The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 13, 1978, Image 1

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    e Battauon
Vol. 71 No. 96
S 10 Pages
n Am
Monday, February 13, 1978
College Station, Texas
News Dept. 845-2611
Business Dept. 845-2611
Inside Monday
A long, coal winter in Ohio, p. 2.
The new look in dresses for the
Corps, p. 7.
A look at Hawaiian football, p. 10.
President, vice president
announce resignations
Battalion photo by Pat O'Malley
Hey ref, need some help?
Tim Feickert, a senior from Lancaster, Ca., thinks a blind person
could do a better job of calling fouls than the referee during Satur
day’s game against Texas Tech. Feickert is a member of the Aggie
Baseball team. See related story p. 10.
Battalion Staff
Texas A&M University’s student body
president and a vice president announced
their resignations from office Sunday
Robert Harvey, president, and Vicki
Young, vice president for student services,
said they will submit their resignations to
the student senate in a special meeting at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday. The site has not been
The constitiution provides for the senate
to choose a new student body president by
majority vote from the remaining four vice
presidents. They are Mike Humphrey,
Phil Sutton, Mike Springer and Allison
The new president will then nominate
candidates for empty vice presidential
seats, probably at the regular senate meet
ing Feb. 22. The floor will be open for
other nominations, and a majority vote
will fill the vacancies. Vice presidents are
not required to be senate members.
Harvey and Young posted below 2.0
grade point ratios for the last semester’s
Course work, but that’s not the only reason
they’re resigning.
“At this point in time it seems like this is
the only way to resolve this issuej” Harvey
Last Wednesday the senate requested
the resignations of Harvey and Young. By
a secret vote of 26-24 senators adopted the
resolution, “The person in question should
resign according to regulations as stated.
This is to be applied to all members of
student government currently shown to be
deficient in posting a 2.000 GPR per
One member abstained, and 19 were
absent. Eight senate seats were vacant.
The senate did not decide which grade
requirement should apply. Regulations
are listed in the student body constitution
and University Regulations. Young and
Harvey contend the rules mean a 2.0
cumulative GPR should be required.
Young's cumulative GPR is 3.23, and
Harvey’s is 2.94.
The senate decided the requirement
should be a 2.0 GPR per semester. The
senate may try to revise the constitution
and University Regulations to require only
a cumulative 2.0 GPR.
“It’s in the interest of student govern
ment to move on and get something ac
complished,” Harvey said. “They won’t as
long as they’re preoccupied with this is
“I honestly feel there is no precendent
for officers to resign for posting less than a
2.0. I don t feel the constitution is clear on
the matter, and the third reason is I don t
believe the University Regulations have
been enforced and won’t be enforced con
cerning grade requirements.
“Those are the reasons I haven’t re
signed sooner,” he said.
Young said her resignation is based on
the senate’s recommendation.
“I think they acted fairly in their own
opinion. It was their responsibility to
enforce University Regulations.
"It’s my opinion it should be a student’s
responsibility to remain in good standing
with the University.” She said that for her
it meant maintaining an overall, cumula
tive, 2.0 GPR.
“There are times when the demands of
the office will make your GPR drop below
a 2.0 It’s easy,” Young said. She plans to
apply to medical school this semester. If
Young, a junior, is accepted, it will affect
her plans for participating in student gov
ernment next year. She will be around in
an “advisory capacity” for the rest of the
Harvey plans to graduate in mechanical
engineering this May and apply to law
school. He said he will spend a week brief
ing the new student body president on his
duties then “back out completely.” He
blamed putting student government
duties above studies for his low grades.
Harvey also requested the resignations
of other executive committee members di
rectly responsible to him: executive direc
tor, director of information, controller and
recording secretary.
“I just think that’s the prerogative of any
chief of staff, ’ Harvey said.
Harvey said his greatest accomplish
ment as president was “just leaving an
executive branch that s better organized,
that’s more able to assume the executive
responsibilities of student government.
He said his greatest regret was a job left
“There are still so many things that stu
dent government can do that I’d like to
see them do — that they may not get
done. Tuesday night he plans to tell the
senate “what they’re capable of and
suggest projects in new areas of student
“My main worry is that student gov
ernment may let this issue drop and not
resolve it,” Harvey said. “They need to
see it doesn’t come up again. A president
should not have to resign. It should be
procedural. We shouldn’t have the hub
bub we’ve had this semester.
Like Harvey, the vice president said her
greatest accomplishment was in adminis
“It was to provide the committee with a
good example — one of interest and com
petence and some forethought into next
year’s plans and projects.
“The worst thing about student gov
ernment is that it has this discontinuous
set of officers who work six or seven
Robert Harvey
months and then leave. Young said she
cultivated secondary leaders and planned
for continuity.
“If they give me time. I ll speak Tuesday
night. I’d like to include some closing re
marks to the senate. “
uciii in* v- a ..jn/* y
irael’s Begin blasts U.S.,
ccuses Carter of taking sides
UniteTTPress International regret and protest over the statement had overstepped his role as mediator be- Pope Paul VI and Premi
United Press International
jaeli leaders are unleashing some of
strongest attacks on the Carter ad-
istration and accusing it of taking the
f Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.
Jerusalem, Prime Minister
icliem Begin met with his Cabinet
lay and afterward formally protested
rks by Secretary of State Cyrus
in which he reiterated U.S. opposi
te Jewish settlements on caputured
he government of Israel expresses its
regret and protest over the statement
made by Secretary of State Vance, Begin
said. “The cabinet expresses its hope the
government of the United States will re
consider its position.”
Israeli officials said Begin s statement
was the sharpest criticism of the U.S. ad
ministration since he took office in June
1977. They said Israel was concerned
more by the timing than the substance of
Vance’s remarks.
In New York, Foreign Minister Moshe
Dayan said in a television interview Vance
ignitaries unharmed
i Australian bombing
had overstepped his role as mediator be
tween Egypt and Israel.
“On this specific point — on settlements
and West Bank — I’m afraid he is taking
sides now, which won’t make his job any
easier as a mediator,” he said on NBC’s
“Meet the Press.
The Israeli barrage came in response to
an apparent shifting of American policy
toward Sadat, who visited the United
States last week. U.S. officials said Sadat
was privately assured he would receive
sophisticated American weapons.
In Paris, Sadat met French President
Valery Giscard d Estaing Sunday and
French sources said Paris also was ready to
sell Egypt advanced fighter bombers if the
American arms deal fell through.
Sadat was flying to Rome today to meet
Pope Paul VI and Premier-designate
Giulio Andreotti, ending his eight-nation
In a related development, Israeli Radio
reported the Defense Ministry had or
dered bulldozers to stop preparing the
ground for expanded settlements in the
Sinai Peninsula.
A high-ranking official said the move
was a gesture to Cairo. “It was decided
that it was best that operations be cur
Vance said Friday that Jewish settle
ments were illegal and “shouldn’t exist.
But Begin said, “The government of Is
rael stands by its view that the Israeli set
tlement program is in full harmony with
international law and that it always has
been legal, legitimate and essential.”
SC ON A sessions
begin Wednesday
SCONA 23’s four-day plunge Wednesday into “The Politics of Energy” will
bring a variety of viewpoints to the issue.
Along with previously announced speakers, the Student Conference on Na
tional Affairs at Texas A&M University has added Cong. Toby Moffett (D-Conn.),
Standard Oil of Indiana Executive Rady Johnson and Roberta Hornig, Washington
Star reporter on energy and the environment.
Speakers and roundtable co-chairmen represent Congress, government offi
cials, major and independent energy firms, business and investment firms and
Cong. Olin E. Teague will address the opening session of the conference Wed
nesday. A major contributor and influence on SCONA since its inception in 1955,
the Sixth District representative is ending 32 years in Congress this term.
The SCONA keynote speech, by Under Secretary of Energy Dale Myers,
follows Cong. Teague’s 2:45 p.m. Wednesday address. An aeronautical engineer
and former NASA administrator, Myers was president of North American Aircraft
Operations for Rockwell International before 1976 appointment in the U.S. De
partment of Energy.
Three Thursday presentations open with a delegates-only panel qn “Energy,
Life Styles and the Future” by Dr. Bob Jones and Dr. John Steinbrink of the
University of Houston.
A public presentation by Cong. Morris Udall is set for 12:20 p.m. in the Rudder
Theater, site of most SCONA speeches open to the public. The Arizona Democrat
will discuss the environment and energy.
Thursday evening and Friday panels go into Congress’ role in energy policy,
future energy technologies and energy production. Cong. Robert Krueger (D-
Tex.) and Moffett, representing conservative and liberal views, are on an 8 p.m.
Thursday panel.
A Friday leadoff panel, on alternative energy sources, will feature the Univer
sity of Texas’ Dr. Linn Draper, Nuclear Reactor Laboratory director, and Dr.
Harlan Smith, Astronomy Department head and McDonald Observatory director,
with Dr. Stephen Riter. Riter is director of the Texas Energy Extension Service at
Texas A&M.
Appearing with Johnson on the oil-gas panel are George Lawrence, American
Gas Association president, and Michel Halbouty, petroleum exploration
Hornig appears Saturday, Feb. 18, as SCONA wrap-up speaker. Her assign
ments have taken the reporter to Alaska to write about the pipeline.
Co-chairmen of SCONA roundtables, at which delegates delve into conference
data, include officials of the Shell Company and Mobil Oil Companies, General
Services Adminstration, National Consumer Information Center and Library of
Congress Research Service. Ten Texas A&M faculty members, in petroleum en
gineering, chemistry, mechanical engineering, medicine, history, political sci
ence and geosciences, are co-chairmen.
Texas A&M former students Lee Walker and Don McCrory will also help
stimulate delegate thinking and roundtable involvement. Walker is a top official
and shareholder in companies engaged in nuclear metallufy, medical product
manufacturing and other areas. He was an Aggie basketball letterman in 1964.
McCrory, employed by a Houston investment building firm, chaired SCONA
14 in 1968-69.
United Press International
SYDNEY, Australia — A terrorist bomb
Med today outside a downtown Syd-
| hotel where 12 Asian Commonwealth
ds of state were meeting, killing at
l f ar Hymn author
lebrated 81st
[irthday Sunday
he man who wrote the Aggie War
jmn was 81 years old Sunday and the
he wrote is approaching 60.
■V. “Pinky Wilson of Burnet scribbled
Itune on the back of a letter while hud-
|d in a foxhole in France during World
ir I, even as the Armistice was ap-
jaehing on Nov. 11, 1918.
!he 1920 Texas A&M graduate took the
rds from an old Aggie yell — “Hul-
aloo, Caneck! Caneck!” — for his open-
wrote the tune for a quartet, and the
t is history.
iVhen Wilson and his Marine buddy
irtet first performed the new song, Wil-
was the only Aggie and Texan, but the
uber grows yearly now.
The War Hymn was first performed for
lotball game at the opening contest in
!1, Wilson, and it’s been a fixture
e — ranking among the nation’s most
dily recognizable college fight songs.
It simply never occurred to me that
^ J Is song would ever be what it became... I
ide no effort to keep the letter on which
^lad written it,” he recalls.
least two persons and injuring seven
None of the visiting dignitaries were
hurt in the explosion, but 12 hours later
army experts harmlessly detonated a sec
ond bomb that was set to go off only 300
yards from the site of the first blast.
The explosion occurred shortly after
midnight outside the Hilton Hotel where
the Asia-Pacific Commonwealth leaders
had just returned from a harbor cruise.
Four of the seven injured were policemen.
Two garbage men collecting trash were
killed instantly when the bomb, concealed
in a trash bin on the sidewalk outside the
hotel, exploded as they emptied its con
tents into their truck.
The force of the explosion tore open the
steel sides of the big truck, shattering shop
windows for hundreds of yards around.
The four policemen, part of the confer
ence security force, were cut down by the
blast. A police spokesman said one of the
injured officers was on the critical list.
Earlier reports said three persons were
killed because parts of a body were found
several floors up on a balcony of the hotel.
Police said they were still not able to de
termine if there was a third fatality.
A few minutes before the explosion,
police headquarters received a phone call
from a man “with a foreign accent warn
ing of a bomb in a garbage bin outside the
Hilton. While an officer was putting out
the alert, the bomb went off.
rril • * f* 7 • T Battalion photo bv Susan Wehb
1 he ice is gone —for a while
Temperatures in the 30s last week brought on freezing rain and these icicles hanging from a trash can in front of Heaton Hall.