The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 25, 1977, Image 1
The Battalion Vol. 70 No. 82 6 Pages Friday, February 25, 1977 College Station, Texas News Dept. 845-2611 Business Dept. 845-2611 T Regent selections approved tate Senate votes to maintain le local school property taxes By ANN ARNOLD United Press International STIN — Sen. William T. Moore, an, says the local school property a thing whose time has passed, it doesn’t get out of the legislature |me it’ll be an issue in the next cam- " he said. ators voted 17-12 yesterday against i’s plan to prohibit local districts levying property taxes to support op- n of elementary and secondary , but the Bryan senator said he is iced he’ll succeed eventually. “I’ll keep trying,” Moore said. “This was more or less a trial run.” Moore said he hopes some of his col leagues will be persuaded to switch sides by a deluge of constituent protests. “I have a feeling the people are going to be sympathetic to what we re trying to do,” he said. “There must be a halt some where on the power of these school boards to go out and raise assessments and say that’s what you have to pay.” Moore said one of his constituents had his school taxes on 338.5 acres near Col lege Station increased 565 percent in four years — from $685 in 1972 to $4,382 in 1976. If the House and Senate approve Moore’s plan to amend the state constitu tion to limit school property taxes, the proposal will be submitted to voters in the November 1978 general election. Proponents of a plan to impose a new tax on petroleum refined in Texas want to couple it with the property tax repeal. The refinery tax is expected to raise $1.6 billion a year, an amount equal to the sum school districts expect to receive from local property taxes in 1980. Moore is co-sponsoring the refinery tax. In other action yesterday, the Senate approved 23-5 Gov. Dolph Briscoe’s ap pointment of Jess Hay of Dallas to be a University of Texas regent. Sen. A. R. Schwartz, D-Galveston, ar gued successfully for a postponement to investigate Hay’s role in illegal contribu tions to the Briscoe re-election Campaign in 1973 and 1974. The governor’s selection of Jane Blum- •berg of Seguin and his personal physician, Dr. Sterling Fly of Uvalde, to be UT re gents won easy approval. lag rule issued in Davis trial United Press International IT WORTH—A state district judge e would not be surprised today if :ers ignored his request for voluntary iance with a gag order in the inurder fmillioniare T. Cullen Davis. Judge Tom Cave said he hoped re- rs who disregarded his request not be surprised if he sentenced to 30 days in jail for contempt of e, a diminutive man who speaks in nes, wears gold-rimmed glasses and isly smokes unfiltered cigarettes in "ambers, was obviously riled yester- is is being tried for the slaying last of Andrea Wilborn, 12. He also is with the capital murder of Stan 31, who lived with the child’s irPriscilla Davis. Mrs. Davis is the jnged wife of the defendant. Davis is charged with the attempted murder rs. Davis and a family acquaintance, ifense attorney Richard “Racehorse” ies of Houston protested against a age article in a local newspaper in a prospective juror was identified oted as saying he believed the de- t guilty. e refused a defense motion for a at gag order, but he requested the media not to identify or quote poten- irors’comments made in open court, ivelater clarified his request. “The more that is published, the more seen on TV from this point forward means it will take longer to pick a jury,” Cave said. “Lay off publication of individual jurors, who they are, where they live and what they say. Now, do I make myself clear. I don’t want to make this an order, but if I have to, I damn sure will.” In his chambers. Cave was almost apologetic. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to bite any one’s head off ,” he said. “I just sound that way some times.” He said publication of the names and comments of the prospective jurors could prevent selection of a panel. “I detest courts ordering the press to do or not to do things,” Cave said. “Much more can be gained through friendly cooperation when problems arise. Cave said he understood some news media members might continue identify ing and quoting prospective jurors. The result, he said, would be an order formaliz ing his request. Asked what action he would take if his order was violated. Cave said: “Send them to jail, not for two days but for 30, if that does occur.” Three prospects were questioned indi vidually yesterday, and two were excused. The third was accepted by the defense but challenged and dismissed by the prosecu tion. Weather Increasing cloudiness today with gusty winds from the south at 12 to 24 mph. High today is expected to be in the low 80s with a low tonight in the mid 60s. Precipitation prob ability is 20 per cent tonight. A cold front should hit early tomorrow morning causing thundershowers, and gusty northerly winds from 10 to 20 mph. The weather will turn cooler tomorrow with a high and low temperature in the mid-60s. Could- iness will remain throughout the day tomorrow. Battalion photo by Molly McMillan The way of an actor James Harper prepares for his part in The Acting Company’s perfor mance of “The Way of the World.” The play was sponsored by Texas A&M University’s Opera and Performing Arts Society last night in the Rudder Center Auditorium. Theater demands better performance Council discusses Holik tract The future of part of the 25- acre Holik tract south of Holleman Drive and east of Welsh Street dominated last night’s Col lege Station City Council discussions. Residents from in and around the West Knoll area asked the council to consider developing a city park within the Holik tract. The possibility of connecting both por tions of Dexter Drive (one is on the north side of the Holik tract and the other on the south side) or ending the street in a cul- de-sac was also considered. Other actions taken by the council in cluded: V Signing a resolution honoring former Councilman Antone L. Rosprim who died Jan. 27. Rosprim was a Councilman from 1961 to 1967. ^ Giving Welsh Avenue a consistent name. Different sections of the street had been marked as Welch Street, Welch Boulevard, Welch Avenue, and Welsh Avenue. V Rezoning a portion of the Brentwood Addition from a duplex district to a single family district. V Issuing a building permit for an apartment complex on Lincoln Avenue. V Appointing a council committee to review street construction standards. By JOHN TYNES Battalion Staff James Harper says he is doing what most actors dream of doing but never get the chance to do. Harper is a member of The Acting Company, a touring repertory theater company that performed Wednesday night and last night at Texas A&M Univer sity. In a conversation before the Wednesday night performance, Harper said The Act ing Company offers its actors the opportu nity to perform different roles, travel widely and refine their acting skills in a situation that demands high-quality per formances. “This company is an experience you cannot find anywhere else,” he said. The Acting Company, a permanent touring repertory company, was founded five years ago by actor and director John Houseman as a means of bringing reper tory theater to areas that may not get the chance to see it often. The Acting Company presently has four plays in its repertoire. “Love’s Labour’s Lost” was performed Wednesday night and “The Way of the World” last night. The other two productions, which were not performed at A&M, are “The Kitchen and “El Camino Real.” The members of the company teach workshops and theater classes at the vari ous universities and colleges where they perform. Harper said. Some of A&M’s theater arts classes were given pres entations by members of the company during their stay. The company travels about nine months of each year, performing four or five times a week. Often they stay in one place long enough to do one or more of their plays, as they did here. There is tendency to get bored with a role when you perform it over and over again. Harper said. He added, however, that this can be overcome by continually re-examining the character and trying to better understand the playwright’s image of him. The company has received many theat rical awards and honors, including two Tony nominations. The attitude of the actors is very casual and nonchalant when they are relaxing backstage. One actor was wandering around singing: “We re second-rate pros, were second-rate pros. Where we per form, nobody shows. This attitude vanished onstage and paid off in generous applause from the audi ence on both nights. Bills attempt to restrict pornography United Press Internationa] AUSTIN — Bills including a measure to force adult bookstores out of residential areas have been introduced in the House to place statewide restrictions on the dis play and sale of pornography. “This is the first time Texas, or any state as far as I know, has attempted to restrict the location of adult bookstores,” Rep. Ralph Wallace, D-Houston, said yester day. Wallace, who wrote the legislative package, said one of bills would prohibit stores selling pornographic books within 2,000 feet of any church or school. He said bookstores already within the limit could stay only by applying to city councils for an exemption. “We feel this is really going to put the heat on pornographic bookstores,” Wal lace said. “What we want to effectively do is get them out of the residential commu nity. “In Houston, there are a lot of prono graphic bookstores downtown close to some churches, and they’re going to have to petition the city council for an exemption to this act if they stay there.” Other bills filed by Wallace would: Make it a felony to employ minors in the sale of commercial obscenity. The offense is now a misdemeanor. Prohibit the showing of a person young er than 17 observing or engaging in explicit sexual conduct. Prohibit the display of harmful materials at business establishments where minors may be invited as part of the general pub lic. Violation would be a misdemeanor punishable by a $200 fine and/or one year in jail.