Th MON resei Superbowl Blooper Bowl’ Page 13 es igs organize softball teams An organizational meeting for all imen interested in playing fast- tch softball during the spring mester will be held Thursday eve- the s P rin g schedule and organize the ng —January 19, 1978 in Zachry workouts. Further information con- Movin on Aggie guard Karl Godine scoots past an SMU defender. The junior from Houston Kashmere scored 18 points (17 in the second half) and helped lead the Texas Aggies past the Mus tangs 78-71. The Ags travel to Arkansas Tuesday to play the Razorbacks. Battalion photo by Pat O’Malley (Continued from page 1) Playing the Super Bowl indoors for the first time before 76,400 fans at the Louisiana Superdome, both clubs set records for futility. The Cowboys broke their own record for most penalties in a Super Bowl game — 12. Dallas reserve safety Randy Hughes intercepted one pass and recovered two fumbles and the 10 fumbles by both clubs also was a record. Staubach completed 17 of 22 passes for 178 yards in lifting Dallas to their 15th victory in 17 games this season. Denver, making the first playoff appearance in its 18 year his tory of the franchise, finished 14-3. Defensive end Harvey Martin, who had 23 quarterbacks sacks dur ing the regular season, and defen sive tackle Randy White were named as co-winners of the award as the games outstanding player. Dallas took a 13-0 lead by inter cepting Morton a record four times and recovering three fumbles. It could have been worse, except for the fact that Efiren Herrera missed three of five field goal attempts. The Cowboys, jittery at first when they fumbled three times early in the game, survived the errors and fi nally broke through when Charlie Waters and Randy White pressured Morton into passing blind and Hughes intercepted at the Bronco 25. Dallas needed just five plays to get in as Staubach hit Billy Joe Dup ree for 13 yards and Dorsett went over from the three for a 7-0 lead. Morton’s next pass was inter cepted by Aaron Kyle and returned 19 yards to the Bronco 35. Dallas moved to a first down at the Denver 8, but a rushing play and a pass did not produce any yardage and Staubach was thrown for a 1-yard loss by Lyle Alzado on third down. Herrera came in and hit a 35-yard field goal for a 10-0 lead. Dallas boosted that advantage to 13-0 on its first possession of the second period. Taking over on their own 43, the Cowboys moved to the Bronco 19 before being pushed back to the 25 and Herrera connected from 43 yards out. Denver’s next possession ended when Jack Dolbin fumbled after catching a 15-yard pass from Morton and Hughes scooped up the ball and returned 19 yards to the Broncos 26. But again the drive stalled and it ended in futility when Herrera missed from the 32. On the Broncos first play after the miss, Riley Odoms fumbled after catching Morton’s 19 yard pass and Hughes produced his third turnover by re covering the ball on the Denver 28. But Dallas gave it right back with 59 seconds to go in the half when Staubach threw a 15-yard pass to Dupree, who fumbled it away at the 12. But in this long enough fo, Washington intg wa s the Super BowlMark and returned 27 \ for ver 35. me And again, Hen\ n - nect, missing a 44- ran out. Dallas fumbled for. first half and lost or\ Broncos lost all three ■ bles. sJ Texas proves Hogs are human 1 United Press International Abe Lemons considers himself more basketball coach than prophet. He’ll stick with coaching the Texas Longhorns and leave the pre diction- making to Jimmy the Greek. Earlier in the season Lemons said the Arkansas Razorbacks, ranked third nationally and 4-0 before the weekend, would go through the Southwestern Conference season undefeated for the second consecu tive year. “Yeah, I said they couldn’t be beaten but you can’t always believe what I say,” Lemons said after his team had contradicted him with a 75-69 victory over the Razorbacks. “Some of the things I say are true and some are not true.” The win came before a Super Drum crowd of 16,288 — largest ever to see an SWC game — and gave Texas, 12-2 for the season, sole possession of the conference lead with a 4-0 record. The Razorbacks had played a prisingly close game Thursday nigl beating Rice 69-60, and Lemo* spotted something. “I thought they looked a littl^ sluggish against Rice,” he said. “They just didn’t have that quick ness.’ The plan was play off that slug gishness and harass Arkansas’ pass ing game. In charge of the havoc- creating was guard John Moore. “I had a bunch of dirty things thought up to say and 1 can’t use ’em now because we won, ” Lemons said. “We did a lot of deflecting fhe ball with our hands. Moore got keyed up and stole the ball a few times and that helped us control the game.” Moore had seven steals and con stantly messed up the Razorbacks’ offense. He also made up for the point shortage from Jim Krivacs, by hitting 20 points. Krivacs and power forward Ron Baxter, Texas’ top two scorers this season, were held to 16 points. Engineering room 340-B. The pur pose of the meeting will be to discuss cerning the team may be obtained from Dr. Don Smith, Industrial En gineering Department at 845-5531 or 693-6483. BACK-T0-SCH00L SPECIAL Special sale prices on our hot & juicy hamburgers... cooked the way you want ’em. 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