Page 10 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MARCH 22. 1977 Aggie named to agency (Continued from Page 1.) merit of Economics and Sociology. He was responsible for the im plementation of the Texas Commu nity Improvement Program (TCIP), designed to revitalize rural com munities of Texas. ans began to refer to Brown as “Mr. Community Inprovement. Despite a heavy work load, Brown continued his studies, earning an M.S. degree in sociology and an M.E. degree in psychology. The consolidation of school dis tricts was a cause of deterioration among small rural communities,” Brown said. “There was an exodus of young rural people to urban areas as a result of small farms being merged into large commercial farms.” In 1962 Brown was a member of the committee preparing a study for the Board of Directors of the A&M system. The late Gen. Rudder, then president of the system, praised Brown’s contribution in a letter of appreciation that closed with: Texas utilities companies assisted TCIP with over $250,000 in cash prizes for the improvement of the general appearance, facilities and services in participating, com munities. “In 1968 there were 312 com munities with over 50,000 families involved in the program,” Brown said. “People went all out to make their communities more attractive.” A total of 750 community water systems were created improving health, fire protection and indus trialization of the communities. Tex- “The evident sincerity and se riousness of purpose with which you pursued the study make it a work of lasting value to our institution. Your study will become a point of refer ence in all future development of policies and programs for Texas A&M College.” In 1973, Gov. Dolph Briscoe selected Brown to his present posi tion as special assistant. Brown is re sponsible for creation of jobs under the “Texas First” program to reduce unemployment. He also represents Briscoe in all agricultural matters. In 1974 he be came “Governor’s representative for liaison with county governments. ” Python receives cobalt treatments United Press International SAN DIEGO— Krishna does not come in for his radiation therapy at University Hospital until after the other patients have left. He might have an unsettling effect on them. West Germany stages operas MANNHEIM, West Germany from the Mannheim music theater s (UPI) — The Mannheim National Theater will stage its traditional opera evenings April 17 to May 28 for which it has contracted 30 inter national opera stars. Eight operas have been chosen repertoire. The stars include Theo Adams, Montserrat Caballe, Piero Cappuc- cilli, Jose Carreras, Rene Kollo, Lucia Popp and Peter Schreier. Battalion photo by Kevin Venner Rise and fall Although time does not usually affect competitors who pole vault, it was a factor for some of the vaulters at the College Station Relays track meet which was held this past weekend. The vaulting pit, located at the south end of Kyle Field, has no lights and the sun almost fell below the horizon before all of the contestants had a chance to make their own descent. God has a plan for your life. To learn more about His Living Proof, call 779-0077 for a recorded message. U.S. sends more supplies to help Zaire repel invasion United Press International KINSHASA, Zaire — A second shipment of emergency U.S. aid was on its way to Zaire today to help government troops fight an invasion of the copper-rich Shaba province. Officials denied reports of fresh clashes in the area. A jumbo jet loaded with $1.5 mil lion worth of spare aircraft parts, medical supplies, parachutes and combat uniforms left New York’s Kennedy Airport yesterday for the former Belgian Congo. A similar consignment w'as sent last week. A government spokesman in Washington said an additional re quest from Zairean President Mobutu Sese Seke w'as “being studied by the State Department in close consultation with the White House. No weapons have been supplied. The insurgents crossed over from Marxist-ruled Angola some two weeks ago and captured several towns and villages on Zaire’s south western border with Angola. The bulk of the invasion force, es timated at around 1,500, is believed to be remnants of the militia that fought to sever the province, then known as Katanga, away from Zaire following independence in 1960. Zaire has accused Angola, Cuba and the Soviet Union of backing the assault, but Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who is on an extensive tour of Africa, said in Mozambique the allegations are false. RICE UNIVERSITY SUMMER PROGRAM full credit Houston, Texas 77001 call (713)-527-4019 W. M. Rice University admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin. ItaiiiiiPfc UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER " KH3 7:00,9:30 NOMINATED /OR 10 A JADE M AWARDS Rocky CWST^DAYSJ> N .JOMEDY! ^iDVENTURE! ROMANCE! CINEMA mu. Has Your Calculator Gone On The Blink? Did Your Charger Go Dead Before That Last Big Exam? We hope not, but if so Loupot’s has Texas Instruments INCORPORATED Chargers Battery Packs Printers Carrying Cases Libraries Thermal Paper Loupot’s has in stock all Tl accessories for your calculator needs. Loupot’s & Texas Instruments make a good combination. LOUPOT’S BOOKSTORE NORTHGATE — ACROSS FROM THE POST OFFICE Official recognition of Brown’s ac complishments includes the Distin guished Service Award of the Former Student of Texas A&M Col lege, Man of the Year Award of the Progressive Farmer magazine, Superior Service Award of the Texas A&M College Extension Service and the George Washington Honor Medal of the Freedom Foundation, Valley Forge, Pa. AGGIE NIGHT BUFFET Professor Robert G. Cherry, assis tant to the president of A&M said, “I consider it to be an honor to add my opinion of Reagan’s achievements. He is the best sociologist I have ever met because he is endowed with a rare ability to convert ideas and EVERY TUESDAY 6:00-8:30 P.M. ALL THE PIZZA AND SALAD YOU CAN EAT FOR $1.89 CHILDREN UNDER 6 - 99c THE NEW PIZZA INN OF BRYAN 1803 Greenfield Plaza Next to Bryan High 846-1784 theories into practical realities. PIZZA INN OF COLLEGE STATION 413 Texas Avenue S. 846-6164 Brown holds a conservative out look on life. “I am proud of this state, my country and, most of all, of my school,” he says. He believes Aggies are the greatest people anywhere in the world and hopes that the stu dents “will always preserve the uni versity’s image, rejecting anyone and anything that would tarnish it. Pizza JLtui, Si Krishna is a python, 8 feet long and a half foot in diameter. He be longs to the San Diego Zoo. Zoo attendants brought him to the hospital for a second cobalt treatment for cancer of the mouth. CONTROL I ( 3)e&iyno ' J TAat (on(t<{ fJcuMelf J Mif/i riafon tfPe ; iflecfi€n M c Laughlms of corpus christi ^H^ 1403 UNIVERSITY DRIVE 846-5764 Spring is here! at Tri-State with these Spring Sports Specials Tennis Buffs! Wilson T-3000 Raquet Wilson T-2000 Raquet Penn Champion Tennis Balls $1 99 I per can of 3 10°/c Regular low price on rtcrtr al1 i n ^ atab,e bal,s Oil” (football, basketball, volley, soccer & other balls) Golfers! Signature Golf Clubs Set of 2 woods, 5 irons $ 391 (w/o bag) Set of 3 woods, 8 irons Golf Cart W711” $j Q wheel * v Scuba Divers! 80 cc tank with back pack, k valve & Conshef XII regulator $239.95 Same tank, with Calypso IV regulator $249.95 U.S. Diver Shoe Fins $12.95 Now Custom-made Wet Suits From $75 ing Tri-State A&M Sporting Goods 3600 Old College Rd. “At The Triangle” 822-32 :