The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 01, 1977, Image 5
THE BATTALION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1977 Page 5 1.00 S" 1:30-7:30 Seer, :$ 14. has me i. <ylt FItii Hlghwf is week) 1455. Board studies Q-drop (Continued from page 1) rade point averages although they re doing no better work than former tudents. If grade inflation means >wer students are getting F’s be- ause they Q-drop courses, it would »ad to grade inflation. C.J. Leabo, member of the ,0.C. and coordinator of the gen- ral studies program, said he would ike to see the Q-drop system remain s it is now. “I think that there is merit in stu- ents having the option to drop ourses. I think students pay for it th their loss of time and money. ” Leabo said he thinks there is fac- ilty abuse of Q-drops as well as stu- ent abuse. He cited the example of rofessors who tell their students to rop the course if they don’t make a ertain grade on a test. Leabo said advisors play a major ile in Q-dropping. “We shouldn’t just rubber stamp drops. We should take the time to ilk to the students, to make them mre of the consequences if they rop the course,” he said. Statistics released by the regis- rar’s office reveal that there were ,837 Q-drops this semester, more ran half of which occuredin the final ;n-day period. This marks a9.6per- ent increase in Q-drops over the fall emester of 1976, with an increase of nly 4.8 percent in student enroll- lent. Dates for Q-drops have fluctuated ince 1964. At that time, students ere allowed to Q-drop until the day efore the final exams. In 1969, stu- ents could Q-drop only through the elfth class day. The policy was extended in 1973 to le twentieth class day, and in 1975 tudents could Q-drop through the {ites today for brmer Ag. head Services for Elmer R. “Alex” Ale- ander, 89, former head of agricul- ral education at Texas A&M Uni- ersity, will be held at 2 p.m. today Memorial Funeral Chapel with urial in Restever Cemetery in ryan. He died late Tuesday in a local ospital. The central campus flag will be iwered to half staff Dec. 20 in mem- ry of Alexander, who served as head f the Agricultural Education De- artment from 1928 until he retired 1953. Born Oct. 3, 1888 in Bridgeport, joined the faculty of what was len the Agricultural & Mechanical ollege of Texas in 1919 after earn- ig his bachelor of arts degree from aylor University. While at Texas &M, he received a B.S. degree in 923 and earned a M.S. degree in last class day prior to the reporting of mid-term grades. The present policy of allowing Q-drops through the eighth week of class has been in ef fect since 1976. If the current policy is to be changed, the A.O.C. subcommittee will have to recommend revisions to Cooper. The matter would then be turned over to the Academic Policy Committee, which is comprised of the deans from each college. After A.P.C. approval, the proposal would go to the Rules and Regulations Committee of the Academic Coun cil. Rules and Regulations is com prised of students, faculty and staff members. If Rules and Regulations approved the change, the proposal would then go to University Presi dent Jarvis Miller for his approval. Two student members of the Rules and Regulations Committee said they would be opposed to mov ing the final date for Q-drops to ear lier in the semester. Committee member Allison King, a senior marketing major, said she would not approve of a revision in the Q-drop policy. “As a representative of the stu dents, I would have to disagree with changing the date for Q-drops, ” King said. “A lot of times students don’t have a test in a class until right before mid-terms are reported. I don’t think an earlier Q-drop date would be fair to students. Susan Rudd, a freshman med stu dent and Rules and Regulations Committee member, said if the revi sion proposes that Q-drop be moved to the twelfth class day, she would be against it. “I think students should be given as much time as possible to decide whether they will be successful in a course,” Rudd said. She added that she might be will ing to compromise if there were proof that the present Q-drop date presents major problems to the fac ulty and staff. Compared to four other Texas universities, A&M’s Q-drop policy is one of the most liberal. North Texas. State University, like A&M, sets the final date for Q-drops at a week after mid-term grade reports. Texas Tech University allows students to drop throught the fifth week of class with no penalty. The University of Houston sets the final date for Q-drops at four weeks after classes begin. At the University of Texas, students can Q-drop courses through the fourth week of class with no penalty. Stu dents at U.T. can also Q-drop courses in which they have a C aver age through the week after mid-term grades without penalty but students who drop course they are failing then receive an F. They’re Here! From Germany It Europe: • Christmas Ornaments • IS ut crackers • Pyramids • The famous Effanbee dolls (since 1910) It other collector dolls • Creche [Nativity] Sets • Advent calendars • and other gifts from all over Happy Cottage (across from Luby’s) the world Alexander was vice president raeritus of National Farm Life In- irance Co. and formerly taught at test High School. He also had wked for die V.S. Department of griculture and the Farm Bureau, le once served on the Governor’s dvisory Committee on Veteran’s education and was author of “Cotton ection in Southern Field Crops” nd co-author of “Southwestern Ag- culture.” Alexander resided at 119 Ashburn in College Station. He became the first state advisor the Future Farmers of America in when the state association re- eived its charter. University Flower Shop Announces Their Grand Opening & Christmas Open House! Friday - Saturday - Sunday Come by & get acquainted, see our beautiful Christmas decorations. Hall mark cards & gifts, and enjoy our re freshments. Rib bon-cutting ceremony 10 a.m. Friday Open House All day Friday-Saturday 1-6 p.m. Sunday s IO49 \P \ ^ COMPLETE ^ TURKEY DINNERS For 10 or 12 People WHOLE BAKED TURKEY HEN 2 QTS. CORNBREAD DRESSING 1 QT. GIBLET GRAVY 1 — 16-oz. CAN CRANBERRY SAUCE 1 PUMPKIN PIE 18— ■ TAX WHOLE BAKED TOM TURKEY 2 8 95 V# TAX For 4 QTS. CORNBREAD DRESSING 18 or 22 3 QTS. GIBLET GRAVY People 3—16 oz. CANS CRANBERRY SAUCE 3 PUMPKIN PIES Wyatt’s Delicious Trimmings PUMPKIN PIES, 9-Inch, whole only 1.89 MINCE MEAT PIES, 9-Inch, whole only 3.49 GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE, 9-Inch, 2 layers. . 3.95 SOUTHERN CORNBREAD DRESSING .... quart 98c GIBLET GRAVY quart 49c PLUS Many Other Delicious Pies & Desserts 804 Texas Avenue UJUfltt CflKttRMS 822- 5116 -PREREGISTER THIS WEEK- WHY NOT CONSIDER THEATER ARTS FOR YOUR ELECTIVE THIS SPRING? Preregister £or these Th.A. courses: 275 • acting i 276 • acting 11 need more info? xsi • theater history 845-2621 325 • scene design OR COME by 340 • voice 308 bizzell 350 • costume 365 • creative dramatics 366 • children's theater 487 * play analysis 490 • high school production ALL COURSES ARE AVAILABLE HUNTSVILLE TRAVEL PRESENTS CHRISTMAS BREAK $625 IN LONDON Direct from Houston - December 26, 1977 15 DAYS IN BREATHTAKING LONDON DEPARTING HOUSTON INTERCONTINENTAL DECEMBER 26, 1977 RETURNING FROM LONDON JANUARY 9, 1978 COST FOR TOTAL TOUR $625** COST FOR AIRFARE ONLY $465 **Based on double occupancy $745 for single occupancy ☆ Round trip jet transportation via Trans International Airlines, Douglas DC8. ☆Thirteen nights accommodations at the new First Class Westmoreland Hotel or Penta Hotel. ☆Full English Breakfast daily. ☆Tour of West End London. ☆All transfers and baggage handling. ☆All gratuities to porter, maids, waiters. ☆U.S. departure tax. ☆Tour representative. ☆Complete optional sightseeing program. FOR RESERVATIONS AND INFORMATION CALL: 713-295-6428 CLASSIFIED liDS in GOING OUR WAY? PEACE CORPS * VISTA REPS ON CAMPUS: Dec. 5, 6, 7 INTERVIEWING SENIORS/GRADS: Placement Office: Rudder Tower 10th Floor INFORMATION TABLE: Student Center Give one another a Christmas star of his and hers synthetic star sapphires. a. 3 Diamonds, 1 synthetic blue star sapphire, 14 karat gold, $125 b. 1 Synthetic red star sapphire, 10 karat gold, $80 c. 1 Synthetic red star sapphire, 10 karat gold, $45 Elegant gift wrap at no extra charge Charge it! Open a Zales account or use one of five national credit plans Zales Revolving Charge • Zales Custom Charge VISA • Master Charge • American Express Diners Club • Carte Blanche • Layaway Man ° r Eas > MaM Mon day-Saturday The Diamond Store Illustrations enlarged. Limited number of top management positions available for male and female business majors. If you qualify, a limited number of management positions are available to graduates of the 1978 class. If you are interested in man agement positions in payroll man agement, hotel/restaurant man agement, retail store operations, supply logistics, etc. Stop by the MSC Nov. 29 - Dec. 2 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and talk with the Navy information team.