The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 30, 1978, Image 3
"y ■esda; "niantt ter 4 ial Sfc J. R. Thompson, president of Warren Electric Co. of Houston, presented a $25,000 endowment re- pently to the Texas A&M University industrial distribution program. It is Thompson’s second $25,000 lowment for the program, which has $115,000 in endowed giv- from various supporters. The st donation from Thompson was ade in honor of his brother, ilip VV. Thompson, the firm’s ice president. The presentation ped a morning and afternoon r ofTexas A&M by some 60 in dustrial distributors who are among 1,000 attending the Southern Re- Jn, National Association of Elec- Ical Distributors conference in Houston. Texas A&M Vice Presi- A&M receives $37,000 in grants THE BATTALION MONDAY, JANUARY 30. 1978 Page 3 dent for Academic Affairs J. M. Pres cott formally accepted the gift. exiled let and ’.Tel), grad,' omerf isionij sition nteer rode 'edat The Texas Committee for the Humanities and Public Policy and the National Endowment for the Humanities have given grants total ing $11,000 to Texas A&M Univer sity to plan and develop a series of programs on “Quality of Life in Rural Texas.’ Project director Dr. Diane W. Strommer, associate dean of liberal arts, explains that the grant will be used to build a series on life in small towns and rural communities and package the pro grams for use by any interested community group. Typical pro grams would include such topics as program set ||rhe Air Force has awarded Texas A&M University $645,000 to set up a iwo-year cooperative program of Search and teaching on composite materials used in structural designs of airplanes. ■Despite the dearth of knowledge about these layered materials and how they perform, they coidd re- duct the weight of certain aircraft parts as much as 25 percent, says jHeston Cherry, assistant director of thp Texas Engineering Experiment Station, part of the Texas A&M Sys tem. X’k to )sand 'rcury a and hree s also wary limed gbtin PLACEMENT CENTER Campus interviewing begins January 30. Ail May and August graduates are eligible. Register now! Consult pink sheets in your department or at Place ment Center to determine what aca demic majors employers are seeking. Getting ready for a Job Search? Use the library at the Placement Center to get ideas and reference materials. For personal assistance, see one of the staff members. 10th Floor, Rudder Tower nipt- 1 dlite, louse Korea Park Con- or an South itnent :aves. egate “sucli I South msel, | >ador) j 6th Anniversary Portrait Sale 2 for 1 on all color portraits bcirkei — photography 405 UNIVERSITY DR. NORTHGATE 846-5766 ££ rxv —-xk —ny SOC OPEN COMPETITION INVITED tWitf \>*jm . tti* cJ* Xan*, .. X'* 1 I,,* 1 U-*'. SiJl K ‘"'S *<*j t. All Texas A&M Organizations Are Invited To Compete In Open Boxing Competition j|3 Weight Classes $35.00 Entry Fee per team • MARCH 1 & 2 NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY SPECTATORS WELCOME $1.00 at Door Beer & Food Available For More Information Call: Freeman Fisher 693-7652 or David Cook 846-3256 health care in rural Texas and the cultural heritage of Texas. Such programs focus on contributions that the humanities can make in understanding current issues and concerns. Mary Robertson, for merly with the University of Okla homa’s Economic and Management Research Center, has been ap pointed project coordinator. Andy Byrd is research assistant. Gulf Oil Foundation gave $1,000 to Texas A&M University recently for support of its Economics De partment speakers program. The grant is part of approximately $3 Lawrence’s Hair Styling Salon, We cut hair like (porcupines make love million which will be distributed this year to educational programs in the United States and its territories by the Gulf Aid to Education Pro gram. J. F. Stephenson Jr., man ager of public affairs for Gulf, pre sented the grant to Dr. Charles Maurice, head of economics at Texas A&M. Gulfs comprehensive program for institutions of higher education also includes under graduate scholarships, employee gift matching, capital grants, de partmental assistance grants and graduate fellowships. CASUAL FASHIONS for GUYS & GALS TOP DRAWER Culpepper Pl&za The interdisciplinary research and teaching program conducted by Texas A&M could further open the doors on use of composite materials in aircraft design. Engineers, chemists, physicists, nuclear scientists and mathemati cians here will form the team to begin this research. In Spetemher, a dozen research assistants chosen from the aircraft industry will join the effort and will also pursue an educational program in the field which leads to a master of science degree. Very carefully! 822-1183 301 Bizzell Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 SONY’S NEWEST BETAMAX NOW RECORDS FOR TWO FULL HOURS THE BETAMAX VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER SL-8200 ■I O 4* ; Y rxx- - - .-H & As & & We Pick Up & Deliver BUD WARD VOLKSWAGEN INC. 693-3311 Now you can record the program you are watching; watch one program while you record another; or with the optional Betamax Clock Watcher digital clock timer, even record while you are away from home. It’s “Ready When You Are.’’ AUDIO 707 Texas Ave. in College Station 846-5719 TAKE OFF AND SAVE With Rio Airways New Joint Fares 14 DAILY FLIGHTS Take to the air on Rio, your first step to everywhere, and save when you connect with other major air lines to your final destination. How do Rio’s Joint Fares work? When two air carriers are involved in your flight, Rio’s joint fares provide you with a single fare which covers your trip from origination to destination. Rio’s joint fare will be lower than the combination of each airlines’ separate fares for their share of the trip. Your one stop at the Rio ticket counter takes care of tickets, flight connections and baggage all the way! HERE ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPLES OF JOINT FARE SAVINGS: BASED ON CURRENT REGULAR RIO’S YOU COACH FARES FARE JOINT FARE SAVE ATLANTA 114.82 79.63 35.19 BALTIMORE 146.30 112.96 33.34 CHICAGO 119.45 92.59 26.28 DENVER 108.34 80.56 27.78 HONOLULU 235.19 207.00 28.19 LAS VEGAS 137.04 113.89 23.15 LOS ANGELES 149.08 113.89 35.19 MIAMI 141.67 108.33 33.34 NEW YORK 160.19 126.85 33.34 SEATTLE 179.63 151.85 27.78 WASHINGTON D.C. 146.30 112.96 33.34 CALL YOUR TRAVEL AGENT OR RIO Between Bryan / College Station and Houston Intercontinental Airport. 18 DAILY FLIGHTS Between Bryan/College Station and Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport. RIO FLIES YOU DIRECT TO THE BRANIFF TERMINALS All Rio flights arrive and depart at the Braniff International Terminals for easy flight connec tions and money saving joint fare flights. ‘Joint Fares only available from Dallas-Fort Worth.