The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 02, 1978, Image 1
I The Battalion Vol. 71 No. 109 10 Pages Thursday, March 2, 1978 College Station, Texas News Dept. 845-2611 Business Dept. 845-2611 Inside Thursday: Houston’s annual hoopla, p.6. Batik fashions stars of the show, p. 8. Mark Thurmond: blue-eyed lefty from Aggieland, p. 9. ommando unit brmed by Carter United Press International ASHINGTON — President Carter dered formation of a secret Army mando unit to provide the nation’s -time force for combating hijack ings and other terrorist acts outside the country, government sources said today. The force has been given the code name Project Blue Light for its formative stages. Sources said a nucleus of Green liners claim officials lehind recent violence e r United Press International Fists flew in Illinois. Hot words erupted West Virginia. Retired miners latened to set up their own picket lines le proposed new contract between the |Wand the Bituminous Coal Operators ixiation wins ratification in a weekend Washington, President Carter looked ven Council mdidates file >r April election By KAY WALLACE Seven city council hopefuls met the 5 jn. filing deadline yesterday for College ion city election. ollege Station voters will elect a mayor three city councilmen April 1. ignatures on the petitions filed must be ified by City Secretary Florence ley as those of registered College Sta- voters before the candidate s name be placed on the ballot , andidates have filed as follows: 1AYOR - Lorence BraVenec, incum- It mayor of College Station Karl A. Crawley, sop ho le environmental design major at Texas M University COUNCILMAN, PLACE 2 - H nner B. Adams, owner of fms Transfer and Storage Co David L. Pugh, assistant ■lessor of urban and regional planning. COUNCILMAN, PLACE 4 - Tony Jones, owner of Tony Jes Construction (Jo Patricia B. Boughton, ipiemaker UNCILMAN, PLACE 6 - James H. Dozier, associate of finance to the priming of federal guns he promised to fire “as early as Monday’ should the contract be rejected. The coal strike was in its 87th day today and with acceptance of the new contract designed to end it hanging on the will of the union’s rank and file, UMW officers Wednesday strove to “educate” their members with briefings and a $40,000 ad vertising blitz. Other pro-ratification forces took a more direct approach. In Springfield, Ill., four miners who had spoken out against the contract at a union meeting were jumped and beaten as they left — allegedly by the bodyguards of Kenneth Dawes, one of the union’s chief negotiators. Ron Joiner, 35, sported a lump over one eye and cuts on his face as he described the assault to reporters. "I started going to my room,” he said. “Then these guys jumped my two buddies — one who has a bad arm. They had him down and were stomping him. I reached in to help him and then I got kicked around pretty good. With Joiner in the melee were Richard Bartolotti, 30; his brother, Gary, 26, and David Hilton, a local president. “If we don’t approve the contract, they’re gonna try and beat us up," said Hilton. “To get me to vote yes they’re gonna have to do a lot more than knock my eye out." Four men — all alleged associates of high-ranking UMW officials — were ar rested and charged with battery. They were identified as John Cox, Gerald Haw kins. James Poe and Vollie Bishop. Dawes, at the meeting to sell the con tract to the miners, denied he had any thing to do with the attack. “Miners live dangerous lives, he said. "They speak their piece pretty fast. For them to back away from anything — even a fight — is not their way. Boxing Aggie Style Aggies packed into the National Guard Armory last night to witness the 2nd annual “Fight Nigh” sponsored by Sigma Phi Epsilon. Bill Takacs, freshman premed, anticipates the next move from opponent Richard Pfeiffer. Takacs won in a 3-round decision. Fighting continues tonight starting at 7 p.m. Berets from the Army’s Special Forces have already quietly set up headquarters in a post stockade that has until now been used to house prisoners at Ft. Bragg, N.C. There they are assembling a hand picked force of unconventional warfare veterans, some of whom took part in the 1970 Son Tay prison camp raid into North Vietnam. The unit is planned to number around 200 men by this summer, the sources said. The operation is headed by Col. Charlie Alvin Beckwith, 49, a tough Green Beret who ran a clandestine surveillance and guerrilla warfare unit in Vietnam. Sources at Ft. Bragg say Blue Light al ready has been unofficially dubbed “Char lie’s Angels” by its first members. The decision to go ahead with the opera tion was made in the aftermath of the dar ing rescue of 91 hostages aboard a hijacked Lufthansa jetliner last October at Mogadishu, Somalia, by a special West German commando unit known as GSG-9, the sources said. Pentagon spokesman Thomas B. Ross confirmed that Carter issued a directive to Defense Secretary Harold Brown in De cember authorizing steps to increase anti terrorist capabilities, but declined com ment on any further details. But sources said the Mogadishu inci dent focused administration attention on terrorist dangers and increased concern over, the lack of U.S. readiness to cope with similar incidents in remote parts of the world. They said while some troops from vari ous services had been given sporadic train ing, it was apparent the United States lacked the ability to react with “surgical counter-terror force in highly demanding situations with hostages such as hijackings or attacks on U.S. citizens. A secret Pentagon document dated Dec. 28 said the new unit will be armed with special weapons and equipment. Sources said it is expected to take months to train a full unit and up to two or three years for it to reach the proficiency of German or Israeli anti-hijack comman dos. Ag students work rodeo in Houston BY MARTHA HOLLIDA Where can you get on-the-job training, experience the real world of your profession, meet important people in your field, receive pay for long hours of work, and love every minute of it? No where else but the Houston Livestock Show. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is here for its 46th year and the 57 Aggies who are working at the show this year continued what has apparently become a tradition. “Essentially we have been send ing A&M students to work since the show had its beginning. The number of students has increased as the show grows larger,” said professor emeritus R.C. Potts. The animal science department sent 43 students to assist in the live stock office. These were primarily juniors and seniors majoring in ani mal science. There were also stu dents from other areas of agriculture. These students did such things as work at the judging shows, assist the livestock superintendents, handle the trophies and ribbons events, and provide information,. The agriculture journalism de partment sent 14 students to Hous ton to work in the press room. They wrote press releases about the shows, interviewed the owners of the champion and reserve champion animals, provided press representa tives with information concerning the shows, and photography work. The students stayed for different lengths of time depending on the show schedule. They are chosen on the basis of their grades and class work. The pay is $2.65 an hour and hours range from 12 to 16 hours a day or more if there is still work to be done. (See Ags and related stories page 6) Battalion photo by Paigi* Beasley Joe Tolbert, junior Ag-eco major from Houston, seems happy to ‘ surrounded by boots while visiting the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. See Focus page 6 for related stories. Representatives from student governments hold conference By LINDA SULLIVAN More than 100 delegates from 20 Texas colleges and universities are expected to attend the biannual Texas Student Associ ation (TSA) convention on the Texas A&M University campus Mar. 3-5. TSA mem bership is open to all public and private colleges and universities in Texas which have student governments. Twenty-two different workshops focus ing on the problems of student govern ment will be offered during the three-day convention. Heading the workshops will be students and administers from the at tending schools. Juniors Joe Beall and Laura Brockman are the student coordinators from Texas A&M for the convention. Serving on the TSA rules committee, both students have been instrumental in planning the conven tion itinerary. “Workshops are the main part of the convention this semester,” says Beall. “We re concentrating on getting everyone useful information, and the overall ex change should be very beneficial.” Brockman foresees a “timely and effi cient last semester’s convention held at North Texas State University in Denton, Brockman says planning for the March 3 convention began in October. At the close of the Denton convention, delegates unanimously voted Texas A&M as the site of the spring 77 convention. Brockman says several out-of-town speakers for the convention cancelled at the last minute, but this did not present any major difficul ties. Confirmed guest politicians include: John Poerner, candidate for Texas railroad commissioner; Mark White, candidate for attorney general; and Joe Christy, candi date for senate; and Price Daniel Jr. Beall terms the convention an “ex change convention” because of the scope of the workshop topics. Subjects to be dis cussed include short-term loan programs, athletic funding, working with adminis trators, small college problems and academic fraud. Since Texas A&M is the host school, several workshop leaders are affiliated with the University, such as Dr. Carolyn Adair, director of student ac tivities and Dr. John Koldus, vice pres ident for student services. Besides the workshops, a barbecue is scheduled for delegates at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Quonset Huts. After a general assembly meeting Sun day at 10 a.m., delegates will elect the new TSA executive officers. Traditionally, only the piesident and vice president are elected officers, but if a new bill is passed creating the offices of service infor mation director and legislative director, there may be four vacant positions. Beall is campaigning for the presidency against Robert Rainwaller of the Univer sity of Texas at El Paso. Beall’s platform spotlights working to strengthen com munication lines among TSA officers and schools. If Beall wins Texas A&M would be headquarters for the TSA information, which Brockman says would be a “big asset” to both the school and TSA. Company makes ado about firing United Press International NEW YORK-Companies rarely boast about firing people. But American Red Ball Co., one of the country’s larger national moving firms, has just announced with some fanfare that it fired 23 agent firms in 1977 because of cus tomer complaints. “This is the first time, I think, that any firm in our industry has made a big deal in public of insisting that agents and affiliated independent contracting van operators live up to a prescribed code of ethics,” said J.J. Thorne, Red Ball’s marketing vice- president. “But somebody had to make a stand because customer complaints have been rising.” The most common complaints concern overcharging by inflating the weight of the cargo hauled and failing to live up to prom ised delivery dates. Many of the com plaints reached the Interstate Commerce Commission. Although the dismissed agents ac counted for a fair amount of business, Thorne said, “The way we see it, the only one who can lose by an agent’s getting the ax is the agent himself. We and our cus tomers gain.” Thorne said Red Ball began to move se riously to get in tune with the consumer movement in 1972 and he believes that is one reason the company has fared well in the years since despite a general downturn in the cargo carrying business. Thorne said there are many things the average family can do when it has to make a long distance move in order to head off the kinds of problems that bring about se rious complaints. “It usually pays to let the movers do a lot of the packing, particularly of valuable chinaware, art objects and antiques. Not only will the movers do it better, but if they do it there’s no question about who’s responsible if something goes wrong,” he said. High costs often actually are the fault of the customer through either carelessness or sentiment. “People insist on moving very heavy pieces of furniture of very questionable value or future usefulness,” he said. “Such stuff should be sold off or given to charita ble agencies. But amazingly we have people who insist on moving kegs of rusty nails, worn out auto tires or stacks of firewood — then they complain about the extra weight charge on the bill.” Another headache is those who want van lines to move firearms and ammuni tion. That’s against the law, you have to ship them separately by express. And some people fail to have major elec trical appliances disconnected and serv iced before the moving van arrives. Re frigerators and freezers should be de frosted and empty. Moving men also do not like to haul val uable jewelry or houseplants. Both are too big a risk. People should take them with them by plane or car if possible. Battalion photo by Barbara Richerson Bent Mercedes Benz Jim Richerson of 1208 Foster Ave., College Station, joins those who find it cheaper, if not easier, to do their own minor auto repairs. The cost of automobile parts and labor continually increases, and in the Bryan-College Station area, few garages can or will service and repair foreign cars. The easiest way to fix a dented grill seems to be to do it yourself.