The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 25, 1978, Image 14
Page 14 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1978 Taking ‘pill/’ smoking too? FDA warns it ? s dangerous United Press International WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration Tues day ordered the nation’s druggist to tell women using birth control pills not to smoke because it sub stantially increases danger of heart attack or stroke. The warning will be carried in a brochure and a leaflet which must be given each patient every time a druggist dispenses the pill. The rules take effect April 3. “The use of birth control pills by healthy women who do not smoke doubles the chance of suf fering a heart attack,’’ the FDA said. “But the combination of birth control pills and smoking, especially heavy smoking, pres ents a far greater risk of heart at tack and other circulatorv dis- “Pill users who also smoke are three times more likely to die of a heart attack or other circulatory disease than women who take the pill but do not smoke, and are 10 times more likely to die of a heart attack or circulatory dis ease than women who do not use the pill and do not smoke,” it added. Drug committee encourage physicians to be selective Vol. 10 P By TERESA HUDDLESTON Final goals for the drug abuse prevention plan in the Brazos Valley area were discussed Tuesday by the Regional Drug Abuse Advisory Committee. Debbie Calaway, regional drug abuse coordinator, presented her goals to the committee in a two- phase plan. One deals with preven tion and education of drug abuse and the other with treatment and rehabilitation. One of the committee’s goals is to encourage physicians in the Brazos Valley region to be more selective in prescribing habit-forming drugs. They want to make physicians aware of the extent of the drug abuse prob lem by having data more available and by encouraging physicians to limit the number of patients on pro longed drug therapy of the habit- forming type. Another committee goal is to in crease awareness of accidental poisonings of children in the Brazos Valley area hy making data on their drug overdoses available to the pub lic through the news media. This THESE PRICES GOOD THURS., FRI. & SAT. JANUARY 26-27-28 GIVE AH New Series #3 ' H Gameratna yWin up to *1000 k in Cash Prizes £ Bonnie Baker \ £ •AU PURPOSE i flour :: Hi-Dri BATHROOM TISSUE V 1 I ♦i Roy rhe oil New Series ' « 12751/77 oamefomo taSr REMAINING ODDS FOR ODDS FOR ODDS FOR VALUE * OF PRIZED I stort visit ) visits 6 'stors visits PICK UP YOUR CARD and GET A BINGO 1 SYMBOL FROM THE CHECKOUT CLERK EYERY TIME YOU SHOP 1,000.00 14 198,429 to 1 66,310 t» 1 33,155 fo 100.00 187 14,895 : 4,964 ft 1 2,482 to 10.00 418 6,665 i 2,221 to 1 1,110 to ‘5.00 1681 1,657 i 552 to 1 276 to 1 ♦2.00 6208 449 to 1 ISO to 1 75 to t 1.00 45,166 62 t» 1 21 to t K>.5 to ♦•ftl *0F PRIZES 55,674 52 to 1 17 to 1 8.5 to 1 Hw it Mit ylrpi n rtu Urn Stmi ImM «i Tui Ltuamm Swift Proten Full Cut Boneless ROUND STEAK Swift Proten Tenderized ROUND STEAK |28 138 NOTICE... CURRENT SERIES OF 6AMERAMA SAT., JAN. 28 WILL BE THE IAST DAY THAT GAME PIECES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY . THERE ARE STILL 14 *1000°° WINNING CARDS OUT YOU HAVE UNTIL FEB.4 TO TURN YOUR CARDS IN OUR PLEASURE TO l€U» YOU CARRY OUT YOUR PURCHASES. PiMV W4SV wants to tme our customers in every woy, witii economy and old fashioned courtesy. ROUNOSTEAK Swills iPreniiumJ FULL CUT BONE-IN roien Armours Star Speedy Cut BONELESS HAM 1/2'$.'i”. Fine For Baking Pork SPARE OO RIBS V T* Swift Proten Bone-In RUMP % fOg ROAST lb. J09 GROUND Chuck Quality $ BEEF Ifc . SMOKED Hillshire Farms $ m SAUSAGE Rs5ular »> 1 SMOKED Hillshire Farms * SAUSAGE. 6erf * t Neuhoffs Lone Star 12 oz - All Varieties PIKES PEAK ML ROAST PORK OFFALS Boneless Neckbones Pig Tads Pig Ears . . lb. lb. J39 |39 39 FRYER BACKS LUNCH MEAT NEUHOFFS R<>sul4r i,r 3S FRANKS . SLICED Hormel's 1 lb. ^ B4C0N Sl9ck Ubel pk9 ' HOT LINKS Trevim 1 lb. P^- |88 88 ran(> CAMPBELLS 16 oz. cons 1 Banquet Mexican Frozen DINNERS. 12 «• * •* * * 0 •‘.V Ore-lda Frozen French Fries A POTATOES CrinkU Clrt 2 49 ^ 69- ivory SOAP COMET. Cleanser d} 14 oz. cans size . bars Pnrn P'oo'yW'BBty VPlJl II Golden Cream Style or Whole Kernel Beans Sokick Sup«r 2 . , BLADES L J?. More Than A Mouthwash 121 Oft LISTERINE 14 « w. COFFEE MARYLAND CLUB 1 lb. pkg. CRISCO OIL Blue Bonnet in 1/4'S « » * U8 MARGARINE I Aunt Jemima SYRUP. 2402141 Aunt Jemima Complete a ,, PANCAKE MIX ? 3 Minute Yellow n pop corn 2 >9 59 LAST CHANCE TO FINISH YOUR SET m Wia BE AVAILABLE THRU SAT. FEBUARY 4, 1978 BRITANNICA JUNIOR ENCYCLOPAEDIA on sale this week $099 VOL. ONE 49 DOUBLE BONUS OFFER SAVE'5 98 Details at store PigsV Wiggly 8 _ ~ POTATO CHIPS ^ 49 Cola & Assorted Flavors gj... am KING KOOLER *p .5 tfe 1 Sunbeam Assorted Jfe a COOKIES 4 I Sunshine Vanilla 12 oz. box WAFERS l Fomoes US *1 RUSSETS 10 w RED DEL APPLES Extra ^ Fancy J ib. OOu GRAPEFRUfT NAVEL ORAUGES 6 ^ 99* .29' BELL PEPPERS us CUCUMBERS 2 y 39 • SE.. 2 . 39' Store Hours: All Stores M-S 8 to 9 p.m. Sun. 9 to 7 p.m. 2700 Texas Axe. South 3516 Toois Ave. 200 East 24th St 9 Redmond Terrace COLLEGE STATION and BRYAN, TEXAS ★ ★ ★ ★ Double fi&H Green Stamps every Tuesday with^2.or more purchase. s I Wi goal came in response tosixc who have visited the hospitalsj past year due to taking mol pills or drinking poisonous ( cals. Other goals include trealiiJ coholic women and caring y children while the womeni ceiving treatment. The goals will be sent tothel) Department of Community j for final approval. The depai will then decide on fundingfJ program. The Brazos Valley several agencies where with a drug problem cani treatment or counseling. J these agencies are the Brazos'J Mental Health-Mental Retard Center, the Bluebonnet Psyei Center and The Answer Thelf City Mission offers helpforalaj Firm profit on hot cheti United Press Intematioml HOUSTON — It’s getting 1 and harder to write a badi these days. And a few firms art ting richer and richer makingit der and harder. One of the newest is Gre Houston Checking Service doing business as Texached filiate of Telecheck Servicesli fl nationwide firm operating! metropolitan areas. “We provide to the me| a service hy which they cam pletely get out of the bad it I business,’ says John Chaney,«| check president and chiefi holder. The system works this wa k present a check to a merchanlf J with one of 106 acceptable fora identification. The merchant!I Texacheck and gives them'I name, identification andtheai of the cheek. “Within 25 seconds of i we receive the call, we’ll goW him with either approval ord proval. On an approval, ifthatei is returned as a bad check, well that check from the merchant{ our warranty limit.’’ ■. , Chaney says the warranties*^ — depending on the business! individual contract — but “it’sH! cally a $400 per check wamj They rare making money. How do they do it? “We are accessing a large I puterized date file of bad i»° n ^ writers,” Chaney says. “Ourliffrith ceeds half a million ptoykl rea tionwide. We will not approvej body’s check who is in our < “It cost us millions of d build that data file. We’re relyi that to reduce the cost of badckj to merchants and consumers, “A major account — whidi| remain nameless — lost t $250,000 last year in bad f!| n > ith The cost of our service plus cl* that they do not call in — ii! ts t( case, that is other than highriff' 661 should be reduced to SIOO.OO® 160 ! But Chaney says tightened*“ e _ tection against bad checks, percentage of Which surface in«' cl ^ r growing areas like Texas, willf 5 ™ everyone money. ‘ li “Everybody who spends I pay for the cost of bad chechl says. “The American BankiM sociation estimates it costs aWl annually per head in the b| States.” Electronics have made Texacl and other firms, including loot] Telecredit in California, Chaney said. “Five years ago, the big probably had no alternatively a said. “They probably had acaI '»r a l> “The big reason that we’reat» er ( do this — and we couldn’t any great sophistication 10ye^! a sed — is the electronics industt)!^ t helped us with computers. Papg, “You couldn’t have instant | v j c ^ access to half a million records 1 ' ^ s until just recently.” i ce( j iada ■la Chaney says that Texacheck’s reputation is fi ' ® Se ' lished, just the decal logo 01 s. store window will keep professi bad check writers out. kJv And it’s big business. “We have 600 subscribers June 1 startup, ” Chaney says^ does not include most of the department stores. ' Chaneye? those later. Where does it all lead? E' Citi 26 ally, Chaney says, to a cashl^mdatei ety. “It’s a step toward eWiintyc funds transfer, which is ficult to put a date on. Butit : Amaj the merchant will no longern p t concern himself about a bad\Ll BW a] ^ led i CASUAL FASHION ^ for f A/i! GUYS & GALS e mc TOP D8AWI Culpepper Plaza civi ised >nth ^skei