The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 20, 1978, Image 1

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    I The Battalion
Vol. 71 No. 117
10 Pages
Monday, March 20, 1978
College Station, Texas
News Dept. 845-2611
Business Dept. 845-2611
Inside Monday:
Number of teen runaways increas
ing in Brazos County, p. 6.
Aggies take two from Texas, p. 8.
Olsen Field near completion, p. 9.
pouthern Lebanon taken
Israeli sweep, U.N. forces
brdered to curb invasion
; 1.5'
United Press International
Israeli forces today controlled virtually
[ebanon south of Syrian lines and U.N.
[e-keeping troops were rushing to take
Jositions in the war zone,
la New York, the U.N. Security Coun-
Junday demanded Israel’s withdrawal
Lebanon and Israeli Prime Minister
iachem Begin arrived from Middle
talks with President Carter.
In a sweeping offensive Sunday, Israeli
jes rolled west on the three major roads
a their positions in southern Lebanon,
angto within three to five miles of the
rt of Tyre and doubling the size of a
mile-wide “security belt they had
«l't, sraeli military sources said.
They also advanced to within
I line-gun range of the Litani River, the
called “red line” that marks the under-
lod boundary between Israeli forces and
130,000 Syrian troops who ended
(anon’s civil war.
'alestinian guerrillas fought a rear-
rd action against the Israeli forces as
imvasion entered its sixth day, but Is-
IfefFectively controlled the entire deep
ith with the exception of Tyre,
is the Israelis tightened the noose
d Tyre, thousands of refugees fled
toward Beirut in panic to escape the
ing and shelling in battle zones.
ie Security Council, in a rare display
animity, voted 12-0 to demand Is
is withdrawal from Lebanon and send a
-man U.N. peace-keeping force to
up a buffer zone along the border,
je council said the first contingent of
eace-keeping force would begin
g today, but it was unclear where
yjwould take up positions and whether
ir arrival would prompt an Israeli with-
first contingent of troops were to
edes and Austrians drawn from U.N.
s in the Sinai Desert and Golan
ts. They have a six-month renew-
told a news conference on his ar-
In New York he had his own proposal
luaranteeing Israel’s security, which
)uld discuss with Carter in Washing-
jginning Tuesday.
understand the Security Council
adopted a resolution,”
;in said. But to us, the main issue is
nd we are going to discuss this in
hington as well — how to prevent
e bands which were driven out of
hern Lebanon from coming back to
e bases so they can’t attack Israel and
’hat must not happen again,” he said.
S. figures indicate that at least 700
Danese and Palestinians have been
ed in the fighting in southern Leba-
PLO officials said 144 guerrillas and
anese leftist militiamen had died,
el said 15 of its soldiers had been
Some 60,000 Palestinains and 100,000
Lebanese were left homeless.
Western diplomats in Beirut feared that
the scope of the conflict could be enlarged
unless the crisis is speedily contained.
The Soviet daily Pravda also warned
that “other Arab states” could become in
volved in the fighting unless Israel with
drew quickly.
Eight Arab states backed an Arab
League call for a summit meeting, but
Syria called for an Arab hard-liner meet
Social security protest
spurs House action
United Press International
WASHINGTON — Sentiment is growing in Congress to give Americans at least
a partial reprieve from rising Social Security taxes.
Proposals to roll back the increases voted in December are being pressed in both
Speaker Thomas O’Neill has told the White House the feeling against the in
creases is now so strong that unless the administration comes up with a proposal it
could live with, the House will write and pass one of its own.
What prompted all this was a near “taxpayers’ revolt” many congressmen say they
found when they went home after passing a bill in December to finance Social
Security into the next century.
The protests, they reported, comes mainly from relatively well-to-do taxpayers
rather than poor ones.
Under the bill, a $10,000-a-year worker’s Social Security tax will rise only $8 in
1979. But a $23,000 worker’s tax will rise $332.92 or $260.32 more than it would
have risen automatically under existing law.
“The letters aren’t coming from the $8 people,” said one congressional aide.
“They’re coming from doctors, lawyers and businessmen.”
Most of the proposals now being discussed would reduce Social Security payroll
taxes — borne equally by employers and employees — by financing part of the
payouts from general revenues.
Proponents believe that would reduce inflation and increase employment, since
payroll taxes discourage hiring and also are passed on to consumers as part of
product cost.
They also believe it would be fairer, since the income tax burden is slbifted to the
wealthy more than are payroll taxes.
But Social Security pensions have been financed from employer-employee con
tributions since they began in 1935. Medicare and disability insurance, which
became part of Social Security in later years, have been financed the same way.
House Republicans, meanwhile, say their plan the House rejected last year could
have solved the whole problem. It included putting federal employees under Social
Security, shifting Medicare funds to other parts of the program, and eventually
increasing the full retirement age from 65 to 68.
Springs in the air
Battalion photo by Susan Webb
Kicking up one’s heels is one way to celebrate the Houston’s Hermann Park Zoo seems to anticipate
end of a long, cold winter. This grizzly bear in tomorrow’s first spring day.
Housing policies
Freshmen required to live on campus but 75% don’t for lack of dorm space
Seventy-five percent of Texas A&M
University’s entering freshmen who desire
dorm spaces are forced to live off campus
because of the lack of on-campus housing.
But according to the Texas A&M under-
Building designed
to conserve energy
Texas A&M University’s new academic and agency building will be con
structed on an east-west axis, at a 45-degree angle to all the other buildings,
for one reason: energy conservation. Such placement of the building allows
for optimum solar orientation, says architects for Koetter, Tharp, Cowell &
Bartlett, the Houston firm designing the building.
With more than 250,000 square feet of floor space, the six-story academic
and agency building will be one of the largest facilities on campus. It is
expected to cost about $15 million.
The building will house the College of Business Administration, English
Department, Institute of Statistics, Texas Transportation Institute (ITT),
Texas Real Estate Research Center (TRERC), Texas A&M Research Foun
dation and remote facilities for the Data Processing Center.
“This building addresses two major problems facing Texas A&M: priority
space heeds in the academic areas — particularly in the College of Business
Administration, which is now divided among several buildings, and the
English Department — and the aspect of accommodating state agencies,
such as TT1 and TRERC, for which we are responsible,” said Texas A&M
President Jarvis E. Miller.
The facility, to be located on the east side of the campus, is expected to be
ready for use in 1981.
graduate catalogue, “single students at
tending the University are required to re
side on campus. Off campus permission
may be granted on a semester basis only
when facilities are not available in Univer
sity housing.”
“The number of freshmen having to live
off campus is a concern we all share,” said
John Koldus, vice president of student
A committee comprised of Koldus, Ron
Sasse, assistant director of student affairs,
Karen Switzer, student development
coordinator, and the residence hall staff
are investigating the shortage of housing
now available to freshmen.
“It would be difficult to change the pol
icy now for next fall because it would be
unfair to the people on the waiting list,”
said Koldus.
The committee is now considering four
proposals. The first is an increase in the
percentage of the number of freshmen
admitted on campus. Under the present
policy, 70 percent of available dorm space
is allotted to freshmen each fall. This per
centage provides a type of insurance for
freshmen. Without any priorities, upper
classmen now residing in dormitories
might fill all the spaces.
“Finding the appropriate number is a
guessing game,” said Koldus. Ron Sasse is
continuing to evaluate the percentage, and
trying to determine the correct number of
freshmen we should admit on campus,” he
Under another proposal, all dormitory
spaces would be drawn in an annual lot
tery. A student would not know from year
to year whether or not he was living on
campus. Sasse said this type of system
would cause an “administrative night
mare, because there would be no con
tinuity in the residence halls.”
A third idea would limit the number of
years a student could live in a residence
hall. This would cause inconveniences for
students who choose to live on campus for
financial reasons or lack of transportation.
A fourth proposal would create an all
freshman dormitory. Sasse said this segre
gation would result in a lack of up
perclassmen serving as role models. This
would also inconvenience many upper
classmen who prefer dormitory life.
“A freshman dorm would be contrary to
the A&M class priority system,” said Kol
dus. Unlike the football ticket allocation,
freshmen would have first priority.
The purpose of residence halls is to help
students make the transition from high
school to college life and to perpetrate the
Aggie spirit,” said Sasse. “It’s hard enough
to make the transition without apartment
hassles putting pressure on the new stu
dent. It’s a shame that we’ve got students
who’ve made the transition and won’t
move off campus.”
Residence halls, including those in the
Corps area, can house 8,600 students. Last
fall there were 1,800 vacancies. For the
5,000 incoming freshmen, there was on-
campus space for 1,250. Between 1,100
and 1,200 of these spaces were in male
residence halls.
The lack of on-campus housing affects
the number of freshmen who attend Texas
A&M. Many students say they go
elsewhere because they are unable to live
on campus. Administrators also are faced
with feedback from parents who are un
happy because A&M lacks adequate on-
campus housing.
And although the exact number cannot
be determined, Sasse said, many out-of-
state students do not attend A&M because
of this problem.
Sasse said he would like to see an
apartment-type complex built for students
on campus.”
Switzer, faculty adviser for the Off-
Campus Student Association, (OCSA),
said she would like to see freshmen get
acquainted in a residence hall situation.
“That would give the freshmen a chance
to meet a few probable roommates,” she
said. Freshmen who were allowed to live
on campus would also be aware of student
activities. Switzer said that when the stu
dent later moves off campus, he could con
tinue being involved in activities such as
The rule requiring freshmen to live on
campus is loose and flexible because of the
great housing demand. But the problem of
defining a “freshman” also complicates this
mandatory freshman housing policy.
It would not be feasible for a wife and
mother returning to school, or a 25-year-
old veteran classified as a freshman, to live
in dormitories,
Koldus said he agrees that freshmen
need to live on campus because college life
is a difficult adjustment, but that he would
never force students to live on campus.
The Texas A&M Board of Regents is
discussing the possibility of building new
dorms, but the need for additional housing
depends on the total enrollment. “Right
now, admissions seems to be slowing
down, said Billy Lay, director of ad
What some people will do for a laugh...or in this case, an evening ofj, ||| Ij*
llaughs when Town Hall brings comedian Steve Martin to Texas A&M y
I April 10. Students began forming a line Saturday to buy tickets when theBfp! ;
jMemorial Student Center box office opened this morning. As of midnight
ISundav. more than 300 were waiting behind Rudder Auditorium. Cam-
(Sunday, more than 300 were waiting behind Rudder Auditorium. (3ara>gfSMi
Ipers included guitar and banjo players, television viewers, a girl working••
Ion a hooked rug, even people trying to study. And just to make sure no nnelgBjlpSfe
[got away, roll was taken every' two hours from names on the ticket list. §l|p j
Sophomore Paul Bettencourt, No. 1 on the list, began his wait at 2 p.m.ra
I Saturday. And junior Kee Nethery, No. 2 said about 30 to 40 people joined -("C.
I the group every hour.
Battalion photo by Ben Polg