76] 2205 4299 4405 4304 2861 1505 566 735 >Prtag in 21,641 of empli ■ in h /ith a 3.0 is fen yeaiii 5. Wed conwnce Metcalfs men begin season THE BATTALION Page 9 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1977 By PAUL ARNETT Battalion Sports Editor Last year was a mixture of plea sure and heartaehe for basketball coach Shelby Metcalf. The hear tache was fielding a team with no experience; their 14-14 record at the end of the season was the pleasure. This season should hold more pleasure than heartache for Metcalf. Tonight the Aggies face Angelo State in G. Rollie White Coliseum. It should be a one-sided game end ing in A&M’s favor. Metcalf has been preparing the Aggie basketball team for tonight’s game by holding three-hour daily workouts since the middle of Oc tober. The head coach says that his players have advanced right on schedule. “They’re getting the press down and have finally grasped the offen sive scheme,” Metcalf said. “The most pleasant surprise so far is the performances of the two freshmen, Vernon Smith and Albert Culton. They’ve done better than we ex pected at this point in the season.” Smith, from Dallas Carter, and Culton, from Ennis, are both for wards who were on the all-State team in high school. Playing as a team is still a problem the Ags have yet to overcome. “We have a lot of experience but only Wally Swanson and Joey Robinson bave been through two O.K. ACS ...HE MUDS YOU COME ON LAS'S UO HIM OUT! COTTON 13 OWC. BLUEBONNET BOVn/L / BLUB bonne T BOWL / \ [her quite um af ft stud'Wte'i ides, (ting a llxexx ki id in the re is an; *d about ke rment in the past I to meas measure be able ti( t there isa Sw&ef e Lungs Gigareffes arefKjlIesrs! American Cancer Society: -2611 Is and p.m. ffice Willi Foods PM Y :ial Beef m s and -her :IAL ning, iiNN^ ze sing Butte'' any seasons,” Metcalf staid. “Right now, we have three different teams: we have Karl Godine and Jarvis Williams from two years ago, we have Dave Goff and Steve Sylestine and that group from last year and we have this year’s freshmen. “We have a lot of lettermen, but only Wally and Joey have two. This year’s starting line-up has yet to be announced, but tbe following five will probably start tonight’s game. Goff will be at the point; Wille Foreman and Swanson at the posts; and Godine and Williams at the wings. “Our main problem is becoming team oriented so that each player knows his limitations, Metcalf said. “Each player must realize his limita tions plus the limitations of his teammates. They must know their roles and must be Willing to perform in that role. The Aggies should be able to compete for the conference race this season. Metcalf expects a close con ference race. “Arkansas would have to be fa vored because they have already announced their starting line-up,” Metcalf said. “Of course, we expect to be right in there with them.” Tonight’s garhe begins at 7:30. The women will play before the men. The women are undefeated, with tonight’s tip-off occuring at 5:15. Jf IH IE A IK CILAJfJf FOR A CLASSY CUT. CALL ELISE 846-4771 We accept your personal check and also honor: beol Pord Support the Round Bailers at tonight's game and afterwards come by the Pizza Hut and vote for Willie Foreman to represent the Aggies at the Pizza Hut An nual Basketball Classic®. Seventh Annual Pizza Hut Basketball Classic See the Pizza Hut Basketball Classic’ on CBS Sports Spectacular, Saturday afternoon, April 1,1978 from the Las Vegas Convention Center. Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 W ErpfiT’-rc-vTiV ireyrj'ni! BATTALION CLASSIFIED PULLS! ^ iiiiiiiim !Jinn i miiiiii iiiii tiiii'i'i®i Time stands still at our distillery where we still make Cuervo Gold by hand. For centuries we’ve wound our clock by hand. And for centuries weVe made Cuervo Gold by hand. At the Cuervo distillery iCs almost as if time has stood still. Our Blue Magueys are nurtured by hand, picked by hand? and carried to the ovens by hand, as they have been since 1795. It is this continuing dedication to tradition that makes Cuervo Gold special. Any way you drink it Cuervo Gold will bring you back to a time when quality ruled the world. Cuervo. The Gold standard since 1795.