The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 27, 1978, Image 1
Battalion Monday, February 27, 1978 College Station, Texas News Dept. 845-2611 Business Dept. 845-2611 Inside Monday Stereophonograph collecting is pro fessor’s hobby, p. 3. Fulfilling careers require joy-on- the-job, p. 6. Aggies lose to Texas Tech 85-78, p. 9. Inflation worsens, buying power down Day s end fit was a warm weekend, and boating enthusiasts took full advantage of the weather at Lake Somerville. United Press International WASHINGTON — The inflation rate doubled from 0.4 percent in December to 0.8 percent in January, while workers’ spendable income took the biggest drop in years, the Labor Department said today. Reporting on January retail prices, the department said inflation for urban con sumers increased at an annual rate of 3.6 to 4.8 percent between July and December. But the 0.8 percent January rise pushed the annual rate to 9.6 percent due to higher prices for food, housing, medical care and transportation. While inflation worsened, the average worker’s buying power was cut 3 percent for the worst drop since record-keeping began 14 years ago. The previous low was a decline of 6 percent in August 1973. The department said real spendable earnings were cut by inflation and the big increase in social security taxes that took effect Jan. 1 when both the base rose — $1,200 to $1,700 — and the rate increased. The department also said heavy snows east of the Rockies and flooding rains in California contributed to the higher food costs. The rapid rise in prices for January pushed the cost of living up 6.7 percent higher than a year ago, the department said. The Consumer Price Index stood at 187.2 in January from the 1967 base of 100. The January price report was the first under the department’s expanded survey of consumer prices. The old survey was broadened from an urban, blue-collar worker family of four to include urban wage earners and clerical employees. The de partment said the new survey covers about 80 percent of the national workforce. Food and housing got the blame for about two-thirds of the January increase in consumer prices. Prices rose rapidly for meat, poultry, eggs, fresh fruit and vegeta bles. The food sector as a whole rose 1.2 percent in January. The cost of buying and maintaining a home rose 1 percent in January. This re flected higher prices and mortage interest rates for buyers and higher costs for maintenance, repairs and services. Renters came out better than homeow ners with costs rising 0.6 percent. Charges for hospital and other medical care services increased 0.9 percent while there were 0.7 percent increases for drugs, doctor and dentist fees, the department said. Evaluation booklet ‘useful’ to students omen in University mplain of crank call Apartments from ‘doctor’ BY ANDREA VALLS gine a “doctor who doesn t make calls . . . only kinky telephone calls, e 1972, a man, referred to as the is Doctor has been telephoning |living in Texas A&M married hous- inquiring about their sexual rela- trJips said Dr. Claude Goswick, Diree- . i- ■University Health Center. 'ojiv than 35 calls of this type have reported to University Police since ;[said Chief O. L. Luther. All of these ■e obviously related, he said. K k Gulledege, detective for College Police Department, said more than til 2:3®| phone calls have been reported 110 Mix-year period. ■of the calls follow the same pattern, Bos wick. The man s voice is reported |low, soft, and wavy with no notice- Iccent. His conversation follows this n. He will: ive a physician’s name and will tell ife that her husband has been to the rsity Health Center for back prob- the wife that the problem is related j prostate gland. Ask the wife if she is familiar with the terms “communicable social disease “veneral disease. Ask if she has had sexual intercourse with anyone other than her husband, and how often. Sometimes ask the various positions used in intercourse. Ask for the wife and her husband to come to the health center for treatment and counseling. Call between 8 a.m.and 6 p.m. Goswick said the man never calls twice and al way s iden tifies himself as a physician from the University Health Center. Luther said the names he frequently uses are Dr. Otis, Roberts, Dickey, Stans, Taylor, and Johnson. A student’s wife who received a call from the “Bogus Doctor last November said she answered all his trivial questions because at the beginning of the call, his questions were so basic. “His voice was quiet and subdued, and 1 thought he sounded like a professional-type person,” she said. She said the man asked her if she knew her husband had been to the health center for prostate gland problems caused Thieves provoke fury of bystanders United Press International DALLAS — In the past few days it has become rather hazardous to be a purse snatcher in the North Texas area. Wednesday a neighborhood posse armed with bricks and hammers chased down a purse snatcher in Fort Worth’s southside. Thursday a similar incident occured in down town Dallas. In both cases the young thieves were rather relieved to see the police arrive. In the Thursday purse snatching, a 25-year-old man thought the crowded street woidd work to his advantage and knocked Virginia Blackwell, 55, to the ground as she left the First National Bank. He fled with her $210. But the thief was rather horrified to see a number of men in close pur suit, one of whom made a flying tackle. When police arrived, three men were sitting on top of the purse snatcher. Today he was awaiting the filing of charges in the Dallas County jail. In the Wednesday incident. Fort Worth resident Patricia Thomas chased a purse snatcher in her car, gathering a large posse of her neighbors as she sped along. The residents — including one elderly man with a claw hammer and another man with two broken legs — poured into the streets in pursuit of the assailant, who had by now thrown away the purse and was running for his life. The group cornered the 18-year- old thief and forced him to return to the place where he had thrown away the purse. “Now leave me alone,” he told Thomas. “Nothing doing, she said. “You’re going to jail. The thief briefly escaped, but was soon cornered at an apartment com plex. He gratefully surrendered to police. The teen-ager, identified by police as Bobby Gene Byers, was charged with theft and remained in Tarrant County jail today on $1,000 bond. “I just got tired of all the crime in this area, said Thomas, who wit nessed the theft from neighbor Pat Hutcherson. “I figured if he got away with it this time, there s no tel ling what he might try next. Thomas, 31, said she hadn’t planned on being a hero but “I de cided I wasn’t going to just sit back and do nothing. “If people would try to help their neighborhood and be better citi zens, I think the police would have a lot better job of cutting down on crime. by a “communicable disease. T felt so stupid,” she said. “If I would have connected a communicable disease with VD, then I would have clicked and hung up. Luthur said that although these calls have occured since 1972, the information is now being released to the public be cause it is an embarrassing situation for the health center, and because calls are being reported more frequently. Six calls have been reported to the police in the past week, said Goswick. “Obviously, the man is getting some type of gratification from this, said Gos wick. “He has to be sure that he is going to be alone when he calls because he can t be confronted he added. “I don’t think he s a rapist or wants physical violence, he said, “but this is probably his manner of releasing his frustration. Because the man knows names and some information about the wives he calls, University Police speculate he is employed on campus. Several theories as to who the man could be and from where he could be cal ling have been made in the past. These vary from the man being a mailman, build ing inspector, or food-service-machine supplier. He would need legitimate reason for being in the health center, the housing offices, departmental offices, or the rec ords section. Such a person would go un noticed to regular staff in these offices. Luther said the caller probably uses a campus directory or a telephone book to check the names as he calls them. This would provide the caller with the address and the name of the husband. Other suggestions are that the man is a Texas A&M professor who is very familiar with his students. Goswick said that in some reported cases, the man knew the husband’s middle name, his place of em ployment, and in one case, the husband's social security number. “This man’s mind must be brilliant to keep all this inforam- tion straight,” said Goswick. Detective Gulledge said phone harrass- ment is a class B misdemeanor carrying a penalty of.$1,000 or 180 day in jail, or both. But these phone calls are difficult to trace because the man reportedly does not call the same person more than once, he said. Luthur said he urges women who re ceive a call from this man to report them immediately to the University Police. “There’s a possibility that some student will suspect someone of doing this and this information would be treated as strictly confidential by the police,” he said. “It s got to stop soon. This is very embar rassing for student and for the health cen ter,’ said Luthur. “I hate to think of all the problems this has caused between hubands and wives who have never reported this to the police. I imagine those husbands had to supply a real convincing explanation to their wives. By PAUL BARTON College students are constantly being graded by their teachers, but it’s not entirely a one-way street. Sometimes, pro fessors are also evaluated by students, and when they are it’s regarded as a serious matter. Near the end of a semester, many profes sor hand out some sort of teaching evalua tion form to their students. The forms are designed to indicate how students view their instructor’s teaching ability, and they contain questions such as “How organized was this course?” or “How prepared was the instructor for class meetings?” Although professors are not required to release the results to anyone, some deans request to see them when decisions regard ing pay raises or tenure are made. Student government also has a teacher evaluation form which all professors except those in the College of Liberal Arts are asked to give to their students. For Liberal Arts professors, the organization gathers information from the form used by that col lege. If the professor consents, the informa tion is published in a professor information booklet that comes out in April before pre registration. The booklet is designed to serve as a guide for students when they are deciding which courses to take. “All indications are that substantial numbers of students use this,” says Mike Humphrey, student body president. However, Humphrey says, only 30 to 40 percent of professors agree to hand out the student government form in their classes. He attributes the low response rate to two factors. He says some professors don’t want (See Standard, page 4) Battalion photo by Malcolm Moore Are you sure you know what you re doing? Bill Jentsch (left) gets his ‘disguise’ from Curtis Blair during Friday’s All Night Fair at the Memo rial Student Center. Blair painted faces for the Opera and Performing Arts Society booth. ‘So much to do, so many things to see’ Fair draws large crowd By CHERYL HICKMAN Friday’s All Night Fair at the MSG should be hailed as one of the the biggest social events of the year. Simply everyone attended. There were about four dozen creatures from a galaxy far, far away, three guys jamming on guitars in the basement, two walking grapes, “and a partridge in a pear tree.” The newest fashions were on display. One gentleman came dressed a la punk rock complete with a safety pin through his nose. Another man came in drag. But the tiny flowers on his light blue dress clashed with his red head scarf. And his black spit- shined shoes and hairy legs added nothing to the costume. Many of the women s fashions were big hits at this gala affair. In fact a woman dressed as a jawa from “Star Wars ’ won the Best Costume Award. Second place went to the two walking grapes, who were also female, and third was awarded to two look alikes of Hugh Hefner s ever popular Playboy bunnies. So much to do, so many things to see. One of the most popular shows at the fair was the Saddle and Sirloin Club’s “Billy Buckoff,’’ a bucking bronco simulator. It was fun to watch friends, enemies and total strangers mount this black and blue contraption and promptly dismount with some lack of grace when Billy started doing his thing. The award for the best barkers must go to the men of Moses Hall. They lured un suspecting passers-by into their massage parlor with such lines as “Want to warm your date up for the evening? Bring him here and let our girls do it.” And to entice the ladies it was “Look at the smile on this girl’s face. She’s happy. She s satisfied.” Mclnnis Hall s barkers deserve some recognition too. “How many times have you had a door smashed on your thumb? Well this is the time to get back.” That’s a pretty good line to attract people to smash up a car. Any one who could break off a part of this junk yard reject with a sledge hammer got to keep that part. The Mclnnis men would even monogram the trophy with white spray paint. For those in the crowd with more brains than brawn there were other games. Free University made up some tricky questions and put on a Match Game. “Frigid Fran was so frigid that on her first date at a drive-in she wore a blank instead of a bra.” The contestant said, “A hot water bottle.” For the the true intellectual an assort ment of computer games was offered by the Micro-Computer Club. Have you ever tried playing Hangman’s Noose or Chess against a computer? It’s more difficult than you may think since the computer knows all and tells nothing. The highlight of this extraordinary eve ning was the Gong Show. This weird pro gram featured an odd assortment of "tal ent, four judges and, of course, a gong. There were singers, actors, a living bowling ball, comediennes, an Indian, and Elvis impressionist. You name it and someone probably made a spectacle out of himself doing it. The winner turned out to be a har monica player. But this harmonica had a gimmick: he played the instrument with his nose. Overall, the All Night Fair was a com plete success. For all you poor souls who missed it. don t worry. There s always next vear.