The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 27, 1977, Image 10
Page 10 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1977 PRAT PRAISti UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 315 N. Main 846-6687 Hubert Beck, Pastor THANKS u. CO 3 ac ^ o WORSHIP SERVICES AT 9:15 AM. AND 10:45 AM. r- WORSHIP CELEBRATION AT 0 P.M. Bibta Studies AvaHabl* WE ALSO DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR WEEKLY CANDLELIGHT COMMUNION SERVICE THAT HAS JUST BE GUN. WEDNESDAY EVENINGS AT 10 P.M IS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO RENEW YOURSELVES IN MIDWEEK'" SC A: modern club has medieval inter es By JEANNE GRAHAM Lords and ladies gather near the Grove at Texas A&M University every Tuesday evening to watch and participate in medieval combat. The lords and ladies, as they call each other, are members of the So ciety of Creative Anachronisms and this “fighter practice” is one of the group’s activities. “The society is dedicated to the study and re-creation of medieval life, customs, arts and sciences,” Charles Butler, administrative offi cer, told new members recently. The SCA is an international, non-profit, educational group. It started 12 years ago in Berkeley, Calif., when a group of students and other interested people held a May Day celebration. A medieval tour nament re-creating combat with broadsword and shield was featured as well as singing, dancing, poetry, and other aspects of medieval cul ture. The event was so well re-_ ceived, it expanded throughout the 7:40-9:40 MORE gM NEWS THE BAD NEWS BEARS ARE ONE YEAR OLDER AND ONE YEAR WILDER THE BAD NEWS in BREAKING TRAINING PGK® ... COLOR A PARAMOUNT PICTURE DOLBY 4-CHANNEL STEREOPHONIC SOUND 7:30-9:55 jssm. PRJWT5 CV DE LLMt" 1GOMCCXDR" mi CXXBV SYSTEM | PG nr-1 The Other Side of Midnight l ©1977 ?0th CENTURY FOX 8:15 J STARTS FRIDAY Poromount Pictu'ei Presents George C. Scott A Fronklin J. Schoffner Film islands in the Stream" WEST Skyway Twin GREASED LIGHTNING PLUS HUSTLE EAST ORCA-KILLER WHALE PLUS KING KONG Campus us 846-6512 » COLLEGE STATION STARTS TODAY nut suit The Fikus Family: They're Not Roasted. They’re Not Salted. They’re Just Plain Nuts. PG ©1977 iOTH CENTURY-FOX COLOR BY DELUXE " FRI.-SAT. MIDNIGHT SHOW FUN WITH DICK AND JANE ALL SEATS $1.00 Looking For Something Different? Try The Pawn Shop. Texas State Pawn Shop LOANS ON ANYTHING OF VALUE BARGAINS IN GUNS, DIAMONDS, SPORTING GOODS, TV'S, STEREOS, CB'S 3511 Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas 77801 (713)846 3228 HURRY!! IT’S OUR LAST DAY ON CAMPUS PEACE CORPS * VISTA Information Booth: Student Center Interviewing Seniors-Grads PLACEMENT OFFICE Rudder Tower 10th Floor OPEN 7:15 FRI. 7:50 9:45 SAT. & SUN. ALSO 1:00 2:40 4:20 6:00 AFTER FREE HALLO WEEN SHOW MARTI) FELDMAN ANN-MARQRET MICHAEL l)ORK I PETER UST1N0U ^ JAMES EARL JONES "THE LAST REMAKE OF BEAU QESTE" TREUOR HOIDARP • HENRI] qiBSCIN • TERRlj-THOMAS J. J CINEMA II Starts FRIDAY! Presentation LAST HALLOWEEN SHE SCARED YOU TO DEATH! Now she's bach. TO DO IT AGAIN! M H Why have they come' LAST SHOWS 7:50 9:40 ‘STARSHIP INVASIONS’ ROBERT VAUGHN CHRISTOPHER LEE LAST SHOWS 1 7:30 9:25 I : 4r;j country and national membership is about 7,000. Each SCA group in the United States is called a shire or barony, depending on its size, said Cathy Rylander, mistress of Arts. Groups of shires and baronies make up the five kingdoms in the country. At A&M, the SCA is a shire (one society) in the barony (one region) of Ansteorra in the kingdom (6 states) of Atenveldt. The barony, Ansteorra, means “star without peer — or lone star,” Rylander said. The Kingdom of Atenv eldt includes Col orado, Oklahama, Utah, New Mexico and Louisiana, as well as Texas. Organized into shires and king doms, individual members re-create medieval characters. Ed Graham, a Texas A&M junior, becomes “Ed ward MacGraeme,” a Scottish- Barbarian from 845 A.D. when he is attending an SCA function. Member Ruth White becomes “Alcana of Wyhte,’ of Welsh des cent, when she encounters another society member on campus. “These are not historical charac ters out of literature, ” Rylander ex plained. “The members create a character who might have existed in a time period that interests them.” Each member then makes a cos tume and takes on a personality to fit his medieval character. “We relive the better parts of the Middle and Dark Ages,” Graham said. Crash! Bang! Makeshift armor its not-so-mock battles. Fighting seems to be the society’s main attraction. Combat with broadsword and shield is held across the “kingdom” three times a year to determine who will be “monarch”. “Knights” are chosen in the society by the skill demonstrated with the basic weapons. Fortunately, these weapons are not the traditional steel of medieval broadswords, but are made from rattan wood, padded and wrapped in duct tape to simulate the weight and handling of steel. Protective gear made of rattan, plywood, pack ing straps or chain mail is worn by fighters. Demonstrations are given at area festivals, and challenges are held between the shires. In addition to learning medieval combat skills, the SCA offers various guilds to learn crafts such as swashbuckling, costume-making, pottery, sewing and medieval writ ing. The SCA at Texas A&M was formed this semester and registered members with aL unregistered members particii in the activities. RequirmentL membership are simply an i* in the Middle Ages and thewej of pre-1650 clothing to sot events, Rylander explained, [ are $1.50 a semester. The SCA is presently partic ing in the Renaissance Festm Magnolia, Tex., giving flgli demonstrations and runningaj booth called “Fight the Kniglt “Most people sit around anil dream,” Sajira Fukusher (alias ven Gould) said. “We live om tasies.” Giagantic Plant Sale up to 50% off All Kinds of Greenery Fri., Sat., Sun. 8-6 Pots of Pride 1903 Old Hearne Rd. Texas Ave. . . Behind Graces Groc. on Students dont help support local churches (Continued from page IF YOU WANT A HARDWORKING REPRESENTATIVE VOICE IN THE SENATE THEN VOTE TODAY OCTOBER 27 KENZY HALLMARK FRESHMAN SENATOR He added the students dont mu ch to the A&M Metk| Church, which most of them “Probably most of theirfi come into us, he said. R. D. Dovers, assistant Past the College Heights Assemi Mm i God, said that though hischurcl a large student program, re draw any support from our dents.” But like many of the church ers, he said most of the pernu: Ira AIRLINE RESERVATIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS CALL 822-3737 Robert Halsell Travel Service 1016 Texas Ave. - Bryan i I I ... . ^ members enjoy providing w tivities and instruction for tht dents. I “They’ve done it for yeanl long as the church has beenl they’ve had students attend! Dovers said. , TheTexa The A&M Church of Christis impete in of the largest churches in the* rseetional About 500 students are acti« mthern \ their college program. In awil# ans. The classes in Bible study, the e Mane Ur organizes trips to differentcP noolsfrori in the state, and even mission' inning sc to places like Thailand. Th ec Mime A also operates a school ofevang hicago v “Most students don’t contH hanksgivii much at all. Most of the f The A&I comes from local members, ' ons Sund; Boh Davidson, youth >mn» mtatives “We’ve had several students' andy Dav had a lot of money. One»j neskippei rancher’s son and he g ave [ s cre ''(' $100 a week. That’s rare. Most >oug Shel poor. DINNER THEATRE presents Barefoot in the Park Saturdays, October 15 and 22, 29th at the 105 year oldOalvert Hotel Calvert, Texas Reservations or for more information, 364-2641 Tickets: A&M Student $5.95, Others $7.95 Pm a tea filors. jHaas, SI I 6 team ji Two can ride thanone- The Political Forum presents Senator Walter Mengden. Republican J! emergence in Texas Tuesday, November 1, 1977 |Room 206 MSC 12:30 P-M m/c rtep into the m/c Cc Ba