Hoard chairman, executive ommittee members resign plii chairman of the student senate judi- /^Board and all members of the execu- iJMximmittee Monday submitted their ®iations to Robert Harvey, student president. icials resigning are Stan Stanfield, pill board chairman; Geri Campbell, litive director; Stuart Kingsbery, con troller; Nancy Bunch, secretary; and Dan Sullins, director of information. Their announcements came one day after similar announcements from Harvey and Vicki Young, vice president for stu dent services. A special senate meeting is scheduled for 7:30 tonight in Room 204 Harrington Education Center. The resig nations will become effective at the meet ing. Stanfield said he s withdrawing to allow the new student body president to appoint a new chairman. The others were asked by Harvey to resign, also to allow the new student body president a choice. According to the student body constitu- Everybody pays for rea ‘$3.50’ store thefts By ANDREA VALES college student would argue that B.50 is quite a salty sum to pay for a |k of razor blades or a new shade of nail psh. But this is only a misdemeanor fine |criminal offense which is increasing in er in Bryan-College Station. Tveryone is capable of stealing,” said r Bishop, store director for Skaggs- tsons. “It’s simply a matter of oppor- ijity He added that most shoplifters Jvvpy stealing by reasoning that society 1 them something, m jShoplifters feel society should take care ahem, even if they don’t take care of selves,” Bishop said. Mahnke, assistant manager of The r. a department store, said, “I’ve found shoplifters want to get back at society use they think that society should give pm something.. .so they steal. Bishop said the average value of mer- Bidise stolen from Skaggs is $3.50, al- fogh he has witnessed thefts ranging h 15 cents to over $100. The money appears to be a minor loss to a major food chain. However, the store is not reim bursed for the loss of the merchandise and the fine for the theft is paid to the police department, not to the store. The businessman interviewed declined to give statistics on shoplifting losses. Bernard Kapella, crime prevention offi cer for the College Station Police Depart ment, said that $2.5 billion worth of mer chandise is stolen across the nation an nually. He added that five cents of every consumer’s dollar is used to pay for secu rity measures in stores. “The most efficient security measure a store can take is training its employees to he alert, said Kapella. The Fair trains new employees about shoplifters, and has a re-training program during busy seasons such as Christmas. “We train our sales clerks to greet a cus tomer when he steps into the department and to recheck him about every five min utes. This way, a customer knows that he s being watched and may be a little more nervous about stealing,” said Mahnke. hoplifting in local stores: ike candy from a baby’ [Here in College Station it’s as easy as ling candy from a baby,” said a Texas \ University student about shoplift- lane, (not her real name) has been shop- !ng for six years and has never been pt. 11 know 1 11 never be caught because I fat look like the type of girl who would •st pick up something and walk out of the |e with it,” she said. She added that ier six years she has developed so many Imiques that she could write a manual allow to shoplift. When asked why she felt she had to uplift, Jane answered, “Why not? Prices v'jhigh as hell and stores will rip you off ^ lally. I only take what I think I de- ane felt she deserved credit for never iling anything from a store on campus. Iljust couldn’t ever lift anything from Al because my dad went here and my pther was in the Corps. School’s hard Pugh without having something like that [feel guilty about.” Her parents can never find out about her •uplifting because she is over 18, she |d. The laws require only offenders Ider 7 years to be reported to their par- :s. ane had no qualms about revealing •nieofher manuevers in shoplifting. ■ One of my favorite tricks is stealing nail lish with gloves. I just pick up the bot- I pull off my glove and slip the bottle |to my glove. Then, I drop the glove in p purse and no one ever catches on.” [ The most I ever had enough nerve to steal was about $120. I saw a long slinky dress that I really wanted. I knew I couldn’t afford it, so I just rolled it up and stuffed it in my purse.” This is her most common way of stealing clothes from stores in College Station, she said. “I only took jewelry once, and I got so scared that I swore never again. I saw this emerald ring that I could have afforded but no one was around and I thought I could take it. I was drinking a coke, so I just picked up the ring, coughed, put the ring in my mouth and then dropped it in the coke while taking a sip. Officer Bernard Kapella of the College Station Police Department considers her actions that of a professional, but Jane thinks differently. “A pro is someone who would take money from a register, and that s theft, I could never do that.” Jane admitts she is sometimes afraid of getting caught. “Would you believe that I stuck earrings in my mouth and almost chocked on one when I saw a plainclothesman watching me? I just grinned and asked him where the ladies room was, and he didn’t watch me after that.” “I’m starting to run out of stores,” she said. Stores recognize your face before long, so I’m beginning to rotate to several around town.” When asked if she will ever stop shop lifting, Jane said, “I’ll stop sometime, but I can’t right now. There’s always something you want in life, and there’s always some thing you can’t afford. Although employees can help prevent shoplifting by being alert. Bishop said that employees are the major cause of the thefts at Skaggs. “We have a big problem with em ployees stealing because they’re close to it. It’s easy for them to stick a wad of money from the register into their pockets or to sneak merchandise out the back door.” Skaggs conducted a study to determine the number of shoplifters at the store dur ing one day. A small wire with a small lens attached was inserted through the ceiling. Above the ceiling were cameras filming customers at Skaggs. A count was taken of the number of people who entered the store. After studying the films, the man agement found that one out of 30 people were shoplifting. Skaggs now uses plain clothesmen, con vex mirrors, and security people who watch customers with binoculars from windows in the store as new security mea sures. Even with these new security devices, Bishop said that people still find a way to get the merchandise out of the store. He added that most women use a purse while men use their pockets or boots to conceal merchandise. Some women, he said, even use inflatable bags that make them appear pregnant in order to hide merchandise. Officer Kapella listed several common methods of shoplifting. He said customers will: • Ask to see more merchandise than the clerk can control. • Place merchandise between legs and hold it with their thighs. • “Accidentally” knock merchandise off of the counter onto the floor. • Create a diversion while a partner steals the merchandise. • Wear merchandise out of store. • Carry a hollowed-out book. • Carry an umbrella with the handle over the arm. • Alter price tags during sales. • Use an oversized purse or one with a fake bottom. Kapella added that most college Station merchants are now pressing charges be cause the number of shoplifters has in creased in the past year. Bishop and Mahnke said their stores press charges against all shoplifters without a warning and without asking any questions. Kapella said even though the majority of the thefts are misdemeanors, the offender still receives a permanent crime record. Misdemeanor thefts are those up to $200. Any amount over that is considered a felony. Kapella said there is a growing number of students shoplifting. “They might be getting away with it for a while, but they’ll be caught, sooner or later,” he said. Kapella said that as shoplifting in creases, the security will become tougher. Many stores are now using electronic de vices, such as tags on clothing, to curtail shoplifting. The tags trigger a buzzer if they are removed from the store. tion, the senate may choose a new presi dent at the meeting by a majority vote. Candidates for the office are the four re maining vice presidents: Mike Humphrey, Allison King, Phil Sutton and Mike Springer. Harvey and Young said Sunday they are resigning at the recommendation of the senate, which last week requested them to leave office by a secret vote of 26-24. The vote was the result of controversy sur rounding grade point requirements for student government members. The senate requested resignations from members with grades less than 2.000 for last semes ter. Harvey and Young posted below 2.0 GPRs for last semester, but their overall or cumulative GPRs are 2.94 and 3.23, re spectively. They contend the cumulative GPR should be the basis for grade require ments. They also say that neither the con stitution nor University Regulations is clear on the issue. Kingsbery said he probably would re fuse his old post if it were offered him by the new president because he feels the senators are “hurting themselves and Texas A&M." “I feel there s no way they can pick up the pieces now,” he said. Two assistant controllers told Harvey they could take Kingsbery s place if they were offered the job. Bunch and Sullings said they also would accept their old posts. Campbell could not be reached for comment. Stanfield said Monday that his resigna tion is voluntary and not politically based. “I feel the new chief executive officer should be given the opportunity to appoint a new chairman of the judicial board,” he said. Stanfield added that he would accept the chairmanship if it was offered. Stanfield said he expected Chris Farmer to be appointed acting chairman. Farmer has served longer on the board than the other members. Humphrey likely to be president By LIZ NEWLIN Battalion Staff Mike Humphrey will probably be the next student body president of Texas A&M University after tonight’s election. The student body constitution states that the senate “shall select an interim president from among the five vice presidents by a majority of the members present and voting. Vicki Young, vice president for student services, has announced her resignation, so four VPs are left. After talking with the characters involved and others, Humphrey’s prob able ascent becomes a simple process of elimination. No one else is in a position to take the office. Specifically: •Phil Sutton, the next-most-likely candidate. He’s a graduate student in agriculture, works, and has a wife. Sutton says he won’t take the job, and that he’s leaving in May. He also has responsibilities to his Corps unit. His News analysis area in student government, external affairs, has been run largely by senators on the committee. Sutton has been a good administrator, but the senate has not seen much of him and he has not been a prime leader and mover at meetings. •Mike Springer, junior in physical education. He’s VP for finance and has a tendency to jump up in the middle of senate meetings and make irrelevant points in his easy-going manner. He’s interested in the budgetary process, which is in full swing right now, but many feel he doesn’t know much about it and so can’t be aggressive enough. Springer has no enemies, and he said honestly and admirably two weeks ago that he doesn’t feel he could accept the post. His finance job is taking up much of his time and probably will until mid-April, when new officers take over. • Allison King, senior in marketing. She’s head of the rules and regulations committee and assumes an equal share of the work load with committee members. She works hard and devotes a lot of time to her studies. King doesn’t seem to have any higher political ambitions, but she said she would consider accepting the job if offered. The senate probably won’t offer. •Mike Humphrey, senior in civil engineering, will graduate in May. Last semester he was very busy interviewing because many companies want engineers with high grades. It may be the same this semester. As the Corps’ Scholastic Officer, he has many obligations to that group. A rookie in the senate, he often soothes the more experienced but younger senators with his slow, deliberate speaking style. His committee, academic affairs, has been occupied with professor evaluations, and he hasn’t had a chance to implement many of the ideas he brought to the office. Yet the senate respects him and will almost certainly elect Humphrey, who says he would accept the presidency. What will Humphrey do as interim president? Most feel he’s competent and dependable, but there’s little hope for any major new programs de velopments until the next slate of officers is elected. He has many ideas but so little time — the status quo will be maintained. As one observer said, “There is no one who will be able to replace Robert Harvey.” Tower speech attacks Carter administration By KAYCE GLASSE Lack of a prepared speech didn’t stop Sen. John Tower Monday night from at tacking the Carter administration in a tra ditional Republican fashion. Sponsored by the Political Forum, the nationally known senior senator from Texas discussed energy, federal legisla tion, the Panama Canal treaties, and the intelligence communities (CIA and FBI). The audience of about 125 included stu dents, faculty, staff members, and citizens from the Bryan-College Staion area. Tower said senators who are now unde cided on the treaties will determine whether or not they are ratified during the next five weeks. He added that senate ses sions will be closed because the issue is sensitive and involves classified national security information. One student asked about the use of television cameras on the Senate floor. Tower said that although it sounded like a good idea at first, he opposes the use of cameras. Some problems encountered in televising the debates would be grand- standing by senators, important debates “ending up on the cutting room floor,” and the inconvenience of actual camera set-up. Tower said he is opposed to ratification of the treaties because they require that “we get Panama’s permission to build other canals.” He cited a possible canal in Nicaragua as an example. Turning to the energy issue. Tower said offshore drilling is good for fishing. He said marine life growing on oil rigs at tracts other marine life, and the whole process leads to good fishing. Tower said environmental legislation slows progress when asked about pos sible pollution from offshore oil drilling. “If we want pristine air, we should go back to a pastoral economy in this coun try,” he said. The senator had no reser vations about nuclear energy. He said adequate safeguards and security' would prevent terrorists from endangering any nuclear plants. Tower said he has voted for abortion in certain instances where rape or incest was involved, adding that states should have the right to determine those circum stances. He was quick to criticize the Carter administration for its first year. “For the life of me, I can’t understand why the pres ident has steadfastly refused to invoke the Taft-Hartley Act,” he said. The law could stop the current coal strike by United Mine Workers. Tower said he thinks Car ter’s lack of action on this issue may “crip ple the nation.” In lighter discussion, one student asked the cigarette-puffing Tower how he felt about the anti-smoking campaign launched by Joseph Califano,secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. Through a veil of smoke from his own cigarette, the former political science teacher said he re sents a big-brotherism.” That view is not restricted to smoking, but also includes seat belts and “brain buckets” (motorcycle helmets). He said restraint should be John Tower applied to what is injurious to others. The U.S. senator opposes marijuana, but he said it should be more of a state issue than a national issue. “I don’t think we should oppose severe penalties,” he said. Tower was the vice chairman of Spook I, a committee that reported on the intelli gence community. “Time has come to let them go about their businesses,” he said, adding he that he believes there will be no more abuse of the CIA or the FBI. On another topic, he said a mandatory national health program would “open the door to socialism.” Tower answered questions for about an hour and then chatted with students and signed autographs.