tate office closes, 2 officers indicted THE BATTALION MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 1978 Page 7 ied (lie Betties •hel you haii ?inati(® the fit erican |. on, >llo\V til' mitted \merkt United Press International AUSTIN, Texas — Don Adams jes not expect to make any friends jt he intends to make sure the overnor’s Office of Migrant Affairs as he said, “shaken down” and itraightened out." Adams has posted armed guards at e office entrance, changed all locks the doors, ordered all phone calls the agency routed through his ersonal secretary, banned use of panish in office conversations and jt off all payments from the agen ts budget. “This is public money,” the former last Texas legislator explained. “I’m |ot going to turn loose of public honey until I’m sure it’s a proper ixpenditure.” Gov. Dolph Briscoe named dams to take over his migrant af- irs office last week when the agen- y’s executive director and another |op two administrator were indicted forgery by a Brownsville court of nquiry. Adams summarized: “We re shut lysis, i] | own right now. I would hope by the tch sin ;n d of next week that this agency is operation again. I would hope by he end of the month we d be back in ull operation. Then I can go back imends d repoit -'ond ser ^d, bul tions,in holecM leart di >le ass in dtell the governor I've done what le asked — shaken this office down md straightened it out, imposed a nanagement system and money con- Dr. F, ontainj :at. So,: theyco |rok’' as doe ndaftei fish, po Officers training school starts 6-week course von t as id afed ndividi! rat the hat it ii auinga huim ws wel i distil Adams, 39, joined Briscoe’s staff Jan. 1. He resigned from the legisla ture Dec. 31 to become the gover nor’s chief legal counsel, The former Jasper, Texas, senator had acquired a reputation around the Capitol as a strict administrator who is not afraid to tackle the stickiest political morass and refuses to bend rules regardless of the circum stances. “He’s a real S.O.B.,” said one political observer. “But he’s real up front about it. If he’s going to do it to you, he’ll tell you to your face.” Adams headed the Senate Admin istration Committee when longtime Senate Secretary Charles Schnabel was indicted and eventually pleaded guilty to official misconduct. Schnabel had convinced most senators to keep him on until Adams began notifying his colleagues of each impropriety uncovered in an unflagging watch of Senate opera tions. Adams installed time clocks for Senate workers, imposed iron-clad ndes on purchases and insisted on strict accounting for all government property. The strait-laced, tobacco-chewing legislator also played key roles in the 1976 impeachment trial of District Judge O. P. Carrillo of Duval County and initiation of the seldom-used ad dress procedure that forced Su- Basic certification training for area law enforcement officers starts today the Research and Extension |R&E) Center in Bryan. The 240-hour, six-week course Equips new police officers with basic ikills and knowledge to carry out luties. John Otterstad will instruct the Law Enforcement and Security Training Division course at the Texas Engineering Extension Service |EES) division’s headquarters. EES Is part of the Texas A&M University System. The division headed by Chief Ira 4-f\ E. Scott will also have basic certifica- Iv/ lion courses under way at Deer Park, Arlington, Houston, San Angelo, , e | Floydada, Abilene and Huntsville. In addition to the rookie police training, the division has a Polygraph esemt wide n rounlj it is til J Examiners School in progress at the Bryan R&E Center. The eight-week school started Jan. 9. Basic certification training for peace officers builds from informa tion presented on basic law, criminal justice and law enforcement ethics. Subsequent sessions cover criminal investigation, police procedures, traffic control, juvenile procedures and proficiency areas. The latter in cludes crowd and riot control and defensive tactics, among other sub ject areas. Trainees successfully completing the course will meet requirements set by Texas law for peace officer cer tification. The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Education specifies minimums. The headquarters certification course continues through Feb. 24. EdfEilfoyJ preme Court Justice Donald B. Yar borough to resign in 1977. Adams wasted no time getting started on his latest house-cleaning assignment. He marched into the Governor’s Office of Migrant Affairs minutes after Briscoe announced the ap pointment and stopped one em ployee from leaving with a cardboard box full of audit records. “I don’t want anything that’s in this office leaving without my per mission,” Adams said. A capitol security guard is posted at the door. Anyone entering or leav ing the office — including agency employees — now must sign a log showing who he or she represents and when they entered and left the premises. Adams said the officer is not so much a guard as a check on traffic in and out of the office. “I did not have anyone to set out there and see who was coming in and out of the office,” he said. “It’s been all my secretary could do to keep up with the phone calls.” Adams also ordered two desks moved into his office for the assistant director and an auditor to sit under his watchful eye. “I’m just very cautious,” he said. The ban on the use of Spanish, he said, also was a precaution'. “I don’t speak Spanish. It’s simply a matter of security for me. I want to be privy to the conversations in this office.” Adam’s order halting the flow of money from the office brought howls of protest from some individuals in volved in the government-funded programs to assist migrants. “I’ve asked two auditors from the Criminal Justice Division to look at each of the contractors and tell me in their professional opinion whether each grant is a proper request and that they are entitled to the money under their contract with us,” Adams said. ffl M m a B 1 a a m m m EARN EXTRA CASH As A Blood Plasma Donor At Plasma Products Inc. 313-C College Main Relax or Study in our Comfortable Beds While You Donate — Great Atmosphere — Trained Professional Help on Hand at all Times. Hours: Monday & Wednesday Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00 - 5:30 9:00 - 5:00 < Bring this coupon and receive $2 Bonus on your first donation. 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