The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 20, 1978, Image 3
s Nobel prize winner to visit THE BATTALION MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1978 Page 3 Nobel Prize winner Dr. George lade heads the list of visitors and eakers on the Texas A&M Univer- r campus this week. jAlso coming are students compet- in the Junior Invitational Drill iieet and Rifle Matches, the Texas Southwestern Cattlement’s As- tiation, the College of Agricul- le’s American Oat Workers’ Con- jrence, the Human Nutrition orkshop and the Basic Course of struction in Industrial Develop- ent. s’obel winner Palade will present lecture on “Intercellular Aspects of Protein Secretion’ at 2 p.rn. Iliursday in Rudder Theater. The Romanian-born scientist won 1974 Nobel Laureate in licine for his cellular research. It pped numerous other awards in cluding the 1966 Albert Lasker sic Research Award and the 1970 Burwitz Prize. |The Great Issues Committee of he Memorial Student Center MSC) will present two speakers lext week. iDrs. Rita and Blair Justice will be ipeaking on “Child Abuse in Inerica” at 12:30 p.m. Thursday in 226 of the MSC. He is a psycholo- SSSSSSSS2 gist at the University of Texas School of Public Health, and she is a clinical teaching member of the Southwestern Insitute for Group and Family Therapy. Preston Bolton, a member of the Texas Society of Architects, will speak on “Building New Environments” at 12:30 p.m. Tues day in 701 Rudder Tower. There will be a wildlife lecture on the “Alaskan Odyssey: Diary of a Wilderness Family” at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Rudder Theater. About 1,000 high school students will be here Friday through Sunday for Texas A&M’s Invitational Rifle Match and Junior Invitational Drill meet. The rifle matches will be fired Friday through Sunday at the Mili tary Science Building and Kyle Field ranges, with about 40 five- man teams competing. The drill meet, to decide the Texas state champion men’s and women’s teams, will have 41 entries. Schools from across Texas and Louisiana will be represented in both events. The drill awards ceremony will be 5:30 p.m. Saturday on the MSC Drill Field, where all competition will be held. Rifle match awards are planned shortly after firing ends at 4 p.m. Sunday. A master trophy, the Texas A&M Award for Excellence, will go to the school with the best combined re sults in both the meet and matches, along with separate awards in each. The Texas and Southwestern Cat tlemen’s Association brings more than 400 ranchers to campus Thurs day through Saturday. The confer ence is hosted by the Animal Sci ence Department. The American Oat Workers’ Con ference Monday and Tuesday is sponsored by the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences. The confer ence is expected to bring some 100 people to the University. Meetings will be in 301 Rudder Tower. The Human Nutrition Workshop, sponsored by the Texas Agriculture Extension Service, also expects 100. The workshop runs Monday through Friday in 302 Rudder To wer. H.B. Zachry, president of the H.B. Zachry Co., will speak to the Texas A&M Society of Women En gineers at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Zachry Engineering Center, which bears his name. The Basic Course in Industrial Development will be held Monday through Saturday. Eighty persons are expected to attend the course, sponsored by the Industrial Eco nomics Research Division. Meet ings will be in 501 Rudder Tower. The Association of General Con tractors will be meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in 301 Rudder Tower. Some 100 people are expected to at tend. A\ 1959 VO CO-ED Ages 16-23 Select, Fun Groups 17-45 Days/5-11 Countries Land Rates $1389 up, plus Air See Your Travel Agent or Write Harwood 2428 Guadalupe M***42. Austin.Texas 78705 ^ PRICE BUSTERS area Id be itrols i of a id in 7 alls, om a ut 90 d? lecla- TEXAS A&M - TOWN HALL SPECIAL ATTRACTION THE STEVE MARTIN SHOW April 10, 8:15 p.m., G. 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