The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 02, 1978, Image 2

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The Battalion
Texas A&M University
March 2^ 1978
The great presidential backout
The keepers of the White House mansion could be ripping apart the Oval
Office’s mahogony desk and still you can bet the president would remain the
paper tiger in the coal dispute.
It’s nearing the point where half a month’s coal is left in supply to heat and
light the nation. Thousands are out of work, directly or indirectly ousted by
the coal strike. The economy is in desparate straits and millions are fighting
one of the fiercest winters on record.
Jimmy Carter pulls on a sweater, makes idle threats and retreats behind
the patriotic maxim, “leave just compensation to free collective bargaining.”
Meanwhile, who compensates the freezing families, unemployed laborers
and queezed breadwinners?
Carter has placed the country in economic jeopardy in bowing to union
and industry when it was obvious weeks ago that neither would budge on
contract demands. His refusal to invoke the Taft-Hartley Act in the face of
extreme national hardships and a huffing-and-puffing union is a sad and
somewhat frightening commentary on a president under pressure.
God help us if OPEC or the Reds request invasion rights.
What hassle lurks in Senate wings?
United Press International
WASHINGTON — With the Panama
Canal debate finally under way, a domes
tic issue of equal fervence is waiting almost
unnoticed in the on-deck circle.
What the administration calls its “labor
reform bill may be called up for action
after the canal debate, and its opponents
are promising a filibuster. Judging from
the early stidency of its opponents, that
debate could be the nightcap of a ran
corous springtime doubleheader.
Senate Democratic leader Robert Byrd
will decide when the bill is called up, and
last week he said he had given it little
thought. “We have a full platter ahead of
us,” he said, referring to the canal treaties,
the still-stalled energy legislation and
other bills that are out of committee.
If the threat of a filibuster is clear, Byrd
may not call it up at all.
The bill was designed as a reaction to
the obstinacy of some companies — nota
bly the J.P. Stevens textile firm — in
complying with labor laws requiring them
to recognize unions if the employees want
them and to begin collective bargaining.
Washington Window
Its conservative opponents see it as no
thing less than “intimidation by union bos
ses to force thousands of small companies
to unionize.
The bill, already passed by the House,
sailed through the Senate Human Re
source Committee three weeks ago with
the understanding that its opponents
woidd offer their crippling amendments
on the Senate floor.
At that time, the committee did take up
one key amendment — to increase from 21
to 30 days the length of time a company
has in which to hold an election among
employees to determine if a union should
come in.
The amendment was sponsored by Sen.
Thomas Eagleton, D-Mo., who said it was
a compromise in the spirit of preserving
“peace and harmony.
After it passed by an 8-7 vote over the
objections of committee chairman Harri
son Williams, D-N.J., Eagleton remarked
with some foresight: "That ain’t much
peace and harmony.
Besides the early election provision —
there is no time limit under current law —
the Senate version would penalize em
ployers by making tham shell out one and
one halftimes back pay for employees they
unjustly fire for union activities and would
bar them for a set time from getting fed
eral contracts if they continue to v iolate
the law.
The chief opponent of the bill. Sen.
Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, didn t fight the bill
in committee, realizing the futility of going
against a panel composed predominantly
of pro-labor liberals.
At a news conference recently, Hatch
sounded as if the filibuster had already
The intense, unsmiling freshman
launched into full-blown debate rhetoric
in answer to simple questions.
"If this bill passes it will change labor-
management relations and turn it upside
down, he said. "It will change a bill which
ahs been a remedial statute for 43 years
into a punitive statute and add clearly to
the size of the bureaucracy and will do no
thing more than force unionization all
across this country.
"The only people who are benefited by
this legislation are the union bosses who
control this country.
Some of his choicest epithets for the bill
were “reprehensible, "obnoxious and,
his favorite, "push-button unionism
shrouded in the name of reform.
Strong stuff from someone who says he
was raised in a union family, spent 10
years in an AFL-CIO union as a latherer
and who “personallv believes in
But it sounded as if he was only begin
A short month long on aggravations
United Press International
WASINGTON — You’ve heard Randy
Newman’s song about "Short People?”
Well, that’s the way I feel about biif short '
month. . _ ,, .*
It’s got nasty little days and dismal little
nights. The only thing it’s good for is
dropping out of sight.
It’s got treacherous little streets sending
autos into spins. It’s got glassy little
sidewalks that throw pedestrians.
It’s got salty little slush pools turning
fenders into rust. And jagged little pot
holes making springs and axles bust.
It’s got little airlines grounded from
The Tighter Side
East Orange to Pocatello. It’s got ghastly
little heat bills that would bankrupt Roc-
It’s got tiny lethal flu germs breaking
out in epidemics. And dreary Panama de
bates that give a bad name to polemics.
It’s got high priced little plumbers thaw
ing frozen little pipes. It’s got frost-
encrusted windshields that little wipers
cannot wipe.
It’s got coagulated traffice that moves
like gelid grease. It’s got a Middle Eastern
“Did you hear that, Uncle Fermus?” I
called. “They aren’t going to have Connec
ticut today.”
“What about trombone practice?” Uncle
Fermus asked.
One Dolly Parton record and six com
mercials later the radio said, “Here’s an
update on the latest closings. Rhode Island
has been shut down until further notice.”
“Rhode Island has trouble staying open
even in good weather,” Uncle Fermus
The radio reported the latest non
developments in the Mideast peace talks,
the Panama Canal debates and the flu
epidemic. Then it announced that Dela
ware had been postponed until Friday.
“February is even worse than I remem
bered,” I said. “Thus far they’ve called off
three snowmobile demonstrations, four
drum and bugle corps rehearsals and two-
thirds of New England.”
stalemate that drags on without surcease.
It’s got little power blackouts that
everybody curses. It’s even got me cursing
it with inane little verses.
February, in short, has got no reason to
All of its myriad miserable defects
seemed to come to a head one morning
this week when Uncle Fermus turned on
the radio to find out if his weekly trom
bone lessons were on or off.
“This bulletin just in,” the radio said.
“Connecticut has been cancelled due to
We turned to another station. It said
that Marine was being dismissed two hours
About the only thing functioning nor
mally this month is the TGIILP Club. In
case you care to join, that stands for Thank
God It Isn’t Leap Year.
Letters to the editor
A ‘bravo’ for campus cultural productions
I am always saddened by the relatively
few students who attend OPAS, pres
entations by the Aggie Players, and other
campus cultural programs, but I was filled
with remorse at the handful of parents,
faculty, and otherwise interested persons
who, last Thursday, witnessed one of the
finest performances ever by a campus
group. The rest of you Ags will never know
what you missed.
The entire program was perfection, but
I don t know when I’ve been so moved by
music as when members from the brass
section of the Aggie Concert Band formed
two antiphonal choirs to accompany the
University Symphonic Band in the Finale
from the Symphony No. 1 by Kalinnikov,
and joined them in The Stars and Stripes
Forever for an encore.
A standing “Bravo” and a rousing
“Whoooah” for these fine groups.
Who says we ain’t got no class.
— Jim Metcalf, ’75, ’79
also played in the Buffalo Springfield) and
will no doubt be here for another.
Songs like “Love the One You re With,"
“Word Game,” and “Johnny’s Garden are
unforgettable. Then there are the im
mortal Crosby, Stills & Nash classics that
he wrote; "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes,
“Wooden Ships,” "4 & 20,” and “Carry
On, to name a very few.
I believe that Mr. Ashfield is comparing
Stills’ music to the sound CSN produced
10 years ago. That is unfair — because no
one can reproduce that type of harmony or
Stills’ music is his own — the words tell
stories and deal with reality. Such as:
‘It takes two to be friends.
It takes two to be lovers.
You know you have it made
When you have one the same as the
Which is as close to the truth as you can
possible get.
— Nansi S. Vestal
by Jim Earle
Stills still good
Ripped off
I am writing this letter in regard to an
article written by Bob Ashfield on Eric
Clapton Wed. Feb. 17,1978.
I believe Mr. Ashfield made a rash
statement concerning Stephen Stills in his
article. I believe he referred to Stills as an
old guitar whiz turned sour...on his own.
Mr. Ashfield should have researched his
subject more soundly before printing such
a statement.
Stills has eight albums to his credit since
going off on his own. In his first two albums
he composed all selections. Stills’ talents
can be equalled by few — he plays most
any string instrument, all key boards in-
elusing harpsicord, steel drum, percus
sion, and moog synthesizer. He also con
ducts, composes, arranges, and produces
his own music.
Stephen Stills’ music and lyrics have
been around for more than a decade (he
I agreed with the author of Feb. 28
“Reader s Forum” which criticized the
holier-than-thou attitude of some Ags, that
is, until my copy of The Battalion was rip
ped off while I was in the MSC cafeteria by
a black-haired, bearded man about 5'2.”
(Yes, I saw you. I had just left my tray for a
few seconds to refill my iced tea and was
returning when you grabbed my paper.)
I have to assume that this person
realized I was going to come back to my
seat because I left an untouched piece of
chocolate pie with my tray. I’d be the last
person to criticize a fellow Ag, but is that
the Aggie Spirit?
If you wanted a paper, why didn’t you
just forfeit your place in line (a very small
line at about 12:45, I might add) and go get
one at the paper rack? I did!
— Alan Pyeatt, ’81
GAMS AtAR 2 - 7#
For some reason, he identifies with me!’
Volunteers needed for flu stui^
The Texas A&M University College of Medicine is asking for* foe tes
dent volunteers for an influenza prevention study. About 600 sti
dents are needed for the study which will last six to nine
Participants can earn about $30. The use of the drugs amantadineaii
rimantadine will be studied. Further information can be obtained ill
meeting today from 3 to 5 p.m. and Friday from 10 to 11 am
meetings are in Room 107 of the SLAB.
Ma Bell goes to Supreme Court
Southwestern Bell Telephone Co., contending it is losing $350,000
a day because of a Public Utility Commission decision, Wednesday
won the right to argue its appeal before the Texas Supreme Court in
Austin. Bell contends the PUC acted improperly in January 19771))
permitting Bell a $57.8 million rate increase when the company lad
requested a statewide increase of $300 million. Arguments on Bells
appeal were scheduled for April 5. It will be the first time a case
challenging the Utility Commission’s rate making policies has
reached the Supreme Court since the regulatory agency took jurisdic
tion over statewide utility rates in September 1976. General Tele
phone Co. of the Southwest, Continental Telephone Co. oflexasand
Entex, Inc., a gas utility, filed friend of the court briefs supporting
Bell s arguments.
tion s
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Borderline case of farmstrike
Police in Hidalgo Wednesday fired tear gas into a group of 20(1
angry farmers blocking traffic on the International Bridge protesting
the importation of agricultural products from Mexico into the United
States. The protesters were routed from the center of the bridge
where they had forced two Mexicans to abandon a truckload of wa
termelons. Police officers implored the farmers to move from the
bridge and allow a ,backlog of traffic to clear. When the farmers
lingered on the bridge, the tear gas barrage began. An estimated
1,000 spectators gathered on both sides of the border until the fumes
drifted into the crowds. As the farmers moved toward U.S. soil they
were met by a line of state troopers standing shoulder to shoulder
who ushered them into a fenced area. The farmers were then loaded
aboard a bus, apparently to be transported to the Hidalgo Countyji
The farmstrike participants were at the border to protest the import
ing of crops gorwn in Mexico with the aid of pesticides such as M
that are banned in the United States.
Fire wi
n det
[e are
Cooley s transplant patient dies
A 21-year-old oil field worker who underwent transplant surgery I
two weeks ago to receive a new heart died Wednesday at St. Lulresl
Hospital in Houston. Hospital officials had repor ted earlier in the day!
that although Kirk Martin of Bay City had seemed to he recovering,I
his condition began deteriorating early in the day. Martin receivedjj
heart and kidney from a 38-year-old suicide victim Feb. 14 by, a tea
of Texas Heart Institute surgeonsTed by Dr. Denton A. Cooley
was the first heart transplant Cooley had attempted in eight years
Cooley had given up the procedure after 21 tries in 1968-69 because
of difficulty in overcoming the body s natural rejection of foreign
hearts. All 21 patients of the initial attempts at heart transplants died
as a result of complications of the surgery or the rejection. Althougli
results of the autopsy will not be released for several days, a hospital
statement indicated the failure of the transplanted kidney led tol
tin’s death.
For sale: one Superdome
Gov. Edwin Edwards of Louisiana said negotiations to sell
Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans to the Hyatt Managemeit
Corp. were in the preliminary stages and no dollar figure for
mammoth stadium has been mentioned. Edwards confirmedTuesib
HMC executives were negotiating with the state to buy the $163) ,
million facility. Since its opening in 1975, the Superdome has oper p
ated at a deficit averaging $5 million annually.
Two killed in DC-10 fire
Two persons were killed and 30 were injured Wednesday w
Continental Airlines DC-10 with nearly 200 persons aboard bursting
flames and skidded to a halt as it was leaving Los Angeles Intent)
tional Airport. Continental said the plane was carrying W
passengers and a crew of either nine or 10. Ambulances took die
injured to several hospitals in the vicinity of the airport. The control
tower said many of the passengers walked unaided from the planet?
the terminal. A spokesman for the Department of Airports said tie
fire started when the landing gear broke down after the tires hlewo
and the plane skidded along the runway. The fire was extinguished
seven minutes, the spokesman said.
Mostly cloudy today with a chance of showers. Clear
and cooler tonight with a continuing possibility of rain.
High today mid-60s, low tonight low 40s. High tomorrow
low 50s. Winds from the southeast at 10-15 mpti.
30% chance of rain today, tonight and tomorrow. Cloudy
and colder on Saturday with a continued possibility of
The Battalion
Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the
editor or of the writer of the article and are not necessarily
those of the University administration or the Board of Re
gents. The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting
enterprise operated by students as a university and com
munity newsfmper. Editorial policy is determined by the
Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are
subject to being cut to that length or less if longer. The
editorial staff reserves the right to edit such letters and does
not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must be
signed, show the address of the writer and list a telephone
number for verification.
Address correspondence to Letters to the Editor, The
Battalion, Room 216, Reed McDonald Building, College
Station, Texas 77843.
Represented nationally by National Educational Adver
tising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago and Los
Reed McDonald Building, College Station. Tr*
United Press International is entitledrxchi^Jr
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Bights of reproduction of all other matter
Second-Class postage paid at College Stalk#.
Managing Editor
Sports Editor
News Editors
Assistant Managing Editor
Cits Editor
Campus Editor
Mark PatteiM
Texas Press Assoeiation
Southwest Journalism Congress
Man Alkr"^
. N
Marie llimirUT. (W v
bn- 1 * 1
The Battalion is published Monday through Friday from
September through May except during exam and holiday
periods and the summer, when it is published on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester; $33.25 per
school year; $35.00 per full year. Advertising rates fur
nished on request. Address: The Battalion. Boom 216,
Cartoonist . .
Liz Nuwlin.
a'c Hoy UttV')' 1
W eleh. Jim Crawln. Amh 1 ‘
Paige Brasln v
Susan Wrltli. km
Student Publications Board: Boh (.'. HnginJI*
Joe Arredondo. Dr. Cary Halter. Dr. C/itHc*Hid*
Dr. Clinton A. Phillips. Rebel Hire. Dirnhrd^
Publications: Donald ('. Johnson