The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 30, 1978, Image 6

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“We’re the best
damn outfit
off the
To paraphrase the
boasting of our
^4^ rvi ir^i a 5 5 beloved Corps
UCllII|JUO. of Cadets in
which we’re proud, we believe we’re
the best apartment complex in Aggie-
land. Not only do we have attractive
one, two, and three bedroom apart
ments with loads of closet space, all
electric kitchens, individual heating
and air conditioning, but we have our
own lighted tennis courts, supervised
intramural activities, social functions
and 24-hour maintenance.
Just ask anyone who lives at the
Viking. They’ll tell you we have the
best and fastest maintenance crew
anywhere, and the friendliest, most
considerate property managers in
Aggieland. After all, “We’re the best
damn outfit off the campus.’’
Come live with us! Happiness is
living at the Viking. Call Jean or
Shirley today.
'Money o t
your life
inch ji
United Press International
LONDON — Society rnii
like to think about it in thoseti
but there are times whenitpl* n^in
monetary value on human lit, Thi :
Two Scottish researchers,Di ;i ear j
I. Card and Dr. G. H. Moo® garn e
rived at this conclusion aftei? ,fl 0 bjn
ing the workings of the Nitj a ma j
Health Service, which haslii j eam ,
resources and thus must male
sions on how much it can
spend in specific cases.
This, said the authors, "imp! iftj s rol
places a monetary value on In i
The examples they cite sli gj^jy
wide variation in what life in Ljflieo
in money terms — as littlei j) ac k tl
pounds ($95) in a screeningo(| ^g p r
nant women to prevent ‘
1968 to $47 million in a t«
cancer of the large bowel end jjjgjj
by the American Cancer Socie!
“I f<
In the 1968 example it was tx)Un ti
mated that if maternal horn
concentrations were screened
cost per stillbirth averted won! neso ta
a maximum of 50 pounds
In 1971, the British govern ^ ern
2.00 COVER
body i
and f
the pe
My hi
“It -
get m<
tion tf
decided not to proceed
child-proofing of drug conti
The article says that whenal
factors are considered thispaiti
decision valued a childs]
under 1,000 pounds ($1900).
In 1969, the fitting of con
cabs to farm tractors to redmt
mortality risk for drivers was:
compulsory. The national i
estimated at 4 million pounds)
million) for a saving of about 191
or 100,000 pounds ($190,(
The authors say that theresb so I le
be yardsticks for the value d! he did
nostic tests in dollar terms, kl
difficult to quantify pain andsi
ing. In this connection they!
tioned a report on a sequence!
tests approved by the Amei
Cancer Society to exclude cam
the large bowed.
“The suggestion of putlil
monetary value on human life
at first sight seem repulsive,”ll
tide said. |
“Life, it is often said, isprici
but this belief springs from ami
derstanding and depends on#
making the judgment. If soiw
we loved was kidnapped and
had won 100,000 pounds (SIM
on the football pools we sh
prepared to hand over
money to save a life.
“But the health service wil
limited resources of some 5.4b
pounds ($9,990 billion) and i
sponsibility for the health care
million people cannot valueal
this figure.’
I ■ i®
Take me out to the ballgame
April showers bring May flowers, and the spring semester brings
softball. Entries for slow pitch softball open today, January 30, and
will close February 7. Competition will be round robin league with
single elimination playoffs in Classes A, B, and C. There will be
several divisions: Corps, Fish, Men’s and Women’s dorms and inde
pendent, and co-rec. A recreational, just-for-fun, league of round
robin play is being organized in one skill level. This means no offi
cials, no playoffs, and no awards; just a good ole time.
A mandatory team manager’s meeting will be held February 9,
1978 at 5:15 pm in room 601, Rudder Tower. Schedules will be
handed out at the meeting; so, if your team wants to play, you have to
have a representative there.
Table Tennis Singles
Slow Pitch Softball
Janaiiry 30 — February 7
Janaury 30 — February 7
that w
Handball Doubles
Janaury 31
Janaury 31
January 30
January 30
Slow Pitch Softball team manager’s meeting will be held on |
Thursday, February 9, at 5:15 pm in room 601 Rudder Tower.
Table tennis: something new
Big Break
It’s the Grand Slam! It’s the peak of the season! It’s table tennis
singles. Entries and opening today and will close February 7. Entry
forms and copies of the rules are available in the IM Office. Schedules
can be picked up Thursday, February 9.
Table tennis will be in three classes: Class A is highly skilled and
competitive, Class B is moderately skilled and competitive, and Class
C is casual and all for fun. There will be a champion in each class each
of which will receive a t-shirt as his award. There are men’s and
women’s divisions.
Games will be played in room 256 at G. Rollie White Coliseum.
Paddles and balls can be checked out from the official. Tournament
play begins Monday, February 13. So, sign up, practice up, and serve
up. It’s all in the name of fun!
Do you want your team wril
up on this page? Then write an J
tide on your team and itsgamesJ
bring the information to usando®
journalist will write it up for von
Bring the manuscript to the tf
Office and be sure to includeyo®
name and phone number and!*
name and number of the teas
manager. If we use it, well gi"
you five BOG (BE Our Cues!
cards which are redeemable fa
food items at McDonald’s.
IM picks
Marline Carter puts “the block” on her shorter but deter
mined opponent Cindy Felderhoff. Both Marline, of the
Shorties, and Cindy, of the Little Swishers, are participants
in Co-Rec basketball.
Intramural Soccer:
something old
Well, our daring doer has do«<
it again. Here is how this bra®
soul sees it on the soccer fields:
Class A - Central America
Class B - Mexico
On their way
An obvious height disadvantage did little to deter this coed
from her part in a jumpball.
Basketball is starting its third
week of play today; and as of last
Friday, most teams had played
their first game. The roundballers
have great spirit this season. The
routines are going smoothly and
everyone seems to have their
schedules. The courts are filled
with action every Sunday through
Thursday from 5:00 pm through
12:00 midnight.
This year there are 558 teams
competing in the round robin
leagues, 40 of which are women’s
teams; an exciting increase over
last year. According to the facts
and figures, there are only four
less men’s teams this year than
there were total teams last year;
and co-rec teams have almost dou
bled. All in all, there are 110 more
teams participating in the 1978
season than in 1977.
For all you soccer buffs, you
might be interested to know that
the intramural soccer season is not
quite over yet. The men’s semi
final All-University playoffs were
held last Sunday, January 29. The
men’s final All-University games
for Classes A and B are scheduled
for Sunday, February 5, if the
weather is favorable.
Class A will play at 3:10 pm on
field 1, while Class B competes at
2:10 pm on field 1. All games will
be played on the fields at the front
of the campus (East Gate). Spec
tators are welcomed to see the ex
citement and competition.
ReFs Cornel
Basketball will be in play for the
next seven or eight weeks and
spectators can watch the exciting
action in G. Rollie White. Cheer
ing sections are always welcome.
Don t forget all team members
must show an A&M ID to be eligi
ble to play.
This ad is sponsored by
McDonald’s on University Drive
and Manor East Mall and under
the direction of the IM Office with
stories by Michelle Wolstein and
photos by Corey CaskiU.
Thursday, February 2, at7:0W
8:00 pm, room 267, G. Ro
White Coliseum.
Pick up your work schedul
from James Welford in the h
tramural Office this Thursday
February 2.
Tuesday, February 7, at
pm in room 267, G. Rollie Whitt
Anyone interested in officiaW
please come by the Intramural0>
fice and speak with James Welfo®
as soon as possible. Veterans art
urged to attend.