Page 4 THE BATTALION MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1977 The Battalion Classified WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word Minimum charge — $1.00 Classified Display $1.85 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 12 noon day before publication DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY DIRECTORY FEES are refundable in full dur ing the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Directories must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. AGGIELAND REFUND POLICY "Yearbook fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. “Students who will not be on campus when the yearbooks are published, usually by Sep tember 1, must pay a mailing and handling fee. Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they Be mailed without the necessary fees having been paid. ” This policy tookeffect on October 22, 1976. OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula of the College of Science must take the English Proficiency Examination on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1977, at 7:30 P.M. BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT CURRICULA - ROOM 113BSBE CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT CURRICULA - ROOM 100 CHEM MATH DEPARTMENT CURRICULA - ROOM 101 MILNER PHYSICS DEPARTMENT CURRICULA - ROOM 301 PHYS In order to qualify as a candidate for a degree in the College of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himself (or herself) in acceptable English. This require ment may be satisfied by (1) passing an exam ination in English composition (EPE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing English 301 with a minimum grade of “C”. ANY STUDENT WHO FAILS THE WRIT TEN EXAMINATION (EPE) MUST SATISFY THE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENT BY TAKING ENGLISH 301 and Earning a minimum grade OF “C”. For information and guidelines on the nature of the examination, check with the departmental secretary. 3313 The Battalion Experienced Medical Technologist (ASCP) Needed to Assume Supervisory Role in the Clinical Pathology Laboratory. Ability to Ac cept responsibility and communicate with staff personnel is essential. Past Supervisory and Chemistry Experience Desirable. Send re sume to Mr. Charles Lanicek, College of Vet erinary Medicine, Texas A&M University, Col lege Station, Texas 77843. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER. 30t4 Courtesy clerk to work mornings and early afternoons. $2.70 per hour. Apply Skaggs- Albertsons, 301 South College. 32t3 TV TECHNICIAN. FULL TIME OR PART TIME. Call 822-4862. 27tl0 Cocktail waitresses, bus help and janitors needed Mon.-Sat. Apply at The Mansard House Restaurant. 25tl0 Medical Technologist (ASCP) Needed for Clin ical Pathology Laboratory. General Laboratory Experience Essential and Familiarity with Au tomated Chemistry Instrumentation Desir able. Send resume to Dr. John McGrath, De partment of Veterinary Pathology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER. 3<)t4 Computer Terminal Operator needed in Medical Records Department of Texas A&M University, Veterinary Medical Hos pital. Prefer fast, accurate typist. Contact Dr. W. J. Kilpatrick at 845-6035. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EM PLOYER 3315 Brushy Day Care Center has space for pre-school children of low income families. The center is licensed and is lo cated off Highway 60 in the Brushy Community. For further information call 846-8904 after 5:00 P.M. 33(5 Abstractors needed. Must be a graduate student with a major or strong background in nuclear engi neering, petroleum engineering, or physics, and be able to write well. Must be American citizen or have PRV. $4.00/hr„ 20 hrs./wk. Call Susan Lytle, TAMU Library. 845- 1024. Number One in Aggieland MR. GATTI’S the best pizza in town .... honest! Mr. Gatti’s is presently accepting applications for full-time day help starting at $2.50/hr. Part-time lunch help and part-time evening help also needed. Apply in person between 2-7 p.m. or call 846-4809 for appointment. SERVICES ACADEMIC RESEARCH — all fields. Send $1.00 for mail order catalog of 7,000 topics. Box 25918-Z, Los Angeles, CA 90025. (213) 477-8474. 13t3o Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 HELP WANTED ’75 Firebird Espirit excellent condi tion. Very clean. Automatic, power brakes and steering, AM/FM stereo, vinyl top, rally wheels, CB radio, if desired. 846-5177, $3775. 3114 Audio Visual Specialist The Animal Science Depart ment has an immediate opening for an audio visual specialist. Bachelor’s degree helpful. Two years experience in photog raphy or instructional media and some experience in electronics and drafting preferred. Apply in person at the Personnel Dept. Rm. 211, YMCA Bldg. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY THROUGH AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. 3312 FULL OR PART TIME HOUSEWIVES OR STUDENTS Help wanted, both day or night shift and weekends. Housewives work while children are in school Stu dents nights 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. & weekends. COUNTER AND CASHIER WORK $2.60/hour APPLY IN PERSON ONLY WHATABURGER Bryan 1101 Texas An Equal Opportunity Employer College Station 105 Oominik AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group ■i S. College 823-8051 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac S’A ' - SERVICE Where . _ ^tandara S * actioTl is 'uipment” 2401 Tex Ave Must sell ’74 Yamaha. 693-3271. Talk price. Typing 823-4579. 1.36184 Professional Typing Services. Located 707 University Drive, Suite 23. Next to University National Bank. Hours 9-5. Mon.-Fri. 846- 9109. 25tl9 Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723.392tfn Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544 . 83tin Apartment for rent. Glade East. $ 150/mo no bills call 846-1324. 3018 Help! Need 2 roommates to sub-lease nice 2BDR studio apt. Need roommates for rest of Fall and Spring semester. Contact Kevin or Mark at 693-1706. 291.5 Horse pasture and stall. 846-7015. 18125 Typing. 846-3491. WANTED Need 4 tickets for Baylor, Rice, SMU, games. 846-4711, 779-1362 after 5. 23t21 One bedroom apartment. Monaco. Bills paid. $210. Furnished. See office or Tom in 205C. 3315 Sublease: Fall and spring semesters. 1 bed room unfurnished. Monaco Apartments. 693-0938. 3216 Officials blame arsonist in fire United Press International BATON ROUGE, La. — A fire that destroyed a classroom wing Sunday at University High School on the Louisiana State University campus may have been set, officials said. The fire, which began in the early morning, destroyed seven class rooms in a one-story wing where first-grade through sixth-grade classes are held. School officials said students in grades one through six would have the day off Monday but junior high school and high school students would report for normal classes. PSYCHIC can advise on business, love & personal direction DONAVON request and donations appreciated Box 874 Brenham, Texas 77833 713-836-2978 LOST LOST: two metal rudders for Catamaran at Somerville. Reward offered. 845-5291. 31t3 BOOM M A I L W ANTED Male roommate needed for Spring semester. $110 mo. 693-8044. Own bedroom. 32t3 Wan t to share two bedroom furnished apart ment. $89.50/mo. & utilities. October rent free. Call 822-0700. 33t2 Female roommate to share I bedroom apart ment. $97.50 monthly. Call 779-0126. 33t.3 THE LA SALLE Attention Co-op Stu dents. A quiet, dignified place to live & study Monthly Rates La Salle Hotel 120 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN 71 3/822-1 50 1 New 2 bedroom four-plex apartments for rent. $195/mo., unfurnished, excluding electric ity. Nice atmosphere. Call Man ager at 822-7772. 21114 GLEN OAKS MOBILE HOME PARK “Private Country Living” 6 mi. from campus on Hwy. 30 2 bedroom furnished mobile home on large lot for rent. Available now. Call after 1:00 693-5670 27110 ART PLASTER PLAQUES & FIGURINES ART & CRAFT SUPPLIES AGGIE PLAQUES Finished- $12.95 Unfinished - $ 2.00 Paint your Christmas Gifts and Save $$$$ GIFT-A-RAMA Redmond Terrace 693-5016 Battalion photo by Ami Carnak the magnificent Dr. C. J. Martin, psychology department head, brought ESI to his Psychology 107 class. Dr. Martin is doing researchii learning and brings to class many educational concepts stimulate participation and interest. Citizen band repair easier if you shop Shop around for CB repairs, ad vises Claudia Kerbel, consumer in formation specialist with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, The Texas A&M University System. “Be sure to find a LICENSED re pairer, because compliance with government rules is YOUR respon sibility,” says Kerbel. The Federal Communications Commission requires that anyone making adjustments on a CB trans mitter must hold or be under direct supervision of someone holding at least a second-class radio/telephone operator’s license. Others may be more apt to misadjust the frequency and violate international radio agreements. Common problems that CBers face are failure of the transmitter final output transistors, broken mi crophone wires, and failure of the neet !, Students part-time j lape-recor 'exas &M Students. Sponsorei lation Com mild help icapped stir 'ho have jme other Also need te students audio output transistor. But consumers can get sal tory repairs, perhaps by methods: , _1.) When you first useyouM j am write down meter readings-s^^ ing or receiving — to be Unite familier with its “good open! LUBBOC characteristics. ;rumpy cai 2.) If the radio is under hat fast-tall ranty, get factory or '‘author! ng over 1 adjustments — free and ;: negaphone terms in the warranty. But you c 3.) Check the fuse, anlr vas taking connection, and microphone self— before you takeittolb varm sun pair shop 4.) Use a repair shop thatch hrk Zoo. PEAkTriliAN OAK* APARTMENTS SPECIAL OFFER TO ALL APARTMENT SEEKERS! One month free rent will be given on all apart ments that are leased and occupied during the month of October. (This offer is applicable to lease terms of 8 months or more.) . a » o Furnished & Unfurnished Efficiency 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments All Utilities included No Escalation Clause or Fuel Adjustment Charge Two Swimming Pools Tennis Courts Party/Meeting Room Health Spas, including Saunas for Men & Women Three Laundry Rooms Rental office open Monday through Friday 9-6 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 2-5 693-1110 1501 Hwy. 30 693-1011 ^Episcupal Ji>tttbent Center 902 Jersey (adjacent to southside of campus) 846-1726 Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m.: Eucharist & Supper Wednesdays 12 noon Bible Study Fridays, 6:30 a.m.: Eucharist & Breakfast Sundays, 6:30 p.m.: Fellowship & Eucharist Fr. James Moore, Chaplain a fixed rate for labor. , Butler, ai 5. ) Ask to see the licemei) op of Tan person responsible for yourG cross the pairs. 6. ) Ask that all replace returned to you. 7. ) Ask for a signed statei that all repairs comply with regulations. 8. ) If you have questions your repair shop, check wita shorting t Jeorge An attem land up hi Iried again, bn his Stop that < The 1-yc Better Business Bureau or Ck >ellowed a of Commerce. INTERSTATE^ — 846-6714 & 84fi UNIVERSITY SQUARE DAILY 7:30, ght West lushed in a 9:30 The real story of why President Lincoln was killed. The Lincoln Conspiracy TIP TBP RECORDS AND TAPES 1000 S. COULTER — BRYAN — 823-5745 , Member Student Purchase Program ! &tdk: Blank Tape Quantity Prices . t STEREO: SALES & SERVICE • MUSIC BOOKS • NEEDLES & ACCESSORIES COMPLETE SERVICE DEPARTMENT INSTALLATIONS Store Hours: 9:00-6:30 Mon.-Sat. TAMU TEXAS AVE. UNIV. DR c/> COULTER ★ TIP TOP j* » A STAR IS BORN ludy Garland, lames Mason, lack Li’ Charles Bickford, Tom NoonM, Marlowe WEDNESDAY OCT. 19 RUDDER THEATER 8:00 P.M. $1.00 AGGIE CINEMA liter much he help of aek, Georj n his back ip in front. Watchin iVatson o •logical said It’s trai :ifs a goi ad some g m that an ould be igeant.” Although notion to bilene zoc Da lo., a rei Ibits anir 1,875. Watson 1 banned to 1 caged s) got a up am lr sit dowr p.” ' The ownt east o land i niles i Hurry! Supply FOR SALE AKC Great Dane. Male. 4 V4 months old. Will talk price. 846-0168 after 5. 3213 Excellent condition. 3115 Honda 500 173, orange with white saddlebags and fairins. Runs and looks good. 845- 7194. 32t5 For Sale: Set of U.S. Divers diving equipment. Good condition. Reasonably priced. Call 845- 3665 Mon. thru Thurs. 30t7 Beautiful wooded tracts 5 acres or more. Owner financed. 846-4710, after 5 693- 0291. 26110 Sell your used air conditioner to White’s Auto Store or trade on new r Catalina home appliances. ; Waterwood COUNTRY CLUB Presents Special Golf & Tennis Memberships College students . . . $35 monthly Single membership . . . $45 monthly Family membership . . . $65 monthly Memberships will be offered beginning October 1977 thru March 31, 1978 For more information on Waterwood's special mem berships, write: Special Memberships — Waterwood Box 1 — Huntsville Or Call Collect 891-5211, Ext. 168 Gift Certificates ~ ^ are available for dinners at the Treehouse or Garden Room or Merchandise from the Pro Shop, Marina or Stables. jf«ilEA«2 CILAJjf CLASSY CUTS FOR CLASSY PEOPLE THE BATT DOES IT DAILY Monday through Friday 209 E. UNIVERSITY 846-4771