Page 8 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1978 TAMU MOTORCYCLE CLUB PRESENTS ON ANY SUNDAY ~| Once a student has the flu sj there isn’t much he can 1 ' THE CLASSIC MOTORCYCLE MOVIE By Bruce Brown - Starring Steve McQueen, Malcolm Smith and Mert Lawwill Tue., Jan. 24 7:30 PM Rm 102 Zachry For the Paltry Fee of 50c For more info call: Mike Love 845-6193 Perry Finger 845-5202 (LI By TRICIA BRUNHART With the cold, wet weather the Bryan-College Station area has been having recently, many students at Texas A&M University may find themselves sick with the flu. Dr. Claude Goswick, director of Beutel Health Center at Texas A&M, said the flu affecting this area is a combination of two strains. He said it is composed of one-third to one-fourth of the A-Victorian strain and two-thirds to three-fourths of the A-Texas strain. The A-Texas strain, a new variant of the flu, acquired its name because the virus was first isolated in cases in Texas, Goswick said. He said there will probably be a flu epidemic at Texas A&M because of the season, adding that many other states are already having epidemics. Goswick said that an epidemic “when there are more cases of a par ticular disease than would normally be expected for that disease, that area, and that time of the year.” Goswick also said there is no vac cine that would be of any value to a person who has the flu, because it takes up to six weeks for a person to become immune. Goswick added that time is the best cure. There are 44 beds for in-patients at the health center, Goswick said. But he doesn’t anticipate any pro longed illnesses from the flu. He said a person would probably be sick for only a couple of days with the flu. Goswick added that the health center will probably be using a new express clinic a lot during the epidemic. Is; He said there is not mucli son can do to prevent catchingH ‘V flu, because of the crowded * tions on campus, such as ^ , halls and classrooms. jff 3 „ Goswick’s advice is to avoidJj§'' tact with someone who already’® V0ITU the flu, to dress appropriatei) the weather, and to make Fexas lilC Cl 1 id lilUHC USE Bi other common sense measures, fli Voi e g JANUARY SALE Tues /ed.-Thurs.-Fri.-Sat./Jan. 24-28 reee tcquila DPINK5 United Press International Mexico’s southeast peninsula got its name in 1517 when the conquis- tadores arrived and asked in Spanish what the place was called. The na tives, who knew no Spanish, replied in their tongue: “Yucatan — what do you want?” 730-930 50* T€QU»L<=! DRINKS 9 30- l^oo We Pick Up & Deliver .so* bgor BUD WARD VOLKSWAGEN INC. 693-3311 M