feel some sympathy for
them, but since I wasn’t the victim, I
really didn t know what it was like.
Well, now I do. Yesterday, I went to eat
at Sbisa and left my books on the tables
that are set up for that purpose. When, I
came to collect my books, one was miss
ing; and yes, it was the Sociology book I
was reading for my test tomorrow and yes,
I probably will make a low grade on it or
maybe fail it altogether because of this.
But I am not writing this letter because
of that, it’s because of your action that Ag
gies are afraid to be trusting and get a bad
opinion of A&M. So, I hope whoever you
are, that you will read this and that next
time you need a book to read, you will ask
someone if you can borrow theirs. But,
from the way you’ve acted you probably
don’t have any friends to borrow from.
— Ana Quintana, ’80
A Corps reply
To: George Welch.
If you don’t like the Corps, go to t.u.
— Biff Harwood, ’78
Editor’s note: This letter is in response to
George Welch’s comments in this section
March 28. It had 31 additional signatures. ,
Top of the News
Candidates must submit forms
Candidates for the following positions should have their completed
questionnaires turned in no later than 5 p.m. today: student govern
ment executive positions, yell leaders, OCSA president and RHA
president. Candidates not already signed up to have their pictures
made should call the Battalion office, 845-2611.
Luther undergoing treatment
O. L. Luther, chief of University Police, is receiving treatment and
tests as an out-patient at Methodist Hospital in Houston. Luther has
been away from his post since March 3, said Tom Parsons, directoro(
traffic and safety and acting chief.
Car registration deadline nears
Motorists who waited until this week to renew the state registra
tion tags on their cars may find the tiny car stickers cost more than
they imagined, state highway officials said in Austin Thursday. If the
tags are not on cars by midnight Saturday, they will be even more
expensive, according to Vernon Callaway, administrative assistant to
the director of the Motor Vehicles Division of the Texas Department
of Highways and Public Transportation, license plate tags bought
after Saturday will have an additional 20 percent penalty charge if the
car has been driven after the deadline, Callaway said. A motorist
caught driving a car without current tags after Saturday can be
fined up to $200.
Group to study federal funding
Texas cities, government and business leaders are financing an
effort to create a national research group to combat moves by north
eastern states to siphon federal funds into so-called frostbelt states.
Former Houston Mayor Louie Welch announced the creation of an
interim steering committee Thursday for the National Economic Re
search Institute and told reporters at a Capitol news conference in
Austin that the group expects to be joined by representatives of more
than 25 states. Welch said the new organization will not lobby but
will make detailed studies of proposed legislation and provide infor
mation to Congress on impact of changes in complicated formulas for
distributing federal funds. Welch said the purpose of the new group
will not be to oppose the frostbelt states but to work for policies that
do not discriminate in favor of any region.
Yarbrough to appeal conviction
Attorney's for Donald B. Yarbrough said Thursday they will appeal
the aggravated perjury' conviction of the former Texas Supreme Court
justice on grounds he was denied a fair trial. A Travis County jury on
Jan. 26 convicted Yarbrough of lying to a grand jury about a summer
meeting with former business associate John William Rothkopf, and
the next day set his sentence at five years in prison. Yarbrough is free
on bond, and defense attorney Waggoner Carr said he expects Yar
brough to remain free pending the outcome of his appeal. Carr said a
major point in Yarbrough’s appeal will be the contention that prose
cutors improperly introduced evidence concerning other offenses at
the trial, and that evidence turned jurors against Yarbrough. Yar
brough admitted at the trial he had lied to the grand jury about the
meeting with Rothkopf, but Carr said he thinks the former justice
would have been given probation if prosecutors had not introduced
evidence of forgery and other offenses. Yarbrough was elected to the
court in 1976, and took office Jan. 1, 1977. He resigned July 15, 1977,
moments after the legislature began consideration of proposals to
force his removal from office.
Another blast rips derailment
Another explosion ripped through the wreckage at a train derail
ment in Lewisville, Ark., late Thursday afternoon, only hours after
most of the town’s 700 residents had been allowed to return home.
The lafayette County sheriffs office called it a “small explosion’ that
knocked out power in the town for a short time. On person was
reported injured. Doug Szenher, a spokesman for the state Pollution
Control and Ecology Department, said the explosion apparently was
caused by the cleanup effort.
Ex-congressman may face trial
A federal grand jury will be asked to decide Friday whether to
indict former Rep. Otto Passman, D-La., in connection with alleged
South Korean influence-buying efforts in Congress, sources in Wash
ington said Thursday. If the grand jury accepts prosecutors’ recom
mendations and indicts Passman, the once powerful chairman of a
House foreign aid subcommittee will become the second ex
congressman to face criminal charges in the Korean case. Former
Rep. Richard Hanna, D-Calif., pleaded guilty March 17 to a single
count of conspiracy in an agreement in which the Justice Department
dropped 39 other felony counts three days before he was to stand
trial. Indicted Korean businessman Tongsun Park has provided much
of the evidence against Passman, 77, including testimony before the
grand jury last week.
Man buries frozen mother
The body of 80-year-old Gladys Rogers, still frozen from three
attempts by her son to bring her back to life, was buried Thursday,
eight weeks after her death. Mrs. Rogers died Feb. 2 of flu in Harri
son, Ark. Her son froze the body and was able to convince Missouri
authorities to let him take the body into the state for a resurrection
attempt. Arkansas officials had refused. Rogers, who said he wanted
to resurrect his mother to bring more people to Christ, was unavaila
ble for comment after the funeral.
Partly cloudy and warm today, tonight and Saturday with late
night and early morning fog. High today upper 70s, low
wonight low 50s. High tomorrow low 80s. Winds from the
south at 10-15 mph. Fair, warm and dry through Sunday with
a chance of showers Sunday night.
The Battalion
Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor
or of the writer of the article and are not necessarily those of
the University administration or the Board of Regents. The
Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting enterprise oper
ated by students as a university and community newspaper.
Editorial policy is determined by the editor.
Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are
subject to being cut to that length or less if longer. The
editorial staff reserves the right to edit such letters and does
not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must he
signed, show the address of the writer and list a telephone
number for verification.
Address correspondence to Letters to the Editor, The
Battalion, Room 216, Reed McDonald Building, College
Station, Texas 77843.
Represented nationally by National Educational Adver
tising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago and Los
The Battalion is published Monday through Friday from
September through May except during exam and holiday
periods and the summer, when it is published on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester; $33.25 per
school year; $35.00 per full year. Advertising rates furnished
on request. Address. The Battalion, Room 216, Reed
McDonald Building, College Station, Texas 77843
United Press International is entitled exclusively
use for reproduction of all news dispatches credited^:
Rights of reproduction of all other matter herein resell!
Second-Class postage paid at College Station, TX "W!
Texas Press Association
Southwest Journalism Congress
Editor Jamie Ail^
Managing Editor Mary.Alice Wixxll#
Sports Editor Piud Amd*
News Editors Marie Homcycr. Carol Mm 1
Assistant Managing Editor Gleima WW!
City Editor KamiRoiM'
Campus Editor Kim Tvs*
Reporters Liz Nowlin. Dadd Bo^ 11
Mark Patterson, Loo Hoy l/vschpor Jr..(ty
Welch. Jim Crawley v Andy Willie
Paige Beasley. Roll .Uf^
Photographers Susan Wohh. Dadd
Cartoonist Ikmg (Ink*
Student Publications Board: Bob C. Rogers, Cfolinwi
Joe Arredondo, Dr. Gary Halter, Dr. Charles McQpit*
Dr. Clinton A. Phillips, ReM Rice. Director of Slmlii
Publications: Donald C. Johtison.