The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 18, 1977, Image 5
e$ socialin ton P ( '‘"gCi. 'Its, 51, Colls Rugby: world’s version of football By WAYNE NELSON There is a sport at Texas A&M iere a player can take a ball and Tin down field, avoiding tacklers, lying to score touchdowns. The layer can also lateral and if he does India®' ' ore can ex ^ ra points. ’ [The sport mentioned is not the lone that is so familiar to the jousands that fill Kyle Field every esops fj of (lie I, ffiee ■t Dans Iph; 11 be li t( 12 nooaj Club. ,t| ■ular Dit tickets «■; from Ftl IC.Tidft interest ntact In* n, Huii p.m. Follwi y Dr. 5, nooten b rt ScM msored b n Servin Ingineeii:! ortationb e state » irks Mao The sport is rugby, and it is well town only to a few who enjoy hard tting physical contact in what is psidered a gentleman’s game. Many of the men who play rugby it not like to consider their game lything like football because of the money atmosphere that sur- junds it. The A&M rugby team is one of lebest in the nation. Last year for ample the team competed many mes on a national level and they ime out on top more times than )t. The ruggers won a tournament St year that contained many of the ip teams in the nation and thus (ere considered by many as na- onal champions. Since then there has been the Idition of a new coach to the team id a reorganization that promises a rurdiJnghter future for Texas A&M 7:30 pr Igby, The new coach is Sent Visser, a ative of New Zealand, where gby is as big a sport as football is the United States. “Rugby is the number one sport New Zealand, and South Africa id is second only to soccer in En- RuiUjJand,” Visser said. Visser also said that unlike foot- ill, rugby is considered a totally nateur sport. "Rugby is not meant to be a pro- ssional sport,” he said. “We like to insider our sport as a beasts’ game played by gentlemen, while we Imld call soccer a gentlemen’s iquetintk night al lb ic Court lifiedcane others i, the p» i of imiit p.m. tamadak iod. Clffl! the M II conliw game played by beasts and football as a beasts’game played by beasts.’’ At first glance one can see the similarity between football and rugby. The main difference is that rugby is played with no pads. There is also no forward passing in rugby as in football. The scoring system also differs in that a player has to touch the ball down after he crosses the goal to score, not just cross the line. When a player crosses and scores it is called a try and is worth four points. An extra point can also be at tempted but it must be kicked from the point where the player crossed the goal line 25 yards back. The game may differ in style, but the hitting can be just as fierce as any football game. The rugby team at A&M is not a part of the athletic department and does not receive funds for its ex penses. Except for a small amount that comes from the intramural of fice, the majority of the money for the team comes from the players themselves. The captain of the 1977 team is Billy Goodrich and according to him the team would like to keep things just the way they are. “We are in no way associated with the athletic department and we feel that this is good because this way we are not obligated to anyone,” Good rich said. “I hope that rugby never be comes a part of the athletic depart ment or the NCAA (National Col legiate Athletic Association) because of the restrictions that are placed on the schools that are members,” he said. A possible reason for this isolation from the regulations of the NCAA is the social life that goes along with the game. “A party is given after each game by the host team, thus providing a social atmosphere that is not found in most college sports,” Goodrich said. “And if we are not given a party we will not schedule that club on our schedule again.” The rugby team is currently 2-2 for the year and 1-0 in district play. Last weekend the ruggers de feated an Odessa club 21-0 in their first game in league play. The team is open to anyone who wants to try out. They practice from five to six o’clock Monday through Thursday and there is usually a game on Saturday. This Saturday the ruggers meet the Old Boys Club of Houston and the public is invited free of charge. All games are played on the main drill field behind the Memorial Stu dent Center, with the game Satur day beginning at 11 a.m. THE BATTALION FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1977 Page 5 Lunkers ’N Lies By JIMMY GUILLOT Governor Begins Drive to “Stamp Out Screwworms” 1977 is the year for ridding Texas of the screwworm, says Governor Dolph Briscoe. The 1977 eradica tion program will officially start Thursday, Feb. 24 as livestock pro ducers and persons who have an interest in the industry meet in Aus tin for the Mission ’77 Screwworm Wipeout Conference. The Gover nor is sponsoring the meeting. Special Assistant to the Gover nor, Reagan Brown, says the pur pose of the conference is to encour age producers and agencies to work harder this year to eliminate the pest, and to cooperate with the Mis sion ’77 program in every possible way. Several factors are working this year in favor of the wipeout pro gram. The colder than normal winter Texas has experienced will be detrimental to the screwworm flies, thus aiding eradication efforts. A new screwworm production plant in Mexico has opened and is produc ing millions of sterile flies which will be released to mate with normal flies. The result is that the eggs will not hatch when they are laid in the open wounds of livestock. There is also a screwworm plant in Mission, Tx. which is producing about 200 million sterile flies per week. Together the two plants will make available some 400 million flies each week for distribution in problem areas. Last spring a new strain of sterile flies was developed which is more competitive and ag gressive than previous strains. Sterile flies cannot, however, eradicate the screwworm com pletely. Livestock owners must con stantly check their animals for screwworm infested wounds, collect worm samples if they are present, and treat the wound with an insec ticide. The sample should be sent to the Mission screwworm plant for identification. Governor Briscoe says the chances are better this year for completely wiping out the screw worm than ever before if ranchers will cooperate with eradication pro gram officials. 3-C CORRAL THE BEST BAR-B-Q IN TOWN! Chicken-Fried Steak and Salad Bar $2.75 1808 BARAK LANE (East of 29th St.) PEANUT GALLERY 813 OLD COLLEGE ROAD 846-1100 FRIDAY & SATURDAY OPEN 7:00-1:00 A.M. DRINK SPECIALS ALL NIGHT LONG! of. A. .1 )n (Pa.) f» Resonaii nformatiofi listry 100. ise a nil it' voucli w,' he /oucher CPPC DO YOU KNOW WHICH EMPLOYERS WILL BE LOOKING FOR GRADUATES WITH YOUR MAJOR THIS SPRING? TENTH FLOOR RUDDER TOWER INTERNATIONAL CAREER? A representative will be on the campus TUESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 1977 to discuss qualifications for advanced study at AMERICAN GRADUATE SCHOOL and job opportunities in the field of INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Interviews may be scheduled at PLACEMENT OFFICE AMERICAN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Thunderbird Campus Glendale, Arizona 85306 jyvlrtfiattis; The Best Pizza in Town (Honest) COME HAVE LUNCH WITH US Fast lunch, intimate booths, party rooms, draft beer, cozy atmosphere and old movies. LUNCHEON SPECIAL MONDAY-FRIDAY Pizzas-Subs-Spaghetti with Salad and Coffee or Tea Luncheon Special Also Available At Our Pizza-Mat HAPPY HOUR DRINKS 2-For-l Monday-Thursday LIVE ENTERTAINMENT WEDNESDAY-SUNDAY NIGHTS Call Ahead . We'll Have it Ready 846-4809 FOR ORDERS TO GO 5 P.M. TILL-? VISIT THE PIZZA-MAT 846-4890 IN UNIVERSITY SQUARE \ SPRING CUSTOM PORTRAIT SALE The Entire Month Of February BUY THE FIRST PRINT AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND GET A SECOND PRINT THE SAME SIZE FREE Must Be Photographed in February & Ordered by March 15 APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY 846-8019 . university studio 115 college main NORTHGATE HOW TO GET A LIFETIME SUPPLY OF LONE STAR LONG NECKS FOR 84C. It’s a pain to come up with that 84# deposit on your first case of Lone Star Long Necks. But you’re home free on every other case you buy. You can consider them a hedge against inflation. (In stead of putting your money into gold or silver, you shrewdly afc. \ ^*»Sot into glass ware.) You can return them if you want to mb your nickels together again. But you’ll probably want to bring them back to the place you bought them. This way you can end up with something even more valuable than a case of Long Necks. A case of Long Necks full of Lone Star Beer. Aggies and Long Necks—No place but Texas Lone Star Brewing Co., San Antonio, Texas -TTTT^ 5 nizlc. -YTlU--)^ .,+ ,s, •. , V . -A-,-.. - - ; .xL A - Rock that is soft and comfortable. Denim plays the kind of rock and roll that feels soft and comfortable. Maybe youVe heard them, because they've been playing around Texas for a couple of years now, refining their music until they were ready to record their first album. That album is now available, so give Denim a good,long listen. Denim's debut album:"Denim'' On Epic Records and Tapes. Produced by John Boylan. Direction: Moon-Hill Management, Inc., P.0. Box 4945, Austinjexas, 78765 K EPIC. MARCA REG C 1977 CBS INC Available at your favorite record store.