The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 26, 1977, Image 8
♦SOLID WOOD FURNITURE*♦SO^.DWOOD Page 8 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1977 GO FOR THE GUSTO PEACE CORPS VISTA WHAT A WAY TO GO! ADVENTURE CHALLENGE EXPERIENCE SEE HOW FAR YOUR DEGREE CAN TAKE YOU On Campus: Today & Tomorrow Placement Ofc. Rudder Tower 10th Floor Information Booth: Student Center AFRICA A^IA SOUTH PACIFIC LATIN AMERICA U.S.A. GO FOR THE GUSTO PEACE CORPS VISTA entertainment Traveling musical fun, innovative By ELLIE LAPORTE The Broadway musical “The Rob ber Bridegroom,” is a folksy fairy tale, complete with a dashing hero. Class of 8 T A M U VOTE Richard BASKIN for SEC./TRES. Oct. 27 FURNITURE* * SOLID WOOD FURNITU.R UNFINISHED FURNITURE CENTER This Is The Final Week Of Our 1st Anniversary Sale Everything In The store 50% fair maiden, even a wicked step mother, all set to a Broadway ver sion of country music. Tuesday’s Town Hall special attraction per formance was held in Rudder Theatre. The musical, based on a 1942 novella by Eudora Welty, tells the story of a bandit-of-the-woods and his encounters and entanglements with the inhabitants of Rodney, Miss., a small town on the Natchez Trace. The bandit, Jamie Lockhart, saves the life of a wealthy planter, falls in love with a girl he meets in the forest (who unknown to him, is the planter’s lovely daughter, Rosamund), and escapes from the advances of Rosamund’s jealous stepmother, Salome. Mistaken identities create prob lems for Jamie and Rosamund, as well as a humorous plot involving the evil antics of Salome, as she tries and fails to do away with her step daughter. Little Harp, another rob ber and Jamie’s adversary, also pro duces comedic results with his evil but inept attempts to rob and steal. Frank Luz and Barbara Marineau were excellent as Lockhart and Rosamund, they gave life and vitality to the characters and made Eddie Dominguez 66 Joe Arciniega 74 Up To OFF If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned ... We call It "Mexican Food Supreme." UNFINISHED FURNITURE Dallas location; 3071 Northwest Hwy 1 352-8570 DOWNTOWN BRYAN ma 822-7062 Join us for an inspiring talk Christianity and the Military Given by Kim Schuette, Chaplain on Thursday, Oct. 27 at 7=30 p.m in M.S.C. rm. 145 Sponsored by //>e Chrisf/on Science Organization them seem almost believable. Laurie Franks was equally talented in her portrayal of the sinister Salome, as was John Goodman as the comical Little Harp. The musical numbers, for the most part, were well staged and executed. All of the songs had a country sound with rural, folksy lyrics, and were played by a blue grass band. Especially effective and enjoyable was the innovative acting of several of the cast members who served as props, from trees to ravens, also providing sound effects such as creaking doors and forest noises Overall, it was a entertainin, show. There was constant action stage, with the entire cast involved in one way or another, through,/ the performance. The dialogue«» irreverent, rowdy, at times bawdy but always amusing. Best selling, books United Press International FICTION The Silmarillion — J. R. R. Tolkien The Thorn Birds — Colleen McCullough The Honorable Schoolboy — Joh le Carre Daniel Martin — John Fowles Delta of Venus — Anais Nin Ill usions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah — Richard Bach Dynasty — Robert S. Elegant The Second Deadly Sin — Lawrence Sanders Beggarman, Thief — Irwin Shaw Coma — Robin Cook NONFICTION All Things Wise and Wonder ful — James Herriot Book of Lists — David Wal- lechinsky Looking Out For No. 1 — Robert Ringer The Dragons of Eden — Carl Sagan The Camera Never Blinks — Dan Rather Six Men — Alistair Cooke Vivien Leigh — Anne Ed wards Amityville Horror — Jay Anson Essays of E. B. White — E. B. White It Didn’t Start With Watergate — Victor Lasky J "ftipfnamba OCTOBER 29TH The Night of the Great Pumpkin 8:00 p.m. at The Blue Room of Briarwood Apartments. Featuring THE BARON of WTAW Admission — GIRLS FREE c0 SXV>»*® MEN - $3.50 IN ADVANCE $4.00 AT THE DOOR 0 p-noH^ TICKETS AVAILABLE AT INTERNATIONAL STUDENT OFFICE, 221 MSC FREE BEER, LIQUOR, SOFT DRINKS, SNACKS Sponsored by the International Students Association Bud and Boyd VOTE Boyd Grimshaw and Frank “Bud” Box O.C.S.A. Rep. Area III Oct. 27 Paid Political Ad. The Good, The Crab And Not too Ugly! VOTE Angela Goodson Marvin Crabtree Turkey Sales Unt escon a poor gi ays Tom [xercise p (her peoi Pipes is adviser [prevent health ai San D He said ie ratio o umbers ghed t WE Kiv le, bone now that water and great de ion of fat The dry nd a ma ipes the Jndenvat pendi pringbo cale-rigge Men ar ition if heir total omparab’ o 26 perc The key mt the Alpha Zeta, the National Agriculture Honor Society, will be taking orders for Thanksgiving & X-mas Smoked Turkeys, from Oct. 10 - Nov. 11. Turkeys available in 8-10 lb. range, at $1.50/lb. Proceeds used for student Scholarships to Service Projects. To place your order, call: 845-3964 on weekdays from 6-11 p.m MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL SPECIAL Salisbury Steak Mexican Fiesta with Dinner Mushroom Gravy Two Cheese and Whipped Potatoes Onion Enchiladas Your Choice of w/chili One Vegetable Mexican Rice Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Patio Style Pinto Beans Coffee or Tea Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $1.59 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. “We co ie over vomen, c APPEA ive. Ron 85-poun bird has 'ipes has “He lot percen He’s rea Pipes lercentag mt learn Ihoemak, Dxygen vt “They icrse. Th bought. ’ Athlete rom spot from posi He rate itness, fo tail, foot laseball He ca htchers imong b; RUNN of pro Pipes sak Tensive b; Pipes, loctorate He Univ nia. Orig ducat io dniversit try to im His te done larj the Nath tute. He fessional and sultant t team. The v ventive mediein Pipes sai liiess pre: HE E ponents frequent "If (as you don’ much to Pipes sai He h, body-bu ms, raeci He then strength lungs wi More WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Beef Steak w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea ln g up ] there is stressinj "orkout $101 insti THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL “Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style” Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee “Quality First” SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DlNNEh Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter - Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of a n V One vegetable m < The c Univers English their en Thomas (e st is 5 A S10 former English college 1 'cterrif °rahle n up. Stude must su feather, formatic exceed ' . E ntri interest 'n addi v 'vidru ""eehan May,; of Will; feather: Englan tau ght; going t, 'ng in pVid Herman [ho hea ' r om )t