The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 30, 1978, Image 5
iealei fl Campus Names laod-held calculator expert joins Texas A&M The inventor of the monolithic integrated circuit and hand-held alculator, Jack S. Kilby of Dal- will join the electrical engi- leering faculty at Texas A&M university. Kilby’s part-time appointment It Texas A&M as Distinguished Irofessor of Electrical Engineer- |ig becomes effective Feb. 1, Innounced Dr. VV. B. Jones, de- [artment head. Because of other commit- Jients, Jones said Kilby will not lave fulltime classes. He will, lowever, work with under- iraduate and graduate students [nd faculty in teaching and re- earch. He has participated in lontracted research with the de- bartment s Institute for Solid ktate Electronics for the past |hree years. Since 1970, Kilby, a former lexas Instruments official, has leen self-employed as an in- Jentor and consultant. The new Texas A&M faculty aember has patents for the lince-expanded integrated cir- luit, basis for highly-complex Mectronics components and the calculator, and the hand-held Device that has revolutionized hathematical computation. He fields some 50 patents. He is internationally known lor work in reduced titanate ppacitors, semiconductor ther mal printers and other elec- fronics. Kilby also has research Interest in solar energy conver sion. The inventor’s development of (the integrated circuit is de- cribed in a 1976 special edition |of Transactions of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi neers (IEEE), of which he is a (fellow. His article is one of about on recent key inventions in [electronics. Kilby, 54, received degrees at he Universities of Illinois and Wisconsin in 1947 and 1950. A&M ocean engineers solve problem of eroding shorelines THE BATTALION MONDAY, JANUARY 30, 1978 IBSON’S Jack S. Kilby Poet/author featured at literature seminar Norma Faber, award-winning poet and author, will be featured Feb. 20-21 at the Texas A&M University Children’s Literature of the Sea seminar. Co-sponsored by the Sea Grant Program and the English Department, the program begins at 10 a. m. Feb. 20 with a pres entation by Faber in the Memo rial Student Center ballroom. Following a luncheon, she will present a 2 p.m. poetry reading. Feb. 2Ts Schedule includes a, 10 a.m. address on the creative process. That also is in the ball room. Preregistration for the seminar ends Feb. 13 and is necessary for those planning to attend the luncheon, said director Norma Bagnall of the English faculty. “Children s literature of the sea is a serious study at Texas A&M, as scientific study is coupled with the humanistic ap proach,” Bagnall said. “The intent is to enable chil dren to perceive the sea not only as a fascinating physical reality, but to consider the sea through literature as it has been created since the time of Homer. Faber has written more than a dozen picture books, including “As I was Crossing Boston Common,” nominated for the National Book Award. More than 100 of Texas 373 miles of shoreline are eroding, claim Texas A&M University ocean engi neers, but methods such as offshore breakwaters, groins, bypass pump ing, seawalls and planting of vegeta tion can stop the encroachment. Erosion, which can move the shoreline inland as much as 30 feet a year, is also affecting about 250 of the state’s 2,125 miles of estuaries, says Dr. John Herbich and Robert Schiller Jr. They call for a “concerted effort by an aware public working with existing agencies to protect our shores.’ The two caution, however, that poorly placed or designed structures can do as much harm as good, aiding erosion of adjacent areas. The engineers, whose work is partially supported by Texas A&M’s Sea Grant Program, also predict that offshore sand will probably Super Scoop 317 Patricia HOT FUDGE SUNDAE 85c (Behind Loupots & the Dixie Chicken) Political Forum announces BILL CLAYTON Texas Speaker of the House Tues. January 31, 1978 12:30 p.m. 601 Rudder Tower Topic: A Close Encounter With Texas Reception following Room 145 MSC /tep into the m/c circle INTERSTATE 73**^ CINEMA I and II UNIVE^inSQ^R^^0^^GCENT^^^^^14 & 846-1151 ^|T| • Jill I % ^<5^ ^ it ir-iF VeVJI»l#lllllWillll EI!Sj9hd BURT REYNOLDS SALLY FIELDiPO* a universal re-re 1 easq Listen to KORA-FM tor free tickets Ne PasMS—no bargain hour . r rr T 0 ,\ DAILY 7:00,9:35 No Guest Admlisfbn Ticket* ' •artwi .1 ABC Guest Admission Ticket ^ Before Expiration Date) * TOM FOOLERY’S * Newly Recovered pool tables Electronic pinball machines 78 Foosball tables AGGIE SPECIAL Vz PRICE WITH LD. Open 313 S. College 12-12 Mon.-Thurs. 12-2 Fri. Sat. 1-12 Sun. Located Next to Sports Club 846-9863 L ¥-YY-Y-¥-¥-Y-Y-Y-Y^-Y-¥-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y”Y^-Y-¥-Y-Y-Y-Y¥-Y Want a sound opportunity? Bose Corporation, leading manufacturer of high quality stereophonic music systems, is looking for a Bose Campus Manager. He or she, preferably a Sophomore or Junior, will be the exclusive representative on campus, mar keting a new component stereo system. This is not a full-time job, and remuneration is by commission. There are no set hours, and you can structure the job to fit your schedule. To receive an application, call Bruce Kostic at (617) 879-7330, or fill out the coupon and mail today. Bose Corporation College Division The Mountain Framingham, MA 01701 Please send me an application for the position of Campus Manager. Marne School Address. City Tel. Mo. ( ). Area Code State. 2ip_ have to be used for artificial re- A summary of the two professors’ plenishment of the coastline findings is included in a Sea Grant beaches, since most inland sources Marine Advisory Bulletin entitled of sand are exhausted or cannot be “Shore Protection’ available used because of environmental con- through Texas A&M’s Center for siderations. Marine Resources. COORS $1 45 6-pack cans Good through Saturday 1420 TEXAS AVE. OPEN EVERY DAY! Texas A&M University Town Hall presents Special Attraction MAYNARD FERGUSON AND ORCHESTRA f. •v Primal Scream # The Fly * * * V • ‘ 7 Star Wars * 77 ^ acArthur Park Gonna Fly Now Maria Tuesday, February 21 8:15 p.m. Rudder Auditorium Tickets A&M Student/Date General Public Zone 1 $3.00 $4.00 Zone 2 $2.50 $3.50 Zone 3 $2.00 $3.00 All seats are reserved Priority period for Texas A&M students January 30 - February 3 That's why your bridal diamonds should be as special as Zales alone can make them! a. 4-Diamond rose set, $450 b. 11-Diamond set, $475 c. 3 Diamonds, 2 genuine rubies, $400 All sets in 14 karat yellow gold. Experience Christmas at Zales, where elegant gift wrap is yours at np extra charge! Charge it! Open a Zales account or use one of five national credit plans Zales Revolving Charge • Zales Custom Charge • VISA • Master Charge American Express * Diners Club • Carte Biance • Layaway 10-9 Monday-Saturday izcMwnnn KOSS — KENWOOD — SANSUI