The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 22, 1977, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1977 LOCATED 2V2 MILES WEST ON FM 60 (UNIVERSITY DR.) FEATURES FAMILY-STYLE FRIED FISH & CHICKEN SERVED DAILY AFTER 5 P.M. & ALL DAY WEEKENDS ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR ONLY $3.29 per PERSON AND TRY OUR WEEKDAY NOON SPECIAL Tues. - Fri. 11:30-2 FAMILY-STYLE FRIED FISH & CHICKEN OR (WEDNESDAY) CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS ONLY THE VERY BEST INGREDIENTS USED ONLY TRY US & SEE! Former Arkansas governor works as a bank teller now HUNTSVILLE, Ark. (UPI) — Former Arkansas Gov. Orval E. Faubus has a new job. Faubus is working as a bank teller at the First National Bank in Huntsville. “Inflation put me back to work,” he said Monday. Faubus said his state retirement benefits came to “a little over $600” a month. SURPRISE HIM WITH A DIAMOND IN HIS AGGIE RING! Our special gift box makes it possible to surprise him ... without having to borrow his Aggie Ring! One day WANT AD RATES 10c per word OFFICIAL NOTICE FOR SALE Classified Display ] $1.65 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication Weight Watchers has an exciting new program. College Station class meets Thursdays, 6:30 p.m., Hillel Foundation, 800 Jersey Street. For further information call 822-7303. OFFICIAL NOTICE 83116 Mercedes-Benz, model 230, 1968, 6-cyl., gas engine, 4-on-the-floor. 87,000 miles; in good condition, $2,750. Original owner. A.D. Fol- weiler 1028 Walton Dr., C.S. 9214 ^ Carl Bussells fiAMOND Room 3731 E. 29th 846-4708 Town & Country Center MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ENGUSH PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION ALL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula of the College of Science must take the English Proficiency Examination on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. BIOLOGY Department Curricula — Room 113 BSBE CHEMISTRY Department Curricula — Room 100 CHEM MATH Department Curricula — Room 204 ACAD PHYSIC Department Curricula — Room 301 For information and guidelines on the nature of the examination, check with the depart mental secretary. In order to qualify as a candidate for a degree in the College of Science, each student must demonstrate an ability to express himself (or herself) in acceptable English. This require ment may be satisfied by (1) passing an exam ination in English composition (EPE) taken not later than the spring semester of the junior year, or (2) completing English 301 with a minimum grade of C. Any student who fails the written examination (EPE) must satisfy the English proficiency requirement by taking English 301 and earning a minimum grade of C. SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS To be eligible to order the Texas A&M ring, an under graduate student must have at least one year in resi dence, credit for at least ninety-two (92) semester hours and be in good standing with the University. A year in residence may consist of the Fall and Spring semesters or one of the above and a full summer ses sion (both the first and second terms). The hours passed at the preliminary grade report period on March 23rd may be used in satisfying this ninety-two hour requirement. Students qualifying under this regulation should leave their names with the ring clerk. Room Seven, Richard Coke Building. This should be done prior to March 23rd in order for all records to be checked to determine ring eligibility. (Any student having completed ninety-two (92) hours at the end of the Fall ’76 semester may order at any time. There is never a dead-line once the hours have been completed, with the exception of a monthly mail ing date.) Graduate students are eligible to order with proof (receipt) that they have filed for graduation. Orders for mid-semester will be taken by the ring clerk starting March 23, 1977, and will continue until April 26, 1977. Students who do not place their order during this period may order after final grades are posted. All rings must be paid for in full when the order is placed. Please bring mid-semester grade re ports along when ready to order. Anyone having failed to leave their names in advance and fail to bring grade report will be asked to return later to allow time for records to be checked. The rings should arrive at the Registar’s Office on June 28, 1977. All rings ordered, regardless of whether on March 23rd or April 26th will arrive at the same time. The ring clerk is on duty from 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. of each week, Monday through Friday. However, in order for records to be checked, orders must be placed prior to 11:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. We hope this information will be helpful and extend our congratulations. Edwin H. Cooper, Dean Admissions and Records Carolyn Wells, Ring Clerk Time: 1:30 p.m. on April 1, 1977 Place: Room 110 in the Plant Sciences Bldg. G. W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College SPECIAL NOTICE Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 ' For Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE ‘‘Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 HELP WANTED THE C & S TRANSIT CO. a new restaurant soon to open in College Station, will be hir ing for the following positions: Cashiers Pizza Makers Bartenders Cocktail Waitresses General Help Apply in person at 815 Hwy. 30, (next to Sausolito Apts.) or call 693-7623. Ask for Bill. CONTACT LENS WEABEBS We can save you money on your brand name and soft lens supplies. Send 13c stamp for price list. CONTACT LENS SUPPLY CENTER 341 E. Camelback Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85012 92tl campus activities] TUESDAY Plant Sciences Club, Dilton O. Black, TABS, “Summer Jobs,” Plant Sciences 103, 7 p.m. Libertarian Party, Organizational meeting for anyone interested in organizing chapter on campus, to be held following Political Forum, Rudder 701B. Political Forum, Roger McBride, Rudder 701B, 8 p.m. Texas Student Education Association, MSC 225, 7 p.m. Bryan Parks and Recreation Department, would like to begin a Women’s Open Slow Pitch and a Men’s Church Slow Pitch Softball league this summer. If you are interested in entering a team come to 203 E. 29th Street. The deadline for entering a team in any of the Bryan softball leagues is April 4 at 5 p.m. Volunteer Committee for the Promotion of Business, Business Assistance Clinics, City National Bank, 301 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, March 22, 6 p.m.; March 23 Counseling 9a.m., Clinic6:20p.m.; March 24Counseling 9 a.m. Up With People, Bryan Civic Auditorium, 8 p.m. (Tickets $3.50 for adults and $2.50 for students on sale at K-Mart, Montgomery Wards, Skaggs, Eagle offices in Bryan.) Test, Engineering 219, 7 p.m, (IIn fee). Social Dance Club, MSC 224,1:3(J Physics Colloquium, S. M. Chi “The Hawking Effect: Black Holes 1:1;] turn Field Theory,” Physics 146,4p-| THURSDAY Brazos Ornithological Society, Dr. J Cain, “Bird Survey of Bolivar Pei Oceanography-Meteorology 112,730pj Crafts and Arts Committee, org meeting for students interested in a jewelry and pottery making, paim other forms of expression, MSC.titJ Crafts Center, 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY Pre-Veterinary Society, Rudder 301, 7:30 p.m. Dance Arts Society, Modern, G. Rollie White 266, 7:30 p.m. Sports Car Club, Old College Station City Hall, 7:30 p.m. \Beta Alpha Psi, Accounting Achievement Gotto to head medical school Let White’s Auto Store, College Station, serve you with your hardware and plumbing needs. North Gate. HOUSTON (UPI) — Dr. Antonio M. “Tony” Gotto Jr., 41, has been named medicine department chairman at Baylor College of Medicine and chief of the medical service at Methodist Hospital. Baylor President Dr. Michael E. DeBakey and Methodist President Ted Bowen announced the ap pointments. Gotto succeeds Dr. Henry D. McIntosh, 55, who resigned to de vote more time to patient care, t >»>■■ >»>-. <♦> ■»> >ac< x«s< ::<♦> FOR RENT STUDENT MANAGER — GROVE MOVIE SERIES Must be enrolled as a student during the summer terms. DATE: May 29 through August 10, 1977 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Fri day, 5:00 P.M., March 25, 1977 Applications and job description available at the secretaries’ desks in the Student Programs Office in Room 216 of the MSC. 86t5 THE LA SALLE a resident hotel Faculty, Staff, Post-Grads, Stu dents. A quiet, dignified place to live & study. Rooms and Rooms With Board Monthly Basis La Salle Hotel 120 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN 713/822-1501 BECOME A COLLEGE CAMPUS DEALEB Sell Brand Name Stereo Components at lowest prices. High profits; NO INVESTMENT RE QUIRED. For details, contact; FAD Compo nents, Inc. 20 Passaic Ave., Fairfield, New Jersey 07006. Ilene Orlowsky 201-227-6884. Call Col lect. 9213 A&M APT. PLACEMENT A FREE SERVICE FRIDAY Phi Alpha Theta and Departmt* j| tory, Graduate Lecture, John Hem] “The Recollections of the McCirtk Faulk, Texas humorist, was blacklistedi the mid 1950’s after being accused a part of the Communist conspiracy. St Evans Library 226, 7:30 p.m. Pre-Veterinary Society, Spring Briarwood Apartments Party Rooi (free to members, $3 for dates). Texas Society of Professional Student Chapter, Second Annual Engineers’ Ball featuring the "Woodei hand from Houston, Zachry, 8 p.m night ($3 for non-TSPE members, members) Tickets available through tl* of the Dean, College of Engineering University Lecture, Waldo H. h brary of Congress’ Copyright Office, C. Evans Library 226, 2 p.m I teaching and public education^ grams. Gotto will also physieian-in-chief for the mtii service of the Harris County h tal District. United Press International Cavalry troops once captural entire navy on the high 1795 French mounted Hi charged across the frozen h Zee and seized the iceboundDd fleet. Aggieland Flowei & Gift Shop This week featuring Boutonnieres For the Mosher & ' I WANTED: Part-time and summer help for apt. rental service. Must have real estate license or have completed the require ments for a license. Good earning poten tial. Call 823-7506 between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. 92t4 NOW LEASING FOR FALL ’77 APTS., DUPLEXES & HOUSES WE SUBLEASE FOR TENANTS Sale Prices Good Through March 31 Unfinished Furniture Center 314 N. Main Open 19 a.m.-7 p.m. 822-7052 Krueger Dance Plants — Hallmark Cards Posters — Candles — Roses & Other Fresh Flowers Free Delivery in Bryan-College Station Open 8-5:30 846-5825 209 University Dr. (Next to Campus Theatre) 846-5825 | ^ l. We Wire Flowers Worldwide am mmmmi vmmm ysm mm mu mm t 693-3777 NURSES: Grimes Memorial Hospital in Navasota needs RN’s with supervisory ex perience, RN’s with CCU experience (or interested in training for CCU). LVN’s for staff positions. Also Registered or Certified Respiratory Therapists and Registered X-ray Technologist. Contact Jean Mahnke. 825-6585. gins WORK WANTED THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Wood, Richard Glee Degree: Ph.D. in Educational Administration Dissertation: THE DEVELOPMENT OF A MODEL USEFUL IN DETERMINING THE PROPENSITY OF PRIVATE COL LEGES TOWARD BANKRUPTCY THROUGH THE USE OF FINANCIAL VARIABLES AND DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS. Time: 3:00 p.m. on March 22, 1977 Place: Room 402 in the Library G. W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College TYPING DONE. REASONABLE RATES. Call 693-8071. 80U9 Typing. 823-4579. Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 83U6 'Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-! 7723. ’ 392tfh APARTMENT PLACEMENT SERVICE 204 Texas Ave. (Western Motel Lobby) 823-7506 A Free Service Rooms and hath close to campus. Apart ments: one, two, or three bedrooms. Dup lexes, Mobile Homes. Let us show you a selection in the B-CS area. 75117 One bedroom in upstairs apt. All new kitchen. Private phone. Cable t.v. Share bath with three students. Five mins, from campus. Large home on acreage. $80/month. Bills paid. Call 846-5694 after 5:00 or 846-3824. 9215 Typing done after 5:30. 693-0267 Typing. Symbols. 846-0360. 49t66 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Smith, Morris Wade Degree: Ph.D. in Horticulture Dissertation: SHOOT MERISTEM AND CALLYS CULTURE OF PECAN [CARYA ILLENOENSIS (WANG) K. KOCH] PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICES. Lo cated at 707 University Drive, next door to ^University National Bank. Business hours 9-5. Phone 846-9109. 89115 Attention Married Couples. One and two bedroom, furnished or unfurnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. 1-1V4 miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmos phere. Call D. R. Cain Co. 693-8850, or after 5, 846-8145 or 693-1818. 64tfri FOR SALE 1975 Toyota Celica STT. Low mileage, A/C, AM-FM & Tape. Excellent condition. Must Sell. 693-7458 . 92t8 ’67 VW Squareback, rebuilt engine, 2,000 miles. 35 m.p.g. Reliable transportation. $700.00.779-2681. 92t2 3 bedroom house 3 blocks from University. $225.00. Unfurnished. 823-8219 after 6:00 p.m. 92tl One bedroom apt., furnished or unfurnished. $135/month. Some bills paid. 822-4518, ask for Linda. 92t8 LOST 1973 Datsun Pickup. A/C, C 7243. 846- LOST: Women’s wire-rim glasses in flowered case. Reward. 846-3295, evenings. 92t2 1975 Yamaha400 Enduro. 660 miles. $800.00. 693-7458. 9218 Blue Aqu amarine ring. Lost in Coliseum. Sen timental value. Reward. Call 846-3058. 90t3 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. CoUege 823-8051 The Television Shop TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. Main Bryan 822-2133 I HAD CANCER AND I LIVED. Have a regular checkup. It can your life. American Cancer Society. : can save fety-l THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY THE PUBLISHER GeneLittler 1 r thlr- tin 8ui 3S2 msci^ SPRING IldeD Ml 1977 PROGRAMMING for the AUDIO-VISUAL MIND LOGGINS & MESSINA March 21-27 Loggins & Messina perform their music in a small arena theatre before a live college audience. GREAT AMERICAN HEROES-A PROFILE March 28-April 3 A program on the theme “You don’t have to be a midget to have someone to look up to”. Original music by Martin 1. Evel Knievel-daredevil cyclist 2. Ann Cavello-Roller Derby queen 3. Big Daddy Roth-The King of the Custom Car 4. Blaze Starr-stripper THE KENNEDYS April 4-10 This remarkable program traces with original footage and family home movies the myths and realities of the Kennedy family. The whirlwind of activity and hope the Kennedys generated is clearly shown, but so are the human qualities that made them unique figures in American history. ROD STEWART April 11-17 Rod Stewart and Faces are featured in a one hour concert. One of the world’s top rock acts for nearly a decade, Stewart puts on an exciting, flamboyant show. HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION FIGHTS-1947-74 April 18-24 Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, George Foreman, Sonny Liston and many more — the crucial moments of victory and defeat from their key championship rounds. SON OF MOVIE ORGY April 25-May 1 Teenagers from Outer Space join the Mouseketeers, Superman, Crusader Rabbit and many more in celebration of 1950s television. The memories of countless hours of T.V. idiocy are brought back for all to enjoy. MSC VIDEO presentations can be seen Monday thru Friday. Monitors located in the Student Lounge, Serpentine Lounge, and Student Snack Bar. Programs are shown from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. MSC VIDEO is composed of interested students who offer a large variety of programming to the students of Texas A&M University. New members are welcome. For information, call 845-1515 or come to Room 216 of The MSC.