sen Field’s near completion, . A /uprnamb* Ipmong nation’s premier stadiums gry THE BATTALION MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1978 Page 9 Eddie Dominguez '66 Joe Arciniega '74 SBMIBI ■C.E. “Pat” Olsen Field is one of tht premier college baseball racilities in the nation. fThe playing field is surfaced with ffljnatural turf-grass and is aligned in a north-south direction with the pitcher facing south. The field’s di mensions are 330 feet down each ■il line, 375 feet to the power al leys in right-and left-centerfields, 'and 400 feet to straightaway center. Were is a 15-foot warning track next to the outfield fence and from firstbase to thirdbase in front of the grandstand. ■The partially-roofed concrete grandstand seats approximately 5,000 people. Seating for 2,600 in | the central section of the grandstand Is riser-mounted and has aluminum [foldingchairs with armrests. Seating for 1,200 on each side of the central yjsection is benchtype aluminum seat- ~ - ing with backrests. HAn enclosed pressbox provides _Ljfwo broadcasting booths for radio, — an official scorer’s booth with a pub- lie address system, controls for the jg - electronic scoreboard and work I llpace for 12 writers. If Beneath the grandstand are dress ing facilities for the Texas A&M Bam and the visiting team, com- ~£lete with lockers and showers. Tunnels lead from the dressing jroom to the dugouts. There is also a pressing room for umpires with a —Stunnel leading to the field. An office Hr Texas A&M coach Tom Chan- jcller, a training room, equipment Itorage room and a groundskeeper’s d Bom are also located beneath the 35 Krandstand. chbtHoisen Field has several features r l 1 ' id( signed for spectator’s conve- 1 iiience. Among these are a large Ipncessions facility, an asphalt park- [rig area with room for 800 cars adja- If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . .. We call it “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 Texas A&M baseball coach Tom Chandler (left) and Pat Olsen discuss plans for the March 21 dedication of C. E. “Pat” Olsen Battalion photo by Derrick Grubbs Field. Ceremonies will begin at 2 p.m. Tues day, followed by a game between the Aggies and the Southern Cal Trojans at 3 p.m. Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 Aggi e Special ALL-YOU-CAN eat Crisp golden fried Chicken French Fries Homemade Rolls Cole Slaw only GOOD 7 DAYS A WEEK ANY TIME OF DAY 1800 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION 693-9515 cent to the field and a special access ramp for the handicapped. Built for the future as well as for the present, the stadium provides room for growth. Room has been left for the extension of the grand stand on each side and electrical power capability has been provided for future lighting on the field. GREAT ISSUES presents “BUILDING NEW ENVIRONMENTS” SPEAKER: MR. PRESTON BOLTON A&M CLASS 41 PRES., TEX. ASSOC. OF ARCHITECTS OWNER, P. M. BOLTON ASSOC. lues. March 21, 1978 12:30 p.m. 701 Rudder Tower Free ret? ;('(!■ lit' Town Hall is now accepting applications for membership for 1978-79 Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors are eligible. Applications available in Room 216 MSC March 20-31. Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 ours? ec BlofW yOlir — tV\\^yocVex,ca\cu\bXot \ov nnVv&u'fou n\s\XA|OUT VVvQCye: WAn. duftfY^ OUT ^^5 Ce\e- bra-tAou!’ He're 5 -a <\ftcova.A\n^\Xfcu\^ou cax\ couuX. ou."\V\\5 bvaud uAme, ^>ocVftA ^vcx\a\W X.Vva.w a. cWcV\>oo\0) ca\- cuVaXoT \\a.s V\n^ V\^unw%\uwcXAQVvv So '/ou can out. a\\ 'jouv AocovaXXw^uoo^ c\u\tkV/ and accuraXftVf — Vvonn voaw^ -^av^ o\ \a\iT\c ot Vvo'N uvarej square o\ cav^etXo^'/ouW wee-A— aodVvoNN mucYv’vx^aW ^o\o^X.o cosA. \x!\\ a\so covrvo \w VvauA'f 'fou do 'foot tax aod' voaVos a So \\ 'f ou te. ‘xutfcroAlod Vc\ aVvxs ^ecxaXVj v T xAod ca\c.u\atox ^ (^UVV^^ Ate > as nnoXX a^ a\\ A\\o excxAxx\% v' rv ° ue ' axxd coXoxa dcxaA are. xaonn aNavXaXAe to '/ou, covoo aoo Xov s j at A\xo GX^VXxotxo VXart. Xt: 5 a vAxoXe oonn NNaj ao see ^ou pXxooe comv^. — Culpepper Plaza Offer *Suoo e .r_. .. d °nty while quantities last. ist Price. Batteries not included.