The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 23, 1978, Image 7
THE BATTALION MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1978 jports Lilei.l iqiie | : Arkansas survives scare 3urisi United Press International It has now been demonstrated the Arkansas Razorbaeks can their absolute worst and still At least they can against the Horned Frogs. U has played almost a season id a half without winning a South- ist Conference game, but the ned Frogs put a scare into the -ranked Arkansas Razorbaeks rday evening. 'hat was about as bad as I’ve in college basketball since I’ve at Arkansas,’’ said Hogs Coach sdt b^e Sutton. During the first half her Ron Brewer nor Marvin . Hi - two of Arkansas’ top guns - , juld manage a point. Irt jlrewer missed his first six shots "Bi the field, the Razorbaeks had "“" ■baskets taken away on charging 1 juls an d Brewer, who leads the 1C in free throw shooting with a 1 '""Hercent average, missed two tun the line. 1 But Brewer came back to score jne points in the second half 1 8 ei1 Bnst the deliberate Frogs and Ar ias pulled put a 43-35 decision, at win, combined with a sur- ingly easy 71-58 triumph for Tech over slumping Texas jM kept the Red Raiders 5-1 and backs 4-1 within a game in the column of league leading Texas. The 17th-rated Longhorns, the conference s surprise team of the year, kept their 5-0 league mark un touched by the simple chore of not playing Saturday night. But the Longhorns task picks up considerably Monday night since they have to travel to Texas A&M. That is the start of a five-game stretch in 10 days for Texas, ending Feb. 1 with a trip to Arkansas, where the Razorbaeks will be out to avenge their loss in Austin a week ago. In other conference activity Saturday night the Houston Cougars 4-2 easily subdued the Rice Owls 1-5, 96-74; and Baylor’s Vinnie Johnson scored 29 points to give the Bears 2-3 a 75-73 decision over SMU 2-3. SMU is easily the conference’s hard luck team of the year. Its three conference losses have come against A&M after leading by 12 at the half, to Tech by two points on a shot at the buzzer and against Baylor in a squeaker Saturday night. TCU 0-5 has lost 21 straight con ference games, but led the Razor- backs midway through the second half. “If TCU plays this style the rest of the way they will win a lot of games, said Sutton. “Our players read the paper and compare scores and it’s hard to get emotionally ready for a game against TCU. They did a great job handling the ball.” In Lubbock, Texas Tech took ad vantage of A&M’s 25 percent field goal shooting in the first half to open a large lead. “We’ve trailed most of our con ference games at the half,” said Tech Coach Gerald Myers. “It felt good to get in front and get some momentum for a change. We broke their press for some easy bas kets and, of course, they shot for a miserable percentage which helped us. ” That was A&M’s fourth loss in five conference games, a dismal start for a team expected to be among the top finishers this season. Texas’ schedule this week, follow ing their game Monday night at Texas A&M, calls for the Longhorns to meet Baylor at home Wednesday night and travel to SMU Saturday evening. Arkansas will be at Baylor Monday night, host SMU Thursday night and travel to Texas Tech for a critical encounter next Saturday. The other key game this week has Tech visiting Houston Wednesday night. Navratilova wins Slims tournament United Press International HOUSTON — Martina Nav ratilova is fast joining the company of death, taxes and the Dallas Cow boys as solid choices to win more often than not. Martina, however, is one to keep her sense of humor despite the high cost of winning. “I feel very happy about finally being able to beat my doubles part ner,” she said following her first- ever victory over Billie Jean King Sunday in the finals of the Virginia Slims terinis tournament. One hour later the two women paired to win the doubles competi tion, 7-6, 4-6, 7-6, over Mona Guer- imedl II s-n Call CONFERENCE W L Pet. 5 0 5 1 NATIONAL SERVICE FRATERNITY PLEDGE RUSH January 24 and 26 8:00 PM. Rm. 206, MSC rant and Greer Stevens. The victory pushed their tournament earnings to $22,600 for Navratilova and $13,100 for King. Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. 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