THE BATTALION Page THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1977 the REEF The Witching hours are 8 to 12 p.m., Friday, October 28, at the Reef’s Moonlight Madness Sale 30 to 50% Off on everything with fur, fin, feather or scale. Some discounts wdl be given on select merchandise. See you there!" t 3920 E. 29th Bryan 846-1332 Hours: Mon.-Friday 12-8 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sun. 12-6 p.m. Dawn Patrol Lionel Watkins, a senior environmental de sign major from Houston, has found more than the pleasures of hang gliding. He has also found a very big umbrella. Watkins is a member of the hang gliding club, Robbins Aero Squadron. ibliography and index or library energy info you re doing research on any lergy-related topic, the energy Jiliography and index at the Texas IcM University library could help r In its second year of operation, e computer-generated energy lex comprised of 4,700 items in ne volumes, Susan Lytle, research sociate in charge of the bibliog- phyand index, said recently. The four-year project will ulti- ately include about 20,000 items, said. “Thi s is a time-saving tool, Lytle plained. “The index was jggested by a group of faculty ad- orsto the Center for Energy and ineral Resources who found it istrating and time-consuming to ie all the different volumes in the rary to find energy-related litera- Work on the energy index is ided by a grant from the Center r Energy and Mineral Resources. “We spent approximately $36,000 e first year and have the same lount funded for this year,“Lytle id. She explained that the bibliog- phy and index consists of four in- aes: on e based on controlled ter- inology using selected terms from ie Energy Research and Develop- ient Administration (ERDA); the sy-word-in-title index using the pral language of the author; a ersonal author index; and a com bined corporate author and report series index for agency reports. “The index provides access to all energy-related material this library holds, such as books, government documents, technical reports, maps and conference proceedings, Lytle said. “However, it doesn’t include regular periodical articles. The bibliography and index covers the social, political and environmen tal aspects of energy.” The indexes are located at the fourth floor reference desk and in the government documents division on the second floor of the Sterling C. Evans Library. An introduction is included to explain how to use the index. The Battalion Number One in Aggieland So smooth. Easy to sip. Delicious! Comfort®’s unlike any other liquor. It tastes good just poured over ice. That’s why it makes mixed drinks taste much better, too. Sip into something Comfort®able. Southern Comfort r; great with COLA, TONIC, 7UP, BITTER LEMON, GINGER ALE, ORANGE JUICE, -even MILK! ©1977 SOUTHERN COMFORT CORF SOUTHERN COMFORT CORPORATION. 100 PROOF LIQUEUR. ST. LOUIS. MO 63132 AGGIES! Douglas ,B, Jewelry offers Student ID Discounts! 15% off of $ 50°° or more 10% off of under $ 50 00 CASH PURCHASE ONLY We reserve the right to regulate the use of this privilege. 212 N. MAIN 822-3119 DOWNTOWN BRYAN Join us for an inspiring talk A LOT OF SONY FOR THE MONEY. TRINITRON IIP |I I 7 PM (AY ECIAL j Beef 3am )es and other and BuW ea $689. 95 Reg. $819.95 r REMOTE CONTROL The Sony Trinitron Plus KV-2141R 21” Screen Measured Diagonally. Reg. $699.95 95 REMOTE CONTROL ■ Sony KV-1941R Trinitron Plus 19” Screen Measured Diagonally. REMOTE CONTROL Sony KV-1741R Trinitron Plus 17” Screen Measured Diagonally. 95 Christianity and the Military Given by Kim Schuette, Chaplain on Thursday, Oct. 27 at 7:30 p.m. in M.S.C. rm. 145 Reg. $619.95 ECIAI /ENlNf / dinnf ith auce essing i - Butter' ea vy .of any ibie ;e tftat jm m jm 95 SONY KV-1724 TRINITRON PLUS a444b 17“ screen measured diagonally. Reg. $538.95 SONY KV-1512 TRINITRON PLUS 15” SCREEN MEASURED DIAGONALLY. * 5 *f m AUDIO Sponsored by the Chr/sf/on Science Organization 707 Texas Ave. in College Station 846-5719