THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1978 Page 9 rAg track team t f dwins own relays Wri* ^ ie were not very hospit- isc»tp e to their guests Saturday at the hat If ollege Station Relays. en’P The men’s track team placed in is the top three in 12 out of 16 events, lentsH’d won its own meet hands down Je , r with 148 points. leu® Freshman Mike Mosley led the ijfMggies to victory with points in the Ibng jump, 100-meter dash, 110- irieter hurdles and sprint relay. Mosley took second in the long Simp with a leap of 24-7.25, second fn the 110-meter hurdles with a time of 13.52 and ran the first leg of the winning 400-meter relay team. I The 400-meter relay team of Mosley, Ray Brooks, Leslie Kerr jid Curtis Dickey won with a time 40.14, while the mile relay team 1 Karl Figgs, Arthur Williams, rnon Pittman and Kerr won with |time of 3:14.47. NCAA indoor 60-yard dash [lampion Curtis Dickey continued Sis winning ways at Kyle Field. Dickey won the 100-meter dash ith a time of 10.1 and anchored the ©-meter relay team to victory. Freshman Randy Hall from Port [avaca took first and qualified for e NCAA meet in Eugene, Ore. ith a vault of 16 feet 6 inches. Hall y ffiolds the Texas state record (16 feet 10 inches) and led the nation all last par in the pole vault while at Cal- aun High School. I The shot putters did well by tak- |g first and second in their event, im Scott won with a put of 54-11.5 lid Randy Scott finished second |ith a toss of 54-0.5. High jumpers Ronnie Keys and NEED CASH? J We pay cash for used books! .oupot's Bookstore J Northgate - Across from the Post Office Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 1*5:30 846-5816 Mike Whitwell both cleared 6-8. Keys placed second on fewer misses and Whitwell took third. Senior Manfred Kohrs placed second in both of his events. Kohrs had a 3:52.36 in the 1,500-meter run and a 14:17.55 in the 5,000 meter run. Ray Brooks edged out Rice’s Carlton Derret in 200-meters with a time of 20.93 and also finished third in the 100-meter dash with a time of 10.3. Tim Scott placed second in the discus with a toss of 169 feet 2 inches. Coach Ted Nelson felt this was the Aggies finest effort this year. Nelson said, “We finally got some of the guys to come around like we thought they would earlier in the year. ” Nelson said he was pleased with all of the times and said Mosley’s performance was one of his best this year. He said Leslie Kerr and Curtis Dickey also did a good job. The Aggies may not be the best of hosts but then, what is the home track advantage good for if you can not win your own meet? The Aggies will compete in the McAllen Invitational Saturday. HAVE LUNCH ON US! Everyone who leases an apt. through A&M Apt. Place ment Service will be given a FREE Lunch at T.J. s Our way of saying, "Thanks Ags." 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Auditions will be March 28 & 29 in the Coffee House Basement. Call Carolyn Brothers between 6 and 7 p.m. nightly to sign up for an audition or for more information. 845-5762 College Republicans present Ray Hutchison Candidate for Governor Tuesday, Mar. 21 7:30 Rm. 206 MSC AT THIS! 5 ACADEMY AWARDS- DINNER OF 4 GOLDEN GLOBESlg PIONEER SX-550 STEREO AM/FM RECEIVER 20 watts per chan nel with no more than 0.3% total harmonic distor tion. Reg. $275 $189°° SANSUI 6060 STEREO AM/FM RECEIVER 40 watts per channel with no more than 0.4% total harmonic distortion. Q ® * O ® Q „ ' Reg. $420 SALE $ 259 00 MARANTZ 6110 TURNTABLE Dust Cover Walnut Base Reg. $145 ONLY $9900 We've gathered together some of our top, most- sought after stereo gear, given them our lowest prices ever, and here they are! No wonder we're Aggieland's fastest grow ing audio store! NIKKO NA-550 INTEGRATED STEREO AMPLIFIER 45 watts per channel with no more than 0.05% total harmonic distortion. 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