The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 26, 1977, Image 9
Q 1 noises, 'tortainini 't action mi ■it invc tlmmghoui ‘alogue ncs bmvdv Vluscle to fat ratio s guide to fitness THE BATTALION Page 9 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1977 ■»* oyd haw Box rea III ? Crab Ugly! >n ► ety, nas ;eys i/ice With : oods. ) P.M. r IAL ■eef n and her d Butter IAL UNG HNNEfl ;e ;ing 3utter- any United Press International ESCONDIDIO, Calif'. — Weight 1 a poor guide to physical condition, Siivs Tom Pipes, who prescribes xercise programs for athletes and ther people who want to tone up. Pipes is head of a consulting firm, n adviser to athletes, and director fpreventive and sports medicine at health and racquet club in north- rn San Diego County. He said the most reliable guide is be ratio of fat to muscle. That set of umbers is obtained by being sighed twice, once under water. WE KNOW the density of mus- le, bone and fat.” Pipes said. "We now that muscle and bone sink in rater and fat floats. We can tell with great deal of accuracy the propor- ion of fat. The dry weight, the wet weight nd a mathematical formula give ipes the percentage of body fat. Inderwater weight is measured by uspending a person from a pringboard with the help of a cale-rigged plastic basket. Men are considered in good con ation if only 14 to 17 percent of beir total body weight is fat. The omparable range for women is 22 o26 percent. The key is not really the (juantity, jut the quality of weight, Pipes aid. "We consider obesity for men to ie over 25 percent fat and for vomen, over 35 percent.” APPEARANCE can be decep- ie. Ron Cey, the 5 foot-9-inch, 85-pound Los Angeles Dodgers bird baseman, is among athletes ipes has cheeked. "He looks pudgy, but he had only percent body fat.” Pipes said. He’s really a very fit athlete. ” Pipes found the expected low lercentage of body fat on jockeys, iut learned from studying Willie ihoemaker that Shoemaker utilizes ixygen very well and is strong. “They don’t just sit up there on a lorse. They work a lot harder than 1 bought.” Athletes’ condition varies widely rom sport to sport and sometimes fom position to position, he said. He rated boxers highest in overall tness, followed in order by basket- )all, football, hockey, soccer and laseball players. He called Cey an exception; litchers generally are the most fit mong baseball players. RUNNING BACKS are the most lit of professional football players,” ’ipes said. “Wide receivers and de cisive backs are next.” Pipes, 26, is working toward a loctorate in exercise physiology at be University of Southern Califor- lia. Originally he studied physical iducation and physiology at the University of California at Davis to iry to improve as a discus thrower. His testing of sports pros was lone largely under the auspices of tbe National Athletic Health Insti tute. He has advised teams in pro fessional baseball, basketball, foot ball and hockey. He will be a con sultant to the 1980 U.S. Olympic team. The whole idea of this field, pre- Ve ntive medicine, or sports Medicine, is screening people, “ipes said. “We can give them a tit less prescription.” HE ESTABLISHES three com- lonents for each exercise program frequency, duration and intensity. H (as a do-it-yourself exerciser) you don t know what to do and how Much to do, you have a problem, Pl Pes said. I j? e .^P 8 c "lub members choose ,y'building activities such as ten- ms, racquetball, swimming or yoga, e then works out a prescription to [ ren gthen the muscles, heart and overtaxing them. More and more people are giv- Mg up jogging because they think ef e is no other way,” Pipes said, Messing the need for variety in w orkouts. "Any exercise that you do $100 to be given instead of grades ln essay contest The deadline for Texas A&M Pn ni y e , rs ity students enrolled in th ? 1S ^ 1^3, 104 or 104h to submit tlr entries in the second annual Uumas F. Mayo Prize Essay Con- 5 p m. Monday. r n ' 100 prize, memorializing the EnptT ^ ea< ^ Texas A&M’s g«h Department and longtime .librarian, will be awarded in Lu 111 ^ 61 ' to the best entry. Hon- jjp e men tions will go to runners- in the English classes t e a L SU b m *t an entry through their Ptm ' V ^° Can P rov ide specific in- FceeH^o” f()r,nat - Essays may not P u /oU words. fetel'est? Wil1 i 5e j ud Sed on the life 3,1j. . 0r s, 8 ni fieance of the thesis Ijvivid ltlon to originality, fluency, - . ne ss, organization and anies. has to he* fun or you re not going to do it.” HE OFTEN puts more emphasis on converting fat to muscle than in weight loss. You can lose 10 pounds of fat weight and gain eight pounds of muscle weight,” he said. As the body is built up, the same workload requires a lower pulse rate, so the intensity of the exercise is stepped up. "The important thing is to main tain the pulse rate,” Pipes said. M im, 0, a Rhodes Scholar and one "f Willi Nche^i- F . au,kner ’ s hi gh school w trs , died in 1954. Enoi a ^ H i Was au thor of “Epicurus in c" > n d> 1650-1725” fW Kuinn . at , Texas A&M in 1916 before ‘ie i 0 i^lbi'd University and serv- ty( )r ]jj j,, e Naval Reserve during Pcrm a M^ar i |-j e re turned here ' n 1921 and served as I fr <>m Hl44. f ,*52 Eng,ish De P artment Air Force cites Ags Service by Texas Aggies in the U. S. Air Force has been recog nized with a unique award and decorations. Cited were Capt. Gerald D. Ball of College Station; Capt. Hi 1 mar C. Drue be rt. New Braunfels and 1st Lt. Steven J. Nugent, Smyrna, GA. Ball was named the Outstand ing Officer Mobilization Aug- mentee of 1976. He received the award as the most deserving as signed officer reservist while working at Randolph AFB as an operations research analyst in Air Campus Names Training Command (ATC) head quarters. Druebert received his third Commendation Medal for ser vice at Shu Lin Kou Air Station, Taiwan. This 1967 A&M graduate was operations- maintenance and programs chief of the civil engineering branch. A 1973 Texas A&M graduate in accounting, Nugent was awarded the Commendation Medal for service at Ankara Common Defense Installation in Turkey. The accounting and fi nance officer was presented the medal at Moody AFB, GA. General to review Retired Army Lt. Gen. James F. Hollingsworth will review the Corps of Cadets Saturday. Hollingsworth completed his career with command of the I Corps Group in Korea in 1973- 76. The group was the largest field army command in the world, consisting of 13 divisions of Republic of Korea and U.S. troops. Hollingsworth retired in Au gust 1976. He earned a sixth Purple Heart while commanding the 185,000-man Korean group. Hollingsworth’s citations and decorations include three Dis tinguished Service Crosses, four Distinguished Service Medals, four Silver Stars, three Legions of Merit and the Soldier’s Medal. The latter is given only in ex traordinary non-combat circum stances. The Corps of Cadets march-in will he at 12:30 p.m. Saturday before the Texas A6tM-SMU football game. Kickoff is at 1:30 p.m. J. F. Hollingsworth (EAMMMA | Rules for Playing Gamerama series THESE PRICES GOOD THURS V FRL, SAT., OCTOBER 27-28-29, 1977 StirtfT Proten Heavy Beef \ Chuck ■ Roast Boneless S9 FRYERS 1,000.00 40 205,000 1 100.00 420 19,524 1 20.00 880 9,318 te 1 5.00 2.800 2,929 te 1 2.00 8,500 959 t. 1 1.00 55,800 147 te 1 tetel •Of PRIZES 68,490 119 te 1 This gmmm tying pimy+d in thm mighty on* \B1\ participating Plggty Wiggly »fon iocatad in Louisiana. Arkansas, aastarn Taxas. southaastarn Oklahoma and arms tarn Mississippi it * ww J u J SMOKED PICNICS NauhofF Who la * Mohawk CANNED HAMS NeuhofF Ends & BACON PIECES.. Amour Star Cornish £\£% J GAME HENS . . . . ISoz.eoch iff 3 .Cp* Swift Proton Bonaless SAVOY STEAK . . . Swift Proton Bonaless CHAR-BROIL STEAK Medium Size Pork SPARERIBS . . . . jr b ; t 29 *99 Amour Star SLICED BACON Amour Star Regular or BEEF FRANKS . . Borden Sliced Singles AMERICAN CHEESE . 'PM*9..1 39 12oz^kg. 66 i 12oz^kg. 119 LUNCH MEAT NeuhofF Old World Bologna Beef Boloona-Salami-P&P Spiced Luncheon 6ozjmg.^ NeuhofF Sliced 910KED PICNICS . I ■ fU.S.D.A. |! Grade “A” S [Whole FRYERS lb. i % ■ ^ ■ r SHORTENING 79 f MRS. ! | TUCKERS CREAMY T Thirsty Bounty Towels f a 54 j jumbo ■ 130ct.roll CAKE MIX Du,H * n Hines u y er is.sozirox 59 4 VEG-AU. % ‘ 3 SPAGHETTI 59 < PRINGLES Potato Chips . ^.twrpack (f) « RAISINS ? un . G ! M,t . S'i'*** . 69^ Hi-C Assorted Fruit 46ozxen j i f I I I I ■ ■ Jf Hunt Yellow Cling Peaches I S r j POTATOES Fl “* cSf 2 ^ 79 ^ NIBIETS F^gr 1 .. ;o«‘fk?-.49 « DINNERS f»«» . iioz.iwy.49 < CHICKEN .2»Wl w *300 tSoz^ans ALKA SELTZER 25 tablets 69 * ciose-upw69 ^ BAYER . .*« T. w 89 d AJAX CLEANSER Hozxan 25 RAGU SAUCE 99 < CHIPS-AH0Y . CMk K 89 * TOMATOES R ? te ! 3 wy.ozz a r« , 1 COLA DRINKS^.^'S 6 t2 oz. bottles ^ HONEY Just one of the hundreds of topics in VOLUME 11 BRITANNICA JUNIOR ENCYCLOPAEDIA on sale this week 99 Old Milwaukee BEER MARYLAND ! CLUB l GROUND or Unit t please with *7* more purchase 11b. can ■ t California ! | Salad 11 Tomatoes M US # 1 Iceberg m Lettuce RUSSET POTATOES us,, . Wo " do . . 10 fc ^99 + D'ANJOU PEARS 3 •* *1 RED DEL APPLES . . . J f JUICE ORANGES ^ ^ ... 4 ^ Double Green Stamps every Tuesday wrth^2.^0or more purchase. ★ 2700 Texas Ava. South ★ 4300 Taxas Ava. ★ 3516 Taxas 'Ava. ★ 200 East 24th St. ★ 9 Redmond Terrace COLLEGE STATION and BRYAN, TEXAS J4 WE :