The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 12, 1977, Image 8
Page 8 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1977 Films used as source of research Thinking about using the movie “Gone with the Wind” for research into the wartime South? Or those Nazi propaganda films for a look into 1930s Germany? Dr. John Lenihan, assistant pro fessor of history at Texas A&M Uni versity, may be able to lend some , tips. He will present a History De partment colloquium Thursday on “Film as a Source for Historical Re search.” The program is at 4 p.m. in Room 201 of Harrington Education Center Annex. Tiny Tim hits the open trail for Opryland United Press International NASHVILLE—Tiny Tim fancies himself a musical athlete, knocking out hits in a quavering voice unique to country singing. The flabby singer who trilled “Tip toe Through the Tulips” and married “Miss Vicky” before millions in 1968 on a late night talk show is working now on an album of country songs. “I’m Gonna Be a Country Queen’ is one tune Tiny Tim and his backers hope will shove him back before the public eye. “I Ain’t No Cowboy, I Just Found This Hat” is another. As the last title suggests, Tiny Tim has not abandoned his long, frizzy hair and flowing cape for the garb country music fans prefer. “No,” he said. “I’m the same man I always was. I’m nothing but a songplugger. I don’t know why people think this is such an about- face. I’ve always practiced country songs in front of my mirror. ” Tiny Tim is annoyed that reporters do not realize the range of his art. “None of these things are new to me,” he says petulantly. “My show often includes Have You Seen My Little Sue’ and if that’s not country, I don’t know what is.” Tiny Tim says he has been a coun try music fan since 1947, but that longstanding loyalty is not what prompted the new album. “I just love to record—whether rock n’ roll or country. I’d like to record some Japanese songs, I’m Very fond of that muSie. I’m like a baseball pitcher who will use a screwball, changeup or fastball, whatever it takes. I go for a catch melody that will be a hit. I don’t sing throwaways.” Nevertheless, Tiny Tim worried that “people would take it the wrong way” when he sang of a struggling ingenue who preens before her mir ror in a wig and declares “I look just like Miss Dolly Parton.” “I did wonder,” Tiny Tim recalls. But producers, managers and agents quieted his fears. No matter what new songs he sings, the man whose mother named him Herbert says fans will always clamor for “Tiptoe Through the Tulips.” “I can do a million songs but all they want is Tiptoe, they yell for it at every concert,” he says. “I don’t mind, I never get tired of the hand that feeds you.” WELLAFLEX SETTING LOTION WITH VITAMIN B & NATURAL PROTEIN CONDITIONERS 8 OZ. REG. 1.57 CLOSE UP FRESH MINT FLAVOR 6.4 OZ. CATHALINA Lovely flowing hair. Sweet faced little girl doll. Wash able, fully jointed. 11" tall GIANT SIZE SECRET DEODORANT THIS WEEKEND ONLY! 13 OZ. REG. 2.09 79 SURE ROLL-ON DEODORANT SHARI Pretty as a picture. Com pletely washable. Sleeping eyes and rooted hair. Mov able arms & legs. 9" tall. <r<i oo P er 9IJT7 case REG. $1.89 OFfi 24 10-oz bottles plus tax and refundable deposit. 2.5 OZ. REG. 1.87 BABY SANDY Cuddly baby doll. She drinks and wets. Soft vinyl head. 10-inches tall. Fully jointed. VICKY Sweet, friendly baby doll with soft vinyl head. Drinks and wets. Sleeping eyes, rooted hair, fully jointed. 10Vi". SOLD ONLY I GIBSONtSCC 1420 Texas A'Xolle STYLE HAIR C0HTR0L FOR MEN REG. 83‘ PEARL AND PEARL LITE r* BUDWEISER SIX PACK CANS I 19 6 PACK CANS juniors t unn C,,TS 25% PARKAS, BOOT LENGTHS PANT COATS AND MORE Toy maker didn’t 1L Jlik. Jj quite understand Dolly Parton doll THESE COUPONS GOOD WEDNESDAY ONLY THESE COUPONS GOOD THURSOAI UNIT REG. 18.00 TO 48.99 NOW JUST By PAULA SCHWED United Press International PAPER TOWELS NASHVILLE — It was not easy to convince New York executives to market a doll with the generous curves and fat hair of Dolly Parton. They were incredulous when Ann Warden tried to sell them the idea, describing her long-time friend and business partner with expansive gestures. Does she really look like that?’ was what they asked,” Warden said with a giggle. “If I wasn’t born with them, I would have had them made,” Dolly once said. But the toy company executives knew nothing of her sweet soprano or popular country tunes. Nor were they familiar with the flashing jewels and tight, gaudy spangled outfits made famous by the lush bodied entertainer. “They didn’t know her,” Warden explained. “They were thinking about Barbie dolls with conservative clothes and Dolly’s face on them. They just didn’t understand. ” A photograph helped, but War den finally took a Barbie doll and packed it with modeling clay in im itation of Dolly’s remarkable mea surements. That was two years ago. “We’ve had an overwhelming re sponse since the Dolly doll came out in June,” Warden said. “Chain stores are placing big orders and we re getting letters from all over.” 37 CASCADE DISHWASHER DETERGENT 10-OFF LABEL REG. 1.03 J-I'U-X' COMET CLEANSER 5 PER PERSON WITH COUPON 2° OFF LABEL GOOD WED., OCT. 12 ONLY 13 50 -36 75 SUPER FALL VALUES! Eul FREE 12 0Z.J0Y AMERICAN BEAUTY INSTANT POTATOESi 5 1 $ 1 5 PER PERSON WITH COUPON GOOD WED., OCT. 12 ONLY MEN’S WARM UP SUITS KETCHUP U TRE SLOW KETCHUP” REG. 16.99 1 PER PERSON WITH C0UP0H LARGE SIZE GOOD THURS., OCT. 13 OHLY^ REG. 19.97 BUY 1 JOY 48 0Z. LIQUID AT 1.89 AND GET 1-12 0Z. The doll has a wardrobe much like Dolly Parton’s own gaudy fin ery: a beige chiffon frock trimmed in gold, a scarlet gypsy outfit with matching bandana and a shocking pink, skintight jumpsuit. j-i'ij-i' WESSON PURE VEGETABLE OIL GET READY TO JOG IH COOLER WEATHER WITH THESE! 1 PER PERS0H WITH C0UP0H 48 0Z. GOOD THURS., OCT. 13 ORLY INFANT STRETCH COVERALLS 95 REG. 4.47