The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 22, 1977, Image 8
Page 8 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1977 Sports White Sox are optimistic Texas Instruments has just made buying a pro grammable calculator a better deal than ever. 2 free software libraries with the purchase of an SR-52. $10 rebate with purchase of an SR-56. SR52 WAS 299.95 NOW 249 95 With purchase of an SR56 get a With purchase of an SR52 get Offer good thru March 31, 1977 Texas Instruments PC-100 optional printer for SR 52 or SR56. WAS $ 299 95 NOW *199 95 UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Text Books Calculators School Supplies Aggie Gifts & Souvenirs “At the North Gate” 409 University Drive - College Station, Texas United Press International SARASOTA, Fla. — There is a new attitude of optimism and de termination among the Chicago White Sox this year which could very likely fade into resignation by mid-June. Most White Sox’ players agree that new manager Bob Lemon got the team off in the light direction by stressing fundamentals and defense in the opening weeks of spring train ing. It is generally conceded that Paul Richards, at 67, just didn’t have his heart in managing last sea son and by September the White Sox players also gave up, as evi denced by their 15 losses in the final 16 games. “Let’s face it,” said Ken Brett, who after coming over from the New York Yankees in mid-May be came the White Sox’ best pitcher in 76, “this was a horrible ballclub last year. We didn’t stress any funda mentals in spring training and pretty much went through the motions. Most players will tell you it was the easiest camp they ever had. Slugging outfielder Richie Zisk, who was acquired over the winter from the Pittsburgh Pirates, a pe rennial contender in the National League, agreed with Brett that this year’s edition of the White Sox can only get better. "You have a lot of kids on this team and guys who haven’t had such big league experience,” said Zisk. “But they can play. Guys like Brian Downing, who was hurt a lot last year, Alan Bannister, Kevin Bell and Chet Lemon. All they need is more experience and they’ll have us winning. ” True, there’s a lot of merit to that did saying about there being no substitute for experience, but the cold hard facts are that the White Sox finished dead last in the Ameri can League in pitching with a 4.5 team earned run average and did nothing to improve their lot in that department over the winter. And al though Zisk, who hit 21 homers and drove in 89 runs for Pittsburgh last year, will aid the offense, he’ll do nothing for the woefully weak out field defense. Further, the infield defense is almost as uncertain. AGGIES, There are only 3 days left to turn in completed applications to nominate Aggie Parents of the year! If you have not yet picked up an applica tion, they can be found in the Student Government Office, Room 216, MSC. The deadline to turn in applications for Aggie Parents of the year is March 25th, 1977, so do it now! Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 You know we have Bar-B-Q. But did you know about our Steaks? Our Banquet Facilities? Our Catering? YOU SHOULD! 3-C BAR-B-Q ACROSS THE TRACKS/NEARLY DOWNTOWN OPEN 11-9 CLOSED MONDAY We’re Young and Growing Strong With $1.5 million in deposits niter less than a month oi business on December 31,1976. Statement of Condition — December 31, 1976 Assets First mortgage loans $ 437,896.10 All other loans • 137,728.09 Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank 500.00 Cash on hand and in banks 219,104.86 Investments and securities 447,706.09 Office building, less depreciation 260,648.99 Furniture, fixtures, equipment and leasehold improvements, less depreciation 16,326.24 Deferred charges and other assets 43,324.46 TOTAL ASSETS $1,563,234.83 Capital and Liabilities Savings Accounts $ 720,542.46 Other liabilities 13,573.89 Permanent Reserve fund stock 562,500.00 Surplus or Undivided Profits 266,618.48 TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES $1,563,234.83 Board of Directors John C. Culpepper , Jr. Chairman Fred G. Anderson, M.D. O. M. Holt James L. Beard Robert G. Cherry George H. Draper William F. Phillips, Jr. Thomas E. Rattan Herbert G. Thompson Honustsail Savings Association of Texas Drawer HC/College Station. Texas 77840/(713) 693-1063 Strengths: Zisk, first baseman Jim Spencer and outfielder Jorge Orta are all proven hitters with adequate power. Bucky Dent, if he’s not traded, is among the best shortstops in baseball. Weaknesses: Unproven rookies; uncertain infield, especially if Dent is traded; weak defensive outfield. New Faces: Besides Zisk, the most significant off-season acquisi tion, right-hander, Steve Stone, re turns via the free agent route and will join the starting rotation 4-3 record with the cross-town last year. Other free agent included third baseman Soderholmn, utility infieldei Nordbrook and pinch hitter l Stillman — none of whom prominently in Lemon’searlyjt Outlook: The White Sox consider themselves luck) out expansionist Seattle for the Al West in a year whidml doubtedly be highlighted by more Bill Veeck gimmicks. Plane ride back helpi By duel In's be, high! |n as th [vels to jurday. t&M’s Dai ilan Ci )-yard [et’s fe: st time juthwe lile Ne ft sprin lllas Ir th jved h ;st Iasi ease Houston s pain The A; liferent Jong e jylor, ! United Press International HOUSTON — What a gutty St. Bonaventure team took out of the Houston Cougars, a three-hour flight with the school band, the cheerleaders and the pom-pom girls helped put back in, a Cougar assis tant coach said yesterday. Despite finishing their 29-8 sea son as Southwest Conference runner-up and National Invitation Tournament runner-up, Houston players were still aggravated for al lowing a 10-point lead to slip away in the final four minutes of the NIT fi nals Sunday. “I hate to see a championsip game decided at the free throw line, said All-America Otis Birdsong. "It’s just a sour way to end it.” Houston outgoaled St. Bonaven ture by nine shots. But the Cougars committed 29 personal fouls to the Bonnies’ 16 and as a result St. Bonaventure had 46 free throw at tempts to Houston’s 16. Forward Chet Thompson had another gripe. “They were on our backs all after noon, but they would never call ’em on them, he said. Houston coach Guy V. Lewis, who won his 400th game during the week-long tournament in New York, did not criticize the referees. “Nobody figured we’d evtil here, but here we were in 1;! mils of the NIT and one oftheoi;! teams still playing college ball. I could win 800 games, and they would never make this one loss.” It did not help that the cl plane carrying the team ho»i four hours late arriving in Newh “But it might not have either, ’’ assistant coach Harvey said. “The party would have st at the same time anyway. W1h| finally got on the plane therewisi band, the cheerleaders, the pom girls and a lot of our fans, didn’t hurt anybody, including: For the players, yesterday regular class day. ButPatesaidl might be a few late sleepers the regulars. Birdsong, who scored 38poi: the finals and 86 for thetoumi was overshadowed for the Mosl 1 liable Players award by the Greg Sanders, who scored 41 104. Birdsong wept openly ii Madison Square Carderlocken after the game. After the plant! however, even he was talking! “It was a fine experience. 1 we had won,” he said. "ButI heck of a time, and I’m everyone else did too. .1 >1 Ui 5 ALL nit soc Inth tl and met ningra ’ Oswi jfficia [ talke Sovi bp Ma Motel |irs wi ioffic lir roo Jne i Ber N! Int mi FINAL WEEK! For Juniors to have their yearbook photoi taken for the 1977 “Aggieland” AND For Seniors and Graduate Students select their photo proofs for the 197 “Aggieland”. ... university studio 115 college® 846-: The Promis of Spring Don ’tlet an early case ofspn fever keep you from getting^ spring clothes ready now. AGGIE CLEANE L 111 N. MAIN - NORTHGT! UNDER NEW MANAGFMM Sizztin SPECIALS 7-DAYS A WEEK SPECIALS ALL-DAY 11 A.M.-11P The Sizzlin Stagecoach Broiled Sirloin steak, baked potato, french fries or hash browns and buttered toast. Broiled chopped sirloin steak, L or without mushroom group, bw potato, french fries or hash bros- and buttered toast. $ 2 39 $1 59 No Alcoholic Beverages Seating Capacity 220 — Private Dining Room For# Only Choice Beef Served 1701 Texas Ave. (Next to Rodeway Inn) ORDERS TO GO 779-2822