The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 24, 1977, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1977 FONTANA’S INSTANT LUNCH $^95 ALL YOU CAN EAT . . . Monday-Friday 11:30-2:00 Salad, spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread and pizza. East Gate Across from TAMU Aggie owned and operated Sports Cliff Speegle talks about referees L TAMU SUMMER LANGUAGE STUDIES IN EUROPE France Germany Spain Intensive Language Instruction 6 Credit Hours For Information See Modern Languages Department Phone: 845-2124 By TONY GALLUCCI The following interview took place at 3:30 p.m. on Feb. 23, 1977. The interview was conducted with Cliff Speegle, Southwest Conference Commissioner. Speegle refused to answer questions the night prior to the interview when he attended the Texas AC-MtArkansas basketball game in G. Rollie White Coliseum. He was contacted long distance per his request. The interview will run in two parts. Question: Are the referees who of ficiate at Southwest Conference games rated by any system, quality or otherwise? Answer: Well, we rate them through observers at all times. Q: There is an observer at every game? A: Most every game that we have. Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $1.49 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 AM to 1:30 PM — 4:30 PM to 7 PM . MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY SPECIAL SPECIAL EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak Mexican Fiesta Chicken Fried Beef with Dinner Steak w/cream Mushroom Gravy Two Cheese and Gravy Whipped Potatoes Onion Enchiladas Whipped Potatoes and Your Choice of w/chili Choice of one other One Vegetable Mexican Rice Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Patio Style Pinto Beans Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL “Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style” Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee “Quality First” SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter - Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable 1IXAS fl*M UNIVERSITY LEDRUflRv |97 7 50c/person we have someone there observing the officials. Q: How does the observer’s rating affect which games a referee will of ficiate? A: Well, we have a procedure in the conference which was here when I came, and we followed that same procedure. We meet with the basketball coaches in the spring. They rate the officials at that time. They’re given a list of officials. They rate the officials at that time and we attempt in our selection of officials to put the offi cials that the basketball coaches rate high in the conference games that these basketball coaches have. So, they do have a say in the selection of the officials. Now at times, due to scheduling and due to what we have limitations on, the officials’ appearance during one season with any one ball club— sometimes we have to deviate from those complete selections. But we attempt to stay as close as possible to those selections. Q: Are referees that are rated well across the board by all coaches given any preference in officiating TV games or important games? A: No sir, we do not know the TV schedule when we assign basketball officials. We assign basketball offi cials in late July and early Sep tember. We don’t wait for two rea sons. One, after we get the schedules we like to get our officials assigned and get all of the mechanics of this office out on the road, because we have to coordinate officiating with all outside opponents of the Southwest Conference and that means that if you have a split crew then you are assigning an official with someone else who has the same duties and therefore when you are looking at as many basketball games as we are, we have a tremendous amount of correspondence that has to take place, so we have to do it at that time of year before this office gets geared up for competition after school starts. We assign the officials early. Q: Are the coaches restricted in any manner towards criticism of the officials? A: The conference does not have what you would call a gag rule. They, the basketball coaches themselves, voted the gag rule upon themselves as an agreement that the conference in a business meeting took cogni zance of this and I think the coach has a moral responsibility to uphold an agreement between the coaches. Q: Do you think that would affect the coaches who were not in on the agreement since there has been a large turnover the last couple of years? A: This agreement was brought up in the coaches meeting and it was circulated to all the coaches. Q: Certain situations have been prominent recently involving ref eree’s decisions. Do you have any power to make decisions concerning a game after it has happened? A: Well, this was a mechanical mistake by more than one person. This was something that should never have happened and it did under certain conditions, but we nearly had the same thing happen last night. They were lined up but the officials and the scorer and timer did a good job in coordinating that. Q: I have been told that Del Boss officiates at Rice University and his son is enrolled there on scholarship? A: Well,if we were to eliminate all of the officials, football and basket ball, where their sons or daughters go to school at another institution we wouldn’t have any officials, encourage families to go too ference schools and this w< defeating the purpose ifwea of our officials to send theirc elsewhere, and I think vvereij terested in the youngsters goi Southwest Conference schools'J this, as far as I am concerned,j really no bearing on that indivi efficiency as far as officiating ism cerned because you’re in twod ent fields. Kuhn and Finh are at it again EPISCOPAL STUDENT CENTER 902 Jersey (adjacent to southside of campus) 846-1726 Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m.: Eucharist & Supper Wednesdays, 2:00 p.m.: Bible Study Thursdays, 12:30 p.m.: Bible Study Fridays, 6:30 a.m.: Eucharist & Breakfast Fr. James Moore, Chaplain United Press International CHICAGO — Oakland A s owner Charles O. Finley said last night Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn is “out of his mind,” but that he would attend a hearing Kuhn scheduled over his sale of pitcher Paul Lindblad to the Texas Rangers. Finley said Texas owner Brad Corbett told him he had signed Lindblad to a contract. During a self-initiated conference telephone call with the wire serv ices, Finley phoned Corbett in Ar lington, Tex., and asked him if he would attend a March 2 meeting scheduled by Kuhn about the sale of Lindblad from Oakland to Texas for $400,000. “Mr. Corbett has stated he signed Lindblad to a contract on Saturday and he stated he is not going to any meeting,” Finley said. “My attorney and I have decided tonight that we will attend the meeting, only because there’s no telling what this man Kuhn might attempt to do,” Finley said. “At times, he doesn’t act very rational. He is out of his mind.” In June, 1976, Kuhn voided Fin ley’s sales of pitcher Vida Blue to the New York Yankees and pitcher Rollie Fingers and outfielder Joe Rudi to the Boston Red Sox for $3.5 million. Kuhn said it was in the best inter est of baseball. Finley then filed a $3.5 million lawsuit against Kuhn. I | TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TOWN HALL PROUDLY PRESENTS Si Town Hall Series Performance #5 Enjoy an evening with the Male Vocalist of the year and one of country music’s top performers. Opening the show will be the incomparable JONNIE BARNETT MARCH 4 7:30 P.M. G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM RESERVED REGULAR TICKETS A&M STUDENT FREE (with ticket) $4.50 NON A&M STUDENT DATE $3.00 $4.50 GENERAL PUBLIC $4.00 $6.50 Tickets & information can be obtained from the MSC Box f Office, 1st Floor Rudder Tower, 845-2916. || Season tickets honored. C~^i\ * NO CAMERAS ALLOWED! | 0locm Top of the Tower Texas A&M University Pleasant Dining — Great View SERVING LUNCHEON BUFFET 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Each day except Saturday $2.50 DAILY $3.00 SUNDAY Serving soup i? sandwich 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Monday - Friday $1.50 plus drink Available Evenings For Special University Banquets Department of Food Service Texas A&M University “Quality First” Finley said, “Kuhn has i caused the near destruction of| Oakland club by irresponsibly ini fering with the sales of RudiJ gers and of Blue. “Kuhn is acting maliciouslyn personal vendetta against meforl tempting to prevent his reelecl as commissioner of baseball, ail doing so he has a total disregaraj the Oakland fans, the Oaklandlj and all of baseball. “It is no coincidence that the deals in which Kuhn interferes those made by Charlie Finley, though there have been many lar transactions during the last eral months,” he said. He cited as an example the York Yankees’ recent purchi Jimmy Wynn from the Ath Braves for more than $100,00 “Kuhn has no right to wit approval of my sales unless the have been violated,” Finley “Kuhn knows there have not any violations and his only puip kiai is to harass me and to influence vher court in the Rudi, Blue andFiij litigation.” Finley said he received from Kuhn last night telling hi the meeting. “I don’t expect him (Kuhn)toJ damn thing this time. “The man has got to beoutd mind. He is ridiculous,” Fii ,en said. 01 We’re Celebrating Our Birthday! This Week Wesley Gideon celebrates his 1 st year operating W. G. & Co. Steaks & Seafood Restaurant Steaks & Seafood Wes is celebrating all week with 100 BEER (Limit 2 12 oz. mugs) With purchase of any entree Each night 5-9 p.m. 317 College Ave. Tues. Feb. 22 - Sat.FiU 846-87(1 THE MSC TRAVEL COMMITTEE PRESENTS. EUROPE 1977 June 7 - July 4 D/FW-PARIS LONDON-D/FVi $458. i UK bu: for C outh seast fin stehi lege b< PI 8; AIR FARE ONLY LAND OPTION: “THE GRAND TOUR OF EUROPE COUNTRIES FRANCE, ITALY, AUSTRIA, SWITZER] LAND, GERMANY, HOLLAND, ENGLAN" CITIES — Paris, Grenoble, Nice, Venice, Florence, Romftj Vienna, Salzburg, Lucerne, Munich, Frankfurt Amsterdam, London INCLUDES — All transportation between cities and transfers All hotels in cities (Superior Tourist Class Double Occupancy) Two meals per day except in Rome, Paris| and London Complete Sightseeing Program Services of a multi-lingual tour guide throughout the tour All gratuities and service charges PRICE — $830. maximum + $458. round trip air fara FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT \ COX OF THE MSC TRAVEL COMMITTEE 01 COME BY ROOM 216 OF THE MSC. 845-151 FROM 12 UNTIL 4 P.M. EACH AFTERNOON 1 M&i CLASSIFIED ADS!