Copy center adds new press Quicker printing service Computer cataloguing seminar scheduled THE BATTALION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1978 Page 3 pen and it is The AM 2975 has arrived. No, this is not a UFO or even a fallen Russian satellite. The AM 2975 is the new $32,000 copy press in the Texas A&M Copy Center. This is the second new press in- lled in the copy center in recent onths. The center specializes in duplicat- iiigfor the Texas A&M students and stafl'. f ; The new presses provide faster service and better reproduction man the center’s older presses, without a price increase to custom- ers. Processing has increased from EDO to 500 copies while customers wait. The presses also extend the quicker service to small two-sided jobs and prints on colored paper, evious machines only were able run quick copies on one side of e page and only on white paper. Another new addition to the cen- :er’s reproduction equipment is an Itek platemaker, which offers a wide Inge of enlargements and reduc tion of copies. 1 Cost of copies made at the Copy Sjenter varies. Prices begin at five |nts for one copy and decrease to |ss than one cent per copy for runs of more than 100. K “The average billing price is one ^ one and a half cents per copy,” id Cameron A. Beckwith, printing nter manager. If a project requires a more pro- Jssional touch than a direct offset Ipy provides, the printing center Iso offers printing. The center lints Exclusively for Texas A&M. Its services include printing the Bat- lion and other campus material ch as books, magazines, depart ment newsletters, posters, ochures and business cards. “We print everything fron big A library workshop Tuesday and Wednesday at Texas A&M Univer sity will present information on au tomated computer cataloguing. Participants in Rudder Tower ses sions will represent university, pub lic and special libraries in Southeast and Central Texas. Hosted by Texas A&M Unviersity Libraries, the workshop is spon sored by AMIGOS Bibliographic Council. Training sessions for 50 participants will be conducted by AMIGOS personnel from Dallas. Lois Upham will be a special guest speaker. Upham is with MINITEX, Minnesota-based bib liographic network. She also par ticipates in CONSER, a Library of Congress Consolidation of Serials project. It is designed to broaden network cataloguing data bases and tie them into a national base. FANTASY WORLD NOW HAS WATERBEDS!! New arrivals in smoking ac cessories. Water-pipes, Bong’s, Clips. 2919 Texas Ave. We Pick Up & Deliver BUD WARD VOLKSWAGEN INC. 693-3311 Off Campus Students! OCSA wants to help you plan parties for you & your neighbors. Organizational Meeting Feb. 15 Rm. 140 MSC 7:30 p.m. TAKE YOUR CHOICE $-|g95 Copy Center employees work with the AM 2975, the new press at the Texas A&M Copy Center. The $32,000 machine allows as many books to calling cards,” Beckwith said. The copy center and printing cen ter are located behind the Reed McDonald Building.The center also operates a copy center on the main floor of the library, and coin op erated copiers in the library. Win dow hours at the main copy center are from 7:45 a. m. to noon and 1 to 4:45 p.m. 500 copies of documents to be printed while customers wait. The center is located in the rear of the Reed McDonald Building.