The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 22, 1978, Image 1

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    sThe Battalion
' tlij
Vol. 71 No. 119
14 Pages
Wednesday, March 22, 1978
College Station, Texas
News Dept. 845-2611
Business Dept. 845-2611
Inside Wednesday
Is your name being sold? p. 9.
County bridges: picturesque, but
are they safe? p. 4.
Ags lose to USC 5-2, p. 12.
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ry it
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ebanon fighting stops
s Begin, Carter talk
United Press International
liajor fighting in southern Lebanon
~ M today and Iranian soldiers crossed
IrJiBie region as part of a U.N. force to
a cease-fire between Israeli forces
| <( Hiilestinian guerrillas,
thl Washington, President Carter and
>di9 Prime Minister Menachem Begin
y Miled a final showdown meeting to
-eit-Min their sharp differences on Israel’s
s. pday invasion of Lebanon and other
- e East issues.
li gunboats, jets and artillery ham-
pockets of Palestinian resistance in
ern Lebanon Tuesday and then
tly halted. Defense Minister Ezer
said Israel began observing a
fire at 6 p.m., 11 a.m. EST.
Israeli military sources said the Palesti-
nains appeared to be reciprocating, al
though the guerrilla force vowed to con
tinue hit-and-run attacks until Israel
withdraws from Lebanese soil. Early to
day, there no reports of major fighting.
In Beirut, right-wing radio reports said
to 200 Iranian soldiers, the first contingent
of a 4,000-man U.N. peace-keeping force,
arrived in southern Lebanon today.
The Phalangist Voice of Lebanon station
said the troops arrived in the south Leba
non village of Kleia — a rightist stronghold
— and were moving north toward the Li-
tani River.
Israel now occupies nearly all of Leba
non south of the Litani River, with the
exception of the port city of Tyre. The Li
tani is the only barrier between Israeli
Vhite supremacy
nds in Rhodesia
United Press International
m JSBURY, Rhodesia — The passing
w :ra came quietly to Rhodesia, except
Jp iboom of artillery that marked mili-
M^Haining exercises across the street.
^Hlack bishop of the Anglican church
^^■istered an oath to three black lead-
Tlesday in a ceremony creating a mul-
i|H transitional government and end-
B years of white supremacy,
jislop Abel Muzorewa, probably
^^Ksia’s most popular black nationalist,
felt a bit uncomfortable about
^Bng allegiance to the illegal govern-
pt cf Rhodesia but was doing it for "the
Best good.
Minister Ian Smith appeared re-
about presiding over the end of
jte domination. “We live in a changing
Dm Id he said.
Porters, photographers and camera-
toC# ere ^ arre< ^ from the swearing-in
)llo" e l on y ' n Smith s official residence,
rin the day. Smith, Muzorewa and
ther two blacks — the Rev.
abaningi Sithole and tribal chief
Piah Chirau — held their first meet-
as co-equals of the interim govern-
fs executive council.
jey decided the second tier of the
irim government that will prepare
sia for a full transfer to black rule on
1, a ministerial council, would haVe
■portfolios, each to be shared by a
ite and a black.
tin conform with the law, the three
ch had to be sworn in as ministers
Suf portfolio in Smiths s cabinet. They
lad to swear allegiance to Rhodesia —
Eimbabwe as blacks call it — under
Prms of the 1969 constitution,
[ihnically it was illegal since Smith’s
~ unilateral declaration of indepen-
from Britain was an act of treason
international law.
[the Rt. Rev. Patrick Murindagomo,
lean bishop of Rhodesia’s Mashona-
I province, administered the oath,
ers across the street trained on artil-
ipieces at the King George VI bar
something that we have to do to reach our
goal. ”
Sithole said he didn’t mind because “we
will swear allegiance to Zimbabwe on Dec.
31, 1978.”
In Washington, the State Department
said the swearing in of the interim gov
ernment was “another stage in the process
of political change in Rhodesia but falls
short of a genuine transfer of power to the
black majority.
forces and 30,000 Syrian troops in Leba
In Beirut, a spokesman for the Palestine
Liberation Organization said Israel should
pull out of south Lebanon before calling
for a cease-fire.
“Our reaction to Israel’s unilateral call
for a cease-fire is the call for the immediate
withdrawel of Israeli troops without pre
set conditions,” spokesman Mahmoud
Labady said.
“The Middle East crisis did not start
with the Israeli invasion of south Lebanon
nor will it end with the Israeli withdrawal
from south Lebanon, he said.
The cease-fire came almost seven days
to the hour since the start of the massive
Israeli incursion, which brought more
than 700 square miles of Lebanese terri
tory under Israeli occupation.
There was no indication, however,
when an Israeli pullback would be or
Israeli forces now have effectively
sealed off Tyre and the neighboring
Rashidiyeh refugee camp, and Israeli
gunners control the remaining bridges
across the Litani River.
In the hours leading up to Israel’s
cease-fire announcement Tuesday, Israeli
artillery hammered Palestinain positions
from Tyre in the west to the Arqoub in the
east, near the western slopes of Mount
Tyre residents said the Rashidiyeh and
Al Bass camps near Tyre were heavily
bombarded, as well as the city proper and
ruins of ancient Tyre — one of the greatest
archaeological treasures of the Middle
Farmers vow
under half of
to plow
United Press International
Striking farmers in America’s grain belt are welcoming spring by plowing under
part of their winter wheat crop.
As part of its continuing demand for a break-even price, American Agriculture
called for half the winter wheat crop to be plowed under, starting Tuesday. Farmers
in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and Texas responded by plowing through some of
their fields of young wheat.
“We’re going to be going a lot stronger than 50 percent,” said Ray Morgan of
Hugoton, Kan. “We’re going to be plowing up about 50 acres and pasturing off 130
of a total 280 acres. That leaves us with about 100 acres.
“We just decided to go with it all. If you’re going to support this, you might as
well go all the way.”
Turning the winter wheat acreage over to grazing is an alternative because it
prevents wind erosion, said Keith Thomas of Springfield, Colo.
The crop is planted in the fall, lies dormant during the winter and usually is
harvested in June and July.
“The winter wheat crop is the finest wheat in the world and goes mostly for bread
and human consumption,” Thomas said. “It will take a while, but people will feel
what we are doing this week. ”
Thomas said at least 100,000 of Baca county’s 290,000-acre winter wheat crop
would be plowed under or leased for grazing. He said farmers would plow under an
average of 2,000 acres a day.
Farmers in Hereford, Texas signed pledges on the amount of land they would
plow under. Roddy Allred of American Agriculture there said the activity was
unorganized and no figure was available on the number of farmers taking part.
In Montana and Oklahoma, American Agriculture spokesmen said the starting
date was postponed because the cold winter had slowed the sprouting process, but
widespread participation was expected.
J.C. Lewis, a farmer from Guymon, Okla., said American Agriculture members
in his area wanted to wait until the wheat crop was visible and the public wouldn’t
claim the plowing occurred because “the wheat wasn’t any good anyway.”
In Georgia, Ohio, Iowa and other eastern farm states, the planting season has not
begun, but spokesmen for American Agriculture said smaller than normal crops
were planned.
Dean Simeral of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation said some farmers have
promised to limit production to no more than half the normal crop.
Tuesday’s dedication of the new Texas A&M
University baseball complex, C. E. (Pat) Olsen
Field, included the unveiling of a plaque honor
ing the 1923 graduate. Left to right are Olsen,
Chairman of the Board of Regents Clyde Wells,
Olsen’s wife Elsie, and University President Jarvis
Miller. See game story, page 12.
Battalion photo by Pat O’Malley
The Easter Bunny came early this year for children of Texas A&M
faculty and students. Lee Greenfield sacks one egg and anxiously
looks for another. Battalion photo by Dennis Billingsley
MSC egg hunt excites
all, frustrates some
“I found a blue one, ” screams a four-year-old as he snatches an Easter egg
from a patch of tall grass, and skips off to find another.
The Memorial Student Center Hospitality Committee hosted the first
annual MSC Easter Egg Hunt and Party Tuesday for children of faculty and
students, two through eight years of age.
Thirteen dozen hard-boiled and candy eggs were hidden in the MSC park
beside Kyle Field, only to be frantically scooped into baskets and sacks by
thirty-six smiling children.
Despite laughter from the excited hunters, two and three-year-olds found
the hunt a bit aggravating. The Easter eggs were too big for their small
delicate hands, and many fell to the ground, cracked, and were left for the
The children were also entertained with refreshments, Easter stories,
and animated movie and a craft shop. Crafts included making rabbits and
“magic” pictures.
Jennifer Brock, chairman of the MSC Hospitality Committee said the
group is planning to entertain children again this summer with a Fourth of
July party and free baton twirling lessons.
Christmas and Easter parties will be annual events for the Committee.
The Christmas parties have been given for the children the past two years.
The 1977 party attracted about 150 youngsters.
Judiciary head
steps down,
Kennedy in
United Press International
WASHINGTON — Sen. James O. East-
land, the Senate’s senior member and the
powerful chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee, will not seek re-election after
serving more than 36 years, according to a
top aide.
Eastland, a conservative Democrat from
Mississippi and one of the last of the old-
time Southerners to rule in the Senate,
planned to announce his political plans to
The decision by the 73-year-old East-
land not to seek another term means that
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., a
Northern liberal, will assume chairman
ship of the Judiciary Committee in
Although Eastland’s once autocratic rule
of the committee has been eroded in re
cent years, it is certain Kennedy will move
the panel into areas that were put off limits
by his Mississippi colleague.
Sen. Warren Magnuson, D-Wash., who
came to the Senate in 1944, will take over
as Senate president pro tern next year. Al
though it is a largely ceremonial position,
it would make him the third in line of suc
cession for the presidency after the vice
president and House Speaker.
“I’m going to make a statement in the
morning,” Eastland said Tuesday after
being questioned about reports he would
not run. “I don’t want to disclose what’s in
it. I don’t want to lead you astray.”
But in Jackson, state Rep. Clarence
Pierce, a member of Eastland’s Mississippi
staff, confirmed the rumors and reports,
which swept through the state and Capitol
Hill in Washington.
“It was unfortunate that he was not able
to announce it to all of the people of
Mississippi, which was his intent,” Pierce
said. “He wanted to speak to all of the
people of Mississippi first but somebody
apparently leaked it.”
The news gave a boost to Republican
hopes of capturing the seat, elated a prom
inent civil rights leader and could bring
into the race candidates who had decided
to bypass it.
Mayor Charles Evers of Fayette, a black
and a veteran civil rights leader said East
land's retirement would be “the greatest
damn” thing that has ever happened to
this country.
“You see, he’s had it given to him for 36
years and this time he was going to have to
fight for it,” Evers said. “He was going to
have about 200,000 black folks fighting
against him, plus he’s going to have that
many or more white folks to fight and I
don’t think he was physically able to do it.”
Monday, former Gov. Bill Waller’s an
nouncement that he would run in the pri
mary brought to three the number of chal
lengers within Eastland’s party. The other
two are Robert L. Robinson, former head
of the Agricultural and Industrial Board,
and Henry J. Kirksey, a black activist.
Gov. Cliff Finch has called a meeting of
supporters for April 6, tire day before the
qualifying deadline, but has not indicated
he will run.
Bryan-College Station officials
okay preparedness program
April became Severe Weather and Tor
nado Preparedness Month for Brazos
County Tuesday. The mayors of Bryan
and Colelge Station added their signatures
to a proclamation provided by County
Judge William Vance at a meeting on the
Texas A&M University campus. Vance
had signed the proclamation earlier.
The meeting was attended by about 40
local civil defense workers and members of
the news media. Jake Canglose, director of
the Brazos County Civil Defense unit di
rected the meeting.
Vance Moyer, professor of meteorology
at Texas A&M, warned the gathering that
tornado season begins in the spring and is
fully developed in April. He pointed out
that a tornado hasn’t hit Bryan or College
Station since April 1956, when a tornado
roared through Bryan, destroying homes
and businesses.
“We’ve been lucky,” Canglose said. “I
think our odds are getting short.”
A radio station carrying up-to-date
weather information 24 hours a day will be
in operation in College Station in about
two weeks, Doyle Casey of the National
Weather Service’s Waco base said. The
NWS will provide constant weather in
formation to the station from its base in
The station, funded by the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
will operate at 162.55 mhz EM and be re
ceivable within a 40 to 50 mile radius of
College Station.
In case of severe weather in Brazos
County, one of Brazos County’s 300 to 400
“spotters” would call the station, report
the type of danger (tornado, hail, high
winds) and its exact location, Canglose
said. Casey said the information would be
broadcast within a minute of the spotter’s
report to the station.
Also at the meeting, local television sta
tions were asked to broadcast a W in the
upper right hand corner of the screen
when severe weather watches and warn
ings are in effect. Radio stations were
asked to broadcast a special tone every
three minutes.
Canglose said that in the case of ex
tremely dangerous weather “well blow
the hell out of anything that makes noise
(horns) in the city.”
Fire trucks and police cars will patrol
the streets with their sirens blasting, he
said, and horns and bells at local govern
ment buildings will sound. The civil
defense unit has the cooperation of both
cities and the department of public
safety for the effort, he added.
Canglose asked the news media to
undertake a campaign to educate the
people of Brazos County on what to do in
case of severe weather. He asked that the
campaign be held in April.
The civil defense unit and the National
Weather Service have a severe weather
emergency program for the county.
“I just hope we never have to use it,”
Moyer said.
Miners 7 wives nag UMW
United Press International
Miners’ wives, urging rejection in Friday’s ratification vote of the soft coal
operators’ latest contract offer, vowed to picket UMW headquarters in Washington
today, the 107th day of the strike.
In West Virginia, coal operators said they were ready to deliver at least 1.5
million tons of coal to public utilities and industries within 24 hours of a contract
In the coal fields, union leaders lobbied for approval of the pact in Friday’s vote
and few observers would book odds on the election much beyond a range of 50-50.
Coal operators warned the contract now under consideration will raise produc
tion costs and consumer utility bills, and growing ranks of the miners who must
accept or reject it clammored for removal of Arnold Miller, the man they elected
union president last year.
The man who lost that election saw the long and bitter walkout as vindication of
his campaign.
“Arnold Miller has proved beyond a doubt to the coal miners of this country that
he can’t negotiate a contract," said Lee Roy Patterson in Madisonville, Ky. Patter
son gave the present contract proposal — the third negotiated so far — a 50-50
chance in Friday’s ratification vote.
“I no longer have to preach about Miller as being stupid. He’s put it down on
paper with this contract.”
Wives of Pennsylvania miners agreed, and about 100 of them said Tuesday they
will picket the union’s Washington headquarters today — both against ratification
and against Miller.
“We don’t feel Miller can do his job,” said organizer Nora Waltman of Johnstown,
Pa. “I cannot see my husband or any miner returning to work for less than what
they had Dec. 6.
“We’ve been in this strike 106 days now. We’re so far in debt now it’s not going to
hurt us to go a little farther.”