The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 01, 1978, Image 7
THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1978 Page 7 Funds ‘lacking for research Miller opposes Carter’s budget proposal WASHINGTON D C. — Texas A&M University President Jarvis Miller has criticized President Car ter’s proposed fiscal year 1979 fund ing for agriculturally related re search and education activities, find ing the proposal lacking. Representing the National Associ ation of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, Miller opposed the president s budget request during testimony before a House agricul ture subcommittee. “Those of us in the academic community who are concerned with research and education activities conducted or sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture were shocked and disappointed by the President’s budget request for fiscal 1979,” said Miller. He said the proposed budget “clearly disregards the intent of the Congress” as reflected in PL 95-113, the public law which established the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977. “It is fundamentally contrary to the extensive planning jointly con ducted by the academic community and the federal government on needs for agricultural research and education,” Miller said, “and it ab rogates a major federal responsibility to maintain the obviously productive long-standing partnership with the states in agricultural research and ex tension.” The proposal fails to take into ac count the recommendations of the world food and nutrition study con ducted by the National Academy of Science at the direction of the presi dent, he said. Miller pointed out that the budget calls for decreases of more than $15 million in various categories such as cooperative research and rural de velopment, while providing only a modest overall increase of $547,000 to be split among 1,890 land-grant institutions. A&M chemistry department leads in faculty, enrollment and research lecied die, n I Mark Shanely, graduate assistant in biology, demonstrates act,tie how to measure an object’s critical mass. Shanley is conduct- gediM] J j n g experiments in genetic defects along the DNA chain in 'g rabbits. ociate [i Mtonli itateijll holasti; of fret d oehveti. Texas Ai?M Jaycees chapter Newsprint drive helps transients Battalion photo by Ben Po A pinch of this and a... The Texas A&M University’s chemistry department is today the nation’s largest in terms of faculty and is considered to rank similarly regarding student enrollment and volume of research. Distinguished Professor Arthur Martell, who has headed the de partment since 1966, said that less than four years ago, the size of the department ranked third behind the University of California-Berkeley and top-ranked University of Mary land. The number of faculty now totals 73 — up from 50 in 1974 — and includes three distinguished profes sors, a designation reserved for fac- eaterii ;rag§ By ANA QUINTANA ;st.Iki The Texas A&M Chapter of the he frti [aycees is sponsoring a paper drive to amajj 1 lelpTwin City Mission in Bryan by fromi ollecting newsprint. Twin City Mission aids transients tfortej vho don’t have jobs by providing vith 511 them with a place to stay. It has dorm space for 30 men, said Les Albert, president of the Texas A&M Jaycees. ition,ll Three drop boxes made by the >1 leade [aycees with materials donated by them the Benchmark Construction Co. ptions. liave been placed in the A-l lounge throud by Fowler and Hughes, and in the ng the lounges between Schumacher and engine Walton, and Crocker and Mclnnis. enroll Albert, said that they have had a n enrol good response to the drive and hope to expand by putting in more boxes, line in® The box in Schumacher is overflow- acherBiig,” he said. ming. y He is not sure how long the drive ivill last, but he hopes to keep it going as long as possible The collected newsprint is packed by the men at Twin City Mission and trucked to Abilene. There, it is made hemically non-flammable and used or insulation. Twin City Mission receives be- f $60 and $85 for every ton of newsprint, or about $3 to $4 for svery 100 pounds. The Texas A&M [aycees will receive $1 for every 100 sounds and will put the money into a ) )e aV) und for use in later projects, said /epool ‘Albert. - than The idea was conceived by Albert ditionally all male groups, the Texas as a way to bring the Jaycees to-. A&M chapter allows females to join. gether. The club has just started this semester and has a membership of 20 males. Even though the national and state chapters of the Jaycees are tra- So far, none have applied for mem bership, said Albert, but added that he woidd encourage women to join. “They would add a spark to the community service,” Albert said. SOPHOMORE BALL PICTURES Will be distributed in the MSC South Hall opposite the Post Office on Wednesday, 1 March. Hours 9-12 and 1-5. Bring your receipt. A R PHOTOGRAPHY 3725 E. 29th Street Phone 846-0487 es shi ier is igufc ning. maintaii udards ncludii for he hers as pred lore ity oft yoweif -elopfli on, of to )f edin m oft enter® re saw ucatifl ?d crei ketcol m set the iieech xes ? Veavfl tary, Ids- :heir ily. vi tW ingis' il indi 1 it has linn d \Vea« hat i'' .,1# teiiti* be ^ s thf : ratio” icsd CORSAGES FOR THE MILITARY BALL 10% off on corsages with student I.D. The Green Jungle ^ 700 E. University Drive • 846-3778 W (Across from Fed Mart) • Complete Floral Service FAMOLARE PUTS AMERICA . A. Good — On a "get-there" bottom. Comes in whiskey or white. 29.99 B. Daytona — On a "Rush" bottom. Comes in bright multi, navy or 24.99 white. Shoe StosieA. Downtown Bryan The Image Makers ulty members who have attained eminent stature in the opinion of their colleagues nationally. Besides Martell, this trio includes two of the world s top authorities in their fields. Welch Distinguished Professor F.A. Cotton is considered the leader in inorganic chemistry, and is one of the faculty’s newest mem bers. Distinguished Professor A.I. Scott, is a leader in synthesis of an tibiotics, anti-cancer drugs and Vitamins from plant tissue cultures. Another of the faculty, Professor C.S. Giam, has set the pace in draw ing a large portion of the over $4 million in research support received by chemistry in the 1977 calendar year — a level which exceeds the total research budgets for most uni versities. With additional grants, the 1977-78 fiscal year departmental operation will run close to $8 mil lion, Martell said. Enrollment in chemistry at Texas A&M is also large. In the fall semes ter, over 12,000 students were enrolled for chemistiy courses, mak ing the department the largest serv ice unit on campus. Despite the large number of stu dents taught, Martell said, most classes are kept near or below 100 students in size, compared to num bers six times that lar state universities. “Inflationary increases in the cost of agricultural research are at least 10 percent,” he told the Subcommittee on Department Investigations, Oversight and Research. “This means we are facing an effective re duction of 20 percent in the stable- based monies that are needed to carry out crucial agricultural re search in land-grant institutions. While proposing cuts in various areas, the president’s budget in cludes an increase of $15-$30 million for competitive grants to address basic research problems of high na tional priority. Miller said the NASULGC sup ports the competitive grant concept and does not disagree with the pro posed level of funding. “The president’s budget proposes, however, to essentially fund this program at the expense of the formula-based support of longer- term, broader research in the land- grant institutions,” he said. “With this we cannot agree. Miller conceded that “in this interim period of potential over production in agriculture, it is perhaps tempting to lessen the em phasis on research and extension. “In short range, however, at least part of the solution to the present problem in American agriculture must be overcome through im- l^roved methods of operation and marketing. “In the longer view, we must clearly delineate the difference be tween production and the capacity to produce. The need to enhance the latter is clearly unchallenged if we believe the projections of need fm increased world food.” Miller said it is this capacity to produce that will be affected by the reductions proposed by the presi dent’s budget. Also submitting testimony before the committee was Dr. Neville Clarke, director of the Texas Agricul tural Experiment Station. 779-3988 Bryan GIBSON TAKAMINE £ lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I3N. More Of A Good Thing large at some Got your corsage | for the Combat | Ball yet? Better hurry — come by & select or design your ''just perfect" corsage or boutonniere. And while you're there, look over our roses & other fresh flowers and green plants for every occasion. University Flower Shop 2049 Texas Ave. (Next to Sambo's) We Wire Flowers Anywhere HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday Thru Friday Call any weekday during the dinner hours and have a piping hot pizza delivered to your door — at these discounted prices!!! ©» v \S’ A 6 * T^ C ° (No coupons accepted during Happy Hour, please.) va 846-7785 Vtnxr M! >- f t WANTED! THE NAVY and THE MARINES ARE LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD SOPHOMORES To Apply For The Two-Year NROTC Program * Attend six weeks of summer training at Newport, Rhode |sl an d, 22 June to 5 August and receive $600 plus room and board. * Receive $100 per month during your junior and senior acad em *c years. * Candidates who graduate near the top of their class may qualify for a two year scholarship which provides tuition, books, fees, an d $100 per month. Contact The NROTC Unit ROOM 106 MILITARY SCIENCE BLDG. 845-1775