THE BATTALION Page 3 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1977 Lamaze ‘graduates’ reunite episcopal Jiftabent (Center By LARRY PARKER Lamaze makes childbirth easier for men — as well as for their wives. Sunday, Sept. 18, a class reunion day was held for the parents and babies from a Lamaze class that began on June 28, 1977. The discus sion centered around the Lamaze method of childbirth and any prob lems that might have occured dur ing labor and delivery. “LAMAZE or prepared childbirth is fairly new in the Bryan-College Station area, but the number of par ticipants is growing rapidly”, says Barbara Doleshal, Lamaze instruc tor. Men learn breathing tech niques, instructions on pregnancy and childbirth, exercises to tone muscles of expectant mothers, and information concerning medication right along with the mother-to-be. The course also included a tour of the labor and delivery rooms at St. Joseph’s Hospital and a question- and-answer session with a labor nurse. “The primary purpose of Lamaze is to prepare women for labor and delivery , said Doleshal. THE IDEA of the pain associated with child-bearing is played down by referring to labor pains as con tractions, but the reality of the situa tion is not forgotten. “A positive response is taught in coping with contractions’ , she said. Most fathers are uneasy at first and some attend class just to please their wives, but after delivery they have a different attitude, she said. Doleshal stated that there are currently three Lamaze instructors in the Bryan-College Station area and one more in training. “FIVE TEACHERS are actually needed to keep the class size around ten couples”, she said. There are a number of require ments for becoming a Lamaze teacher, and standards for the American Society for Psychopro phylaxis (mind prevention) must be met. These include: application to ASPO, observing a series of campus activities Monday TAMU Social Club, 9:30 a.m., 224 MSC Graduate Student Council, 12 noon, MSC Conference Room Accounting Department, 1 p.m., 301 Rudder Scona Interviews, 6 p.m., 216M, N, O, MSC Crafts — Spinning, 7 p.m., 139 MSC Crafts — Macrame “A, 7 p.m., 140 MSC Free U, 7 p.m., 401, 404, 607, 305A, B, Rudder MSC Council Faculty Advisors, 7 p.m., 145 MSC classes, student teaching, required reading, a degree in a related field (nursing, health and education or physical therapy, for example), pass ing an obstetrics exam, attending an ASPO workshop, and completing a take-home teaching exam. “The process takes about three months at the earliest and usually six months”, said Doleshal. “WE STRESS self-confidence through education about childbirth,” Doleshal said, “more than perfection in technique.” “Many people think Lamaze is magical or mystical and that it will make labor shorter, easier, and painless,” said Doleshal. “But this is not true — it will only make it toler able. Doleshal also said that she had mixed feelings about medica tion. “It does go through the baby, but you should not feel guilty if you need something to help with the pain,” she said. THE COMMENTS from new parents varied but were in unanim ous approval of Lamaze. “I had a negative attitude at first,” said John McGowen, “but I would recommend the course highly and I don’t recommend things very of ten.’’ Kathy Berry, a Lamaze mother said, “It made childbirth rewarding and gave me more confi dence than I had with my first child.” She also said she and her husband enjoyed the association with the other prospective parents. PARENTS said the greatest ben efit was knowing what exactly was supposed to happen and wnat to do in certain situations. “There are very few experiences in life that can compare to seeing your own child born”, said Ricky Rigsby. Aggies & Rednecks No place but LOU’S. Specials through Wednesday: $1°° Pitcher Beer (60 oz. Old Milwaukee and Lone Star) ALL Longnecks 45c LOU’S 19th HOLE 3606 S. College 846-9889 Student Government Student Services Committee will meet Wednesday, Sept. 28 7:15 p.m., MSC Rm. 350 to discuss Lighting of the Intramural Complex Inner Campus Shuttle Bus System Blood Drive Research Committee Student-Run Food Co-Op Laundry Service Alternatives All Students Welcome To Participate TOWN HALL 1977-1978 ATTENTION FRESHMAN There will be a general meeting for all freshman interested in applying for the Town Hall Committee, on Monday, September 26, 8 p.m., 510 Rudder. This is a mandatory meeting for all freshman interested in joining Town Hall this year. (7?= 902 Jersey (adjacent to southside of campus) 846-1726 Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m.: Eucharist & Supper Wednesdays 12 noon Bible Study Fridays, 6:30 a.m.: Eucharist & Breakfast Sundays, 6:30 p.m.: Fellowship & Eucharist Fr. James Moore, Chaplain TIP T0P RECORDS W AND TAPES P E V s 1000 S. COULTER — BRYAN — 823-5745 r Member Student Purchase Program p &TDK Blank Tape Quantity Prices ^ STEREO: SALES & SERVICE • MUSIC BOOKS • NEEDLES & ACCESSORIES £ COMPLETE SERVICE DEPARTMENT STORE HOURS: 9:00-6:30 MON.-SAT. TAMU TEXAS AVE. UNIV. DR (/> 5 9 2 * COULTER TOP IMIC DOC 30C IX tc =>oc SPECIAL Hair Straightening and Cut $250° Good Monday thru Saturday 707 TEXAS Across from A&M 846-6933 XK MM MW— — ytw ■ -XW- Hi DON’T BE LATE It is not too early to make your reservation NOW for your CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY TRAVEL Choice times and dates are going fast. Drop by our office in the MSC today and book your airline reservations today. A small deposit now and the balance no later than 30 days prior to departure time. This is required by the airline to hold your reservation. Don’t be caught like so many last year who could not get passage home. ‘Sette'deef “S%