The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 22, 1978, Image 3
m ; ; ; '■ v ' .#■ JpS^'"*'"" i* • — '' ' WM- t 'l , . s< ••'^5.A: ^• , ' *«fj, *• . ' : r . 'C ; - *A^' V - College s ‘Equus’ to have nude scene THE BATTALION Page 3 WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1978 IVhile acorns and temperatures have dropped this week, stu dents have found it good weather to keep up on their study- Battalion photo by Susan Webb ISIS ing. ase 6 A nut in the cold United Press International LAS CRUCES, N.M. — A fed eral judge ruled Monday New Mexico State University can present the play “Equus, complete with a nude scene that had brought criti cism from local clergy and the dis trict attorney district attorney. District Attorney Lalo Garza had said he might have the lead male and female characters in the play ar- the NMSU English department, Mark Medoff, director of the play, violate the state s indecent exposure statutes and asked university police to monitor the performance. Judge Howard Bratton, however, granted the university s request for a temporary injunction against Garza, to prevent him from arrest ing any of the performers. Bratton also ruled NMSU could proceed with the play which will debut Thursday at 8 p.m. at the school's Little Theater. During the hearing on the tempo rary injunction request, NMSU President Gerald Thomas testified the directors of the play had not vio lated any university regulations. “One of the principles involved here is the latest technique in teach ing and research that is applicable to drama students,” Thomas said. Four persons, including student Siobban O’Meara, the lead male character, had gone to court to pre vent Garza from halting the play. Represented by Albuquerque attor ney Paul Phillips, the plaintiffs also included Dr. Bruce Street, head of the NMSU English Department, Mark Medoff, director of the play, and Forrest Westmoreland, a city resident. Besides Garza, the play had also been opposed by a group of Las Cruces clergymen. Street, who also testified at the hearing, told the judge the school's main concern was “to keep students from being arrested for something we told them to do.“ '.'JVi'S'Ji tv*/J !.v*AH->; Every Day Is $$ DOLLAR DAY $$ at the Subway! ~“ $ 1 00 20 varieties of sandwiches will be on sale for 2 ft. & 4 ft. subs available for your next party 109 Boyett (Next to Campus Theater) 846-8223 ?ord blasts Carter's dual-purpose tax bill United Press International ?r !l (| LAWRENCE, Kan. — Former ident Gerald R. Ford Tuesday Bum Backed the Carter adminstration s j f ) of combining tax reform and tax [iction measures into one bill and ed that unless the two are sepa- , neither would pass Congress e near future. believe the combination of tax |rm — whatever that might be — tax reduction, will slow down [congressional enactment of a tax |rm bill, Ford said in a lecture Kansas University students, nd unless they are decoupled, l believe Congress will act on 7 —tax reform bill until at least Au- 1st or September,” he said. In response to student questions, kp former president also com- Rafc wted on the coal situation, wage id price controls and the Carter ir illustration budget. *Fmd said he believed the coal e could have been avoided if Secretary of Labor under his insitration William Usury, had been in office. “If he were Secretary of Labor, Ford said, “I think the whole prob lem could have been avoided. I can understand the reluctance of Presi dent Carter to use the Taft-Hartley Act to handle the problem, because of several cases where that act has been counter-productive in the min ing industry. Ford warned that if Carter moved ahead with another of his proposals to end the coal strike — having the two sides agree to a binding arbitra tion by Congress — that Congress would not pass the legislation in time to avoid a deteriorating of the situation. “1 believe that Congress, if it does pass it, will take several weeks to pass it, but I even have serious res ervations that Congress would pass it. Ford said the current adminis tration’s budget was both too large and its tax reduction proposal too limited to continue the economic- recovery that began while he was in office. “In my opinion. Ford said, “the present administration’s fiscal policy calls for too much federal spending on the one hand — a $500 billion budget with a deficit of about $60 billion, and a tax reduction that nets out at about $25 billion. I think the increase in the rate of spending is too large and I think the tax reduc tion plan is too limited. T think that the tax reduction bill could and very likely will be in adequate to meet the challenge that I think we need to keep the reform going. I just hope that in the contest between the president and Con gress, we don t miss the chance to continue the recovery that was started back in the spring of 1975. For Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 AGGIES! Doug I a cS Jewelry offers Student ID Discounts! 15% off of s 50 00 or more 10% off of under $ 50 00 CASH PURCHASE ONLY We reserve the right to regulate the use of this privilege. 212 N. MAIN 822-3119 DOWNTOWN BRYAN LET FLORAL CONCESSIONS MAKE YOUR CORSAGE FOR THE JUNIOR BALL On sale in the MSC Wednesday & Thursday Roses, orchards, carnations, daisies, boutonnieres, wristlets. MADE BY AGGIES FOR AGGIES Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 / /^Y.NWOOD — SANSUI — TECHNICS --- NIKKO --- AR NIKKO — AR — DUAL — JVC — AUDIO-TECHNICA — ADC -- uj O « o o Q U £ u m H Q MAXWELL TAPE SALE These special prices on America's #1 Tape. Cassette Tapes 8-Track Tapes LNC46 . . . Reg. $2.30 Now $1.50 each LNC120 . . . Reg. $5.20 Now $3.50 (in lots of 5 only) UDC46 . . . Reg. $3.50 Now $2.25 (in lots of 5 only) UDC60 . . . Reg. $3.80 Now $2.50 each UDC90 . . . Reg. $5.70 Now $3.40 (in lots of 10 only) $3.75 each UDC120 . . . Reg. $7.50 Now $4.99 (in lots of 5 only) UDXLIC60 . . . Reg. $5.00 . .. .Now $3.50 (in lots of 10 only) $3.75 each UDXLIC90 . . . Reg. $6.95 .. . .Now $4.00 (in lots of 10 only) $4.75 each UDXLIIC60 . . . 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