The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, January 17, 1978, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1978 We Pick Up & Deliver BUD WARD VOLKSWAGEN INC. 693-3311 Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize in Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 Some part-time jobs can get you IN STATE TUITION, not interrupt your education and even help you in your studies. TAKETHE ARMY RESERVE TO WORK WITH YOU. The skill you learn serving part- time in the Army Reserve can be helpful in finding a full-time job. Call Sgt. Heather. VETERANS, AMERICA NEEDS PART-TIME SOLDIERS, TOO. Your country can still use your military experience 16 hours a month in the Army Reserve. You’ll earn a steady extra income serving your country in your community. Call Sgt. Heather. Besides! SOME PART-TIME JOBS ARE i MORE EXCITING THAN OTHERS. From crane operators to radio operators, the Army Reserve has | hundreds of exciting part-time jobs. RESERVE PART OF WHAT YOU EARN IS PRIDE. CONTACT Sgt. Heather Efinchuk (713) 846-4794 at 4103 Texas Ave. Bryan, Tx. 77801 Investigate Learning 1b Fly With Our Special DISCOVERY FUGHT... Only $10.00! If you want to give your career a boost, come on out and get the full story of how you can get your pilot’s license through our Cessna Pilot Center Program. It’s the most efficient pilot training system in the world. While you're with us you can actually fly an airplane by taking our special. DISCOVERY FLIGHT. When you have earned your Private Pilot's license, you're eligible to enter the $300,000 TakeOff Sweepstakes. See us for complete details. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. Cessna^ PHOT CENTER BRAZOS AVIATION EASTERWOOD AIRPORT • COLLEGE STATION 846-8767 Stop By, Have Some Refreshments & Look Over Our Sale Specials! 15% OFF Large Selection Of Tops & Men’s Shirts Jeans $ 12" 111 Boyett St. (Next to Campus Theatre) PS|, EARN EXTRA CASH As A Blood Plasma Donor At Plasma Products Inc. 313-C College Main Relax or Study in our Comfortable Beds While You Donate — Great Atmosphere — Trained Professional Help on Hand at all Times. Hours: More Of A Good Thing M M ►- H HAPPY HOUR 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday Thru Friday Call any weekday during the dinner hours and have a piping hot pizza delivered to your door — at these discounted- prices!!! M o° 1*° ej* ° (No coupons accepted during Happy Hour, please.) w 846-7785 Newsman won’t tell story origin S] A United Press International AMARILLO, Texas —Af ^ district judge has ordered a M sion reporter to reveal sources d formation used in broadcasts aim L _ grand jury investigation of con tion in Potter County govern® I Judge Arthur Tipps of Witj Falls, presiding in the removal of suspended County Attot Kerry Knorpp, instructed rep Mark Baker of KVII-TV to disd his sources or be jailed for fin more days for contempt of cow Baker said he will not disclost source and expects to be jailed Baker reported on Nov. 4, that a grand jury which return n ®p bribery indictment against v --®° was also considering theft 4 tions. The grand jury did not ret a theft indictment at that time, in March of 1977 Knorpp ji. he vher game Ar named in an indictment alia misuse of more than $6,0(i county funds. His removal suit later filed. Defense attorneys claim a"( trine of forgiveness” should appl Knorpp s case, since he waseles to office after widespread public closure of the allegations. The. contends reports by Baker and# reporters naming Knorpp as subject of the grand jury study curred one or two days after election. md r New Orlem bids farewel to King Tut ast y mly he s< ng sc easoi adir De tarte “Cl Hys rove onfic JfUlS opec United Press International NEW ORLEANS — Musei Art workers Monday packed]* less artifacts from the tomb of! ver f' Tutankhamen for shipment to Angeles, ending a four-monthsl J eTa in the South. More than 12,000 people sa* priceless exhibit on its final da; the museum remained opent logs midnight, seven hours pastitsn ourt lar closing. Thousands earlier lined “NOMA Nile,” an avenue paii blue to represent the Nile River a traditional New Orleans jaa neral. The Olympia Brass Band p]j|aid typical funeral dirges like “A Cl Walk With Thee” on a si mournful procession to the musi steps. Then the band broke intoli tunes and quickened the pace hundreds of spectators in oranj blue Super Bowl outfits struttii “When the Saints Go Marchin] and “Come on Down to the Jftrkan Gras.” New Orleans jazz funerals, given for most blacks as a si] respect and celebration of lives, now are held for the del musicians and on special occasi “Everyone feels it was a pi way to say goodbye to Tut ia Orleans — the only city in then try that could do it in the samt manner,” said museum din John Bullard. Th •ecoi bask' Razo 1 >n!y :he irst 16,2! rut Nc foo i-foo sddi ver, Worn orce Soutl leaso Bn ad 9 Iso hose {ame Bre A gf ount ot he ho p es c MU. W, rink ingp The campus activities , Thursday ( Basketball, Texas A&M Ladies vs.! west Texas 7 p.m., G. Rollie WhileJ iseum Cepheid Variable, “Beauty Beast,” admission $1, Rudder TheJtifl and 10 p.m. Friday Last day to Enroll, Add Courses Hong Kong Club, 7:30 p.m., I'tSlI Aggie Cinema, “A Star is Bom,’’! Rudder Auditorium, "The Great Sm Cathouse Thursday,” 12 Midnight,IJ der Theater. Saturday Brazos County National Organizatidjl Women, bake sale and membership® 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Manor East M foyer Aggie Cinema, “A Star Is Bon p.m., Rudder Auditorium Sunday Travel Committee, We’ve Never 1 Licked,” 8 p.m., Rudder Auditorium Aggie Cinema, Benji,” 2 p.m., h 1 ® .Theater Monday & Wednesday 9:00 - 5:30 Tuesday. Thursday & Friday 9:00 - 5:00 Bring this coupon and receive $2 Bonus on your first donation. Effective # til February 10, 1978. Call For More Information 846-4611 b’J [£j 1 i plj i (Vfl l['LlJ R3] fdjrtajfcijfpmp; l3]fo3 ; IeJlK§ Don't Toy Around With Your Car.. Bring It To The Experts! Watch for our weekly auto service special Zl A THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL Front End 20fs Alignment $098 Retail Price Most American cars On All (Excludes some foreign cars) Goodyear Tires Special Good Thru Sat., Jan. 21 University Tire & Service Center 509 University Dr. 846-5613 (Next to Wyatt’s Sporting Goods)