I fit BA I I ALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1977 Kage J • "estival at New Braunfels >• may now of Univer- ilungton is 'locational t 846-6673 UK'S. d ly val Wurstfest to begin Nov. 4 By MICHELLE SCUDDER Jfte best of the “wurst” will be Led Nov. 4-13 when Wurstfest lebrates its 17th year of festivities Lew Braunfels. Ilom Purdum, public relations Lman for the festival, said he ex- Wurstfest to draw a crowd of 160,000 for the 10 days of 1 p m. to/ ist corner s icier ap- “eonsider items on Program, College vis, will ivis’ em- sition of bin mis- ias rict resi- support district st after a ho com- the Con ic hoard an ers fiom tate case r Hughes General lied and, Hughes’ sident of use Claudine t me nt for i and jury i counties District. ok over e crew, a news id. The ree the Move- hot five Wurstfest originated in 1961 with he idea of acknowledging the large Liber of ethnic Germans in the munity, and to recognize their • of food preparation and German icritage, Purdum said. Wurstfest visitors can swing out to a polka, sip a foamy German brew, or munch wurst on a stick while enjoying fellowship in the German manner. Sausage lovers observe Wurstfest with gusto, as last year they ate 42 tons of sausage in addition to 40,000 ears of corn and 30,000 shishkebabs. Wurstfesters also can sample strudels, kartoffel pancakes, homemade brotchen (little bread) and other old German recipes. Diverse entertainment will be featured during the festival. Myron Floren, star of the Lawrence Welk lealth care fraud becomes felony United Press International WASHINGTON — President liter signed legislation Tuesday lioviding stiffer penalties for Hoviders of medicare and medicaid [grams who defraud the elderly U poor jThe new law levies felony penal- jtstoa maximum $25,000 fine and ve years in prison, replacing the misdeameanor penalities of up |) a $10,000 fine and one year in Bison. Ilhe bill, passed overwhelmingly I Congress and sent to the White Jouse on Oct. 13, is aimed at doe- lirs and other health care providers, ilit retains misdemeanor penalties iir recipients convicted of defraud- lg the programs. ■ Congress acted at Carter’s urging to combat the estimated $1 billion a in waste and fraud in medicare ml medicaid programs. A network of watchdog agencies illed Professional Standards and [eview Organizations monitor ercharges by doctors as well as •audulent operation of store front ganizations claiming to help the wr and elderly. Testimony before Congress re ded “ping pong” operations in [ijdiieh patients were shunted from doctor to another to increase imbursements coming to the store ont operations. Rep. Paul Rogers, D-Fla., chief sponsor of the House version of the new law, said during debate that At torney General Griffin Bell reported that the FBI is training some 350 agents in auditing medicare and medicaid records as part of its drive to crack down on white collar crime. The new law includes a delay through Dec. 31, of a Department of Health, Education and Welfare order to penalize 22 states a total of $250 million because of inadequate review by the states of medicaid pa tient care in nursing home's. The penalties were to be imposed Oct. 1. TV show, will make his 10th con secutive appearance at Wurstfest Nov. 6-10. The calls of the Alpine yodelers and the strains of oompah music from the polka bands will cap ture the spirit of European type entertainment throughout the week of festivities. The agenda also includes a Wurstfest Olympics of canoe races, auto rally, sailboat regatta and European style bike race. Other events are old time melodramas, the Heritage Exhibit and the “Sausage Dog” (dachshund) show. Prizes will be awarded to the oldest, longest and best dressed “sausage dogs. New Braunfels’ population of 20,000 is one-third German des cent, mainly fourth and fifth genera tion. They came to the Texas wilderness 116 years ago with foun- ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ der Prince Carl Solms of Braunfels, Germany. “Another reason for Wurstfest was to stretch the tourist season and bring people into New Braunfels during the off-season. Wurstfest has had a major impact on tourism, Purdum said. The MSG Travel Committee is sponsoring a trip to Wurstfest Nov. 5 for $10 per person. Price includes bus trip and gate ticket. “We only have 37 places on the bus this year, so people interested in going need to sign up soon,” Melinda Heath, trip coordinator said. As the Germans would say, Wurstfest is “gemuetlichkeit”, fun and fellowship the German way. Vote for These S n r well | U C VOTE Boyd Grimshaw Boyd Grimshaw Frank “Bud” Boy Off-Campus Student Assoc. Representative Area III Thursday Oct. 27 Pd. Political Ad SEBRinG men look like they just come from their stylist ... everyday! COURTEA Hair Designers '‘N 3808 OLD COLLEGE ROAD BRYAN Next to Triangle Bow! 846-3877 or 846-2924 for appt. LAKEVIEW CLUB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *• * * * * * :★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ New York Subway Is Coming! 3 Miles N. on Tabor ROad Saturday Night: Darrell McCall with Dennis Ivey & The Waymen $5.00 per person From 9-1 p.m. STAMPEDE DANCE Every Thursday Night Ladies $1.00 All brands beer 40c Men $2.00 8-12 PHIL-UP the OCSA with Responsible Leadership. Vote for: Philip Johnson OCSA Representative Area I Sponsored By: Cindy Sanford Campaign Mng. top West moral of ■ times in ' terrorist prisoned j variable No pre- Knowledge is your best protection. / \Carl Bussells X/Oiamomd Room 3731 E. 29th 846-4708 Town & Country Center (®) MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY Aggies & Rednecks No place but LOU’S. Specials through Wednesday: *1 25 Pitcher Beer 60 ALL Longnecks 45c LOU’S 19th HOLE (60 oz. Old Milwaukee and Lone Star) 3606 S. College DANCING 846-9889 PIZZA AN AGGIE PLAYERS SPECIAL ATTRACTION RUDDER FORUM 8:00 P.M. OCT. 27, 28, 29 BY MURRAY SCHISGAL THE HILARIOUS STORY OF A VERY SPECIAL TRIANGLE! TICKETS AT MSC BOX OFFICE TAMU STUDENTS $1.75 GENERAL PUBLIC $2.75 LIMITED SEATING — ACT NOW! We accept your personal check and also honor: 3 RENT-A-CAR FORD RENT-A-CAR SYSTEM bF I MERCURY LINCOLN beal Pord 1309 Texas Ave., Bryan, Texas • 823-0044 Samson “ «**• » f W ' rTT f SlSfr . -r* George Ann Hoke, Judy Fondy, Kathy Grimes, Vickie Matthews, Judy McCann. (not pictured: Jane Kroll) PROFESSIONAL HAIR DESIGN 1510 Holloman College Station 693-1772 SEBRING ©1977 JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING CO. MILWAUKEE. WIS. THE DEAN OF BEER’S QUICKIE QUIZ. Q: The figure “130” represents: a) The number of mailmen in the U.S. answering to the name of Louie. b) Any combination of the numbers 70 and 60. c) The number of times the word porcupine can be written on a zucchini. d) The number of Schlitz taste testers. e) Both (b) and (d). A: (e) I can think of no combination of 70 and 60 that does not equal 130. (If you can, you now know why you are flunking math.) I also can t think of anything better than being a Schlitz taste tester. Except, perhaps, owning Kuwait. And Schlitz maintains a trained panel of over 130 of them. They’re qualified and requalified experts who make sure your taste for quality is never disappointed. Because Schlitz knows the final test for flavor is yours alone. Class dismissed. THERE'S JUST ONE WORD FOR BEER. AND YOU KNOW IT. Siglinda Steinftiller Dean of Beer anilg night 3 Combination Burritos E 3 Tacos at a frppi) ftite/ /i If you want a super happy family, bring 'em to Taco Villa for some Wednesday night happiness — taco and combo burritos, three of each for just $2.44. They're the tasty treats you always find at Taco Villa — big, hearty portions chock full of goodness that's sure to make everybody's tummy say, "Thanks a lot! *2.44 sues goo from the “KUnGJUES* 614 Villa Maria • Bryan ©COPYRIGHT, TACO VILLA. INC.. 1977