The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 01, 1978, Image 9
THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1978 Page 9 Slides hidden menace (By Bob Ashfield even to state of Texas 111 OH JWhen the topic of landslides comes up, somehow Texas doesn’t ootne to mind. |A Texas A&M University geologist contends, however, that they are a significant problem for tjie Lone Star State. 1 ‘I don't have a precise cost figure, hut I’m sure it is in the millions, said Dr. Christopher Mathewson. jffhe problem is that people can [trceive the effect of floods or hur ricanes much more easily than a landslide. The erratic falling of a rock or the slow movement of a slope here in Texas removes the sfense of urgency.’ a Landslides are not always caused by some earthy movement in na ture, he said. More often, the case is the result of manmade changes in the land. “Many urban area landslides are jiggered because of the action of Ian,’ said Mathewson. “What may ppear a very simple modification, i widening a road, can cause a se rious problem further down the line. ■“It’s often a question of the rate that the slide occurs,” he said. iThey may occur quickly, as rock falling on the roadway in West Texas, or it may be a creeping kind lat causes foundations to buckle ami heave, as has been the case in pst Texas.” Fortunately, Texas topography is flatter and its landslides are some what less spectacular than in Col- 'oradoor California, he said, but it is iStill a hazard to be dealt with in ■ban growth. A fallen rock may just ■ be a maintenance problem, but jabilizing a slope may cost more an $250,000, not counting any losses due to damaged buildings. The lucky thing is that landslides are not like the weather, Mathew son said. There are definite warning signals, especially if you are the one changing the land. Anytime you change the slope or grade, the risk of landslide is increased. Most landslide control is common sense. If in doubt, investigate, he said. Risk can be reduced by any number of means, including a re taining wall, flattening the slope or making sure there is proper drain age of excess water. Jackson Browne ‘live’: different To follow up his popular “The Pretender ”, Jackson Browne could have released anything and it would have sold. Longtime devotees could have probably expected the usual collection of tender ballads woven by his heartfelt words. Browne went a stretch of highway better and cut “Running on Empty” an assem blage of all new material rec orded live. This is not your typical live album though. Aside from the music being new, only a handful of the songs are actually recorded onstage. Instead, Browne takes the listener on a tour of the goings-on of an average concert expedition as songs are cut in hotel rooms, backstage and even on a Continental Silver Eagle bus. The album was first intended to be a double album with some old songs and scattered peripheral conversation. How ever, Russel Kunkel, the band’s drummer, suggested that it just be a single album with no old songs. Browne agreed and made the right decision. Browne shares the unity and companionship and lets the lis tener ride along with him to ex perience the life of a traveling minstrel whose only wish is to be playing, singing and never sleep ing. With this in mind Browne has forged a living record from beginning to end that encapsules the “on the road” aura. The title cut is marvelous... the sound of busting at the seams but laid back rock and roll. “Running on Empty” was the perfect single to release after the radio was saturated with his ballads from the previous album. The idea for the song came from the way Browne used to drive to and from the studio with his gas gauge virtually on zero. Browne adds his incredible lust for life to every song on the album. “The Road,” sung with a twinge of Don McClean, is a beautiful and dramatic soliloquy about how rough traveling the road can be. In the same vein, Browne renders a touching “Love Needs a Heart,” along with a stirring “You Love the Thunder” as his lyrics lament and rejoice with a nameless love. BENIff WINKLER [DAILY * 7:35. ^ 9:35] ONE OF THE [BEST PICTURES OF THE YEAR! NEI L t/M£ MACAZINl 1 SIMON’S DAILY f 7:! 5 , II [PCr iStarr/ng -RICHARD DREYFUS! LMARSHA MASON Jit tiMm B5Xj0l OCOBf awards for ■f*t.P»CTUI*S ^Comedyr MST ACTRf $8, WEST ACTOR A BEST SCREENPLAY ^ Directed by Award Winning Herbert Rosa TTIIIIMIIIII ITTTTT HM HAVES n '2L f'cRSS'ciiiisrt F ARMOUR STAR SPEEDY CUT BONELESS lb. NeuhofFs Dinnertiroer 1 lb. 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