The Battalion Vol. 70 No. 73 6 Pages Thursday, February 10, 1977 College Station, Texas News Dept. 845-2611 Business Dept. 845-2611 ve hours of Senate, business incomplete Non-mandatory midterm grade bill fails By RAY DANIELS 1:03 a.m. Big discussed alcohol on campus, 1 class attendance, and discontinu- Jmidterm grades, the Texas A&M tity Student Senate is adjourning. I of the hours since 7:30 p.m. roll Ire spent considering University u'-il Jons revisions by section. Before af- '‘S- I,Jgstudents, most of the bills must be 5 ey pd by the administration, lete deletion of the rule prohibit- ession of, or consumption of liquor us was requested by Joe Marcello cience). A member of the Senate lyears, he was reinstated to his posi- lier in the evening, ello said he felt on-campus stu- leserved the same rights in their sin any private residence. During I, Vice president of Rules and Regu- Susan Rudd offered an amendment liquor only in “non-public areas” pus. Although most senators felt already being practiced with re- i dorms, they felt the rule should other bills dealt directly with ics. first of these would have deleted juirement of midterm grades now in es book. Rudd quoted a survey g over 60 per cent of the students midterms, did not receive blanket Jthen, and got grades based on two tests. Farthing (Jr.-Science), explained enough students had been inter- and the poll was not valid for the student body. Farthing adminis- e poll. The deletion was defeated, so midterms will continue. Had it passed, the Univer sity would have had the option of not send ing out the grades, The other bill requested a non mandatory class attendance policy. The motion passed. Grade point requirements for class offi cers were debated last night. For several years, according to veterans of the senate, there have been attempts made to set an optimal grade point ratio for class officers. The requirements have ranged from 2.0 to 2.5. Last night Michael Springer (Soph.- Corps) tried to have it changed to 2.0 from the current 2.5 by amendment. This failed. The section was amended to 2.25. Motions were made to amend the amendment to 2.0, to 2.15 and to table the point. All were defeated, and the 2.25 amendment passed intact. Spring elections will be unaffected. Then came the problem of the vice pres idents. Currently there are five vice presidents in charge of student services, rules and regulations, academic affairs, external af fairs, and finance. They chair committees in each area and also help execute legisla tion. By this dual function, their actual status as members of the legislative or executive branch of Student Government is vague. Last night, a bill was considered to take away the Senate voting and bill- sponsorship rights of the vice presidents. The bill, sponsored by Joe Beall (Soph.- Engr.), would have placed them in the executive branch. They are currently members of the executive committee, but not defined as members of that branch. The bill was defeated, but one section of the rules bill dealt with the same question in another way. That bill was passed, and it officially moved the vice presidents into the legislative branch, but did not change any of their duties. It was close to 11 p.m. when the alcohol on campus issue came up, and the senators were beginning to thin out. Quorum for the Senate is 39. Fourty-five of the Senate s 70 members were still present during an 11:40 p.m. roll call. Most of the members were visibly tired, and some of the formality of the meeting was lost. One senator slept with her head on her desk. Even though the Senators stayed long enough to finish the rules revision bill, they had to leave behind several other items of business. One bill they did get to was on emergency. A bill on emergency will be read and acted upon in the same meeting. Normally the process involves two meetings. The bill was to support the muscular dystrophy benefit dance by Omega Phi Alpha. Student Government will sponsor two couples at $5 each. Other bills the Senate did not have time to act on included one requesting an ex tension of the visitation hours, and a keep-off-the-grass resolution for the MSG. There were several smaller sections to the rules revision bill pertaining to pets, pass/fail grading, and Student Govern ment’s description of itself. John Oeffinger (Grad.-Lib. Arts), asked that Student Government be described in the rules book as “a Student organization with the responsibility of representing all full- and part-time students.” This is a change from a “representative governing body” for all students. The section on pets suggested that the married student housing manager collect a deposit on pets. Currently, pets are not allowed in married student housing or any of the other University housing. It was felt the apartments were suitable for pets, and the deposit could ease worries about dam age. A provision for taking required physical education courses on a pass/ fail basis was included in the rules section. The addition was asked for by Jeb Hen- sarling (Off-campus-undergrad.), whose bill calling for such a practice was passed by the Senate last week. The bill is await ing approval by curriculum studies com mittee of the University. lO-KOi 10.50], Cons ctricity may be resold Renters may pay utilities Battalion photo by Kevin Venner A nice break for your daily routine 160i,j By DARRELL LANFORD City of College Station is looking plan that would allow apartment s to pay their own utility bills aM tan have the complex administra- ^ /them. sponse to a number of apartment queries, College Station’s City r, North Bardell, is studying a it would circumvent a franchise or- forbidding the reselling of elec- apartment projects have master that measure electricity bought nsformers, Bardell said. Electric- d by each apartment cannot be computed, he said, so the utility bill is preset, possibly higher than it need be to offset possible electricity price raises. The plan would allow apartment owners to buy electricity at the transformer and then sell it at the same price to residents with apartments equipped with individual meters. Apartment owners would have to cover meter installation costs and rewiring ex pense, Bardell said. “The cost is prohibitive,” Linda Russell, manager of Taos, Scandia I and Royal Gardens apartments, said. Russell said it would cost $150 to wire and install a meter in each apartment. “The majority of the people are here because they don’t want to pay for utilities,” said Lance Shotwell, manager of Monaco and Posada Del Rey aprtments. “As far as I am concerned, it is the city’s expense to install individual meters,” he said. Bardell said the meters would cause some confusion for the city. “The student body is transient,” he said. “We will have to turn the meters on and off and go through problems.” Bardell said 60 per cent of the city’s utilities bills sent out each year are af fected by population turnover. He esti mated the number would jump to 80 per cent if apartment meters were indi vidualized. The MSC main lounge was filled with laughter last week as students relaxed in front of one of the Videotape Committee’s monitors and watched comedian Robert Klein perform. The committee is in charge of two other monitors which are located upstairs in the MSC serpentine lounge and downstairs in the snack bar across from the bowling lanes. The monitors are in their third week of operation and feature a tape with the musical group, Beatles, this week. Gramm says ‘Inflation is theft’ i losixecution by poison injection affirmed United Press International lAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma would le the first state to execute con- d prisoners by poisonous injection abill approved by the Oklahoma Se- I Dawson, D-Seminole, said his iould institute a more humane 1 of capital punishment, son’s bill provides: e punishment of death must be in- continuous, intravenous admin- on of a lethal quantity of an lort-acting barbiturate in combina- [ith a chemicl paralytic agent until pronouncd by a licensed physician ling to accepted standards. ” Senate passed the bill, 25-21, yes- The affirmative vote was only one than a majority, however, and the measure may be brought up for reconsid eration. Present law, passed last year, provides for death by the gas chamber but permits use of the electric chair until a gas chamber can be built. The state has never built a gas chamber, and prison officials said the electric chair is in such poor con dition it needs $62,000 in repairs. The last excution in Oklahoma was in 1966. Dawson said the injection method would be less costly, more humane and stand a better chance of Supreme Court approval should there be a test case on the method of execution. Dawson said the bill leaves details of fulfilling the execution to the corrections department. He said officials had indi cated it might be possible to rig an exten sion of five tubes extending from the con demned person through a wall. He said five persons could trigger the start of the solution, but only one tube would carry the lethal dose. “That way none would know who did it,’’Dawson said. Sen. Gene Stipe, D-McAlester, failed to pass an amendment limiting the injec tion to five minutes. “If they can’t get it done in five minutes, they ought to turn him loose,” Stipe said. Sen. Phil Watson, R-Edmond, said psychiatrists have said some persons commit murders as a route to suicide through execution. “If we make capital punishment more humane, it might encourage them to commit murder as a means of achieving suicide,” Watson said. By C.L. HEDRICK The inflation process in America is theft in its most destructive form because it is not evenly dispersed to all Americans, Dr. Phil Gramm, professor of economics at Texas A&M University, told an audience last night. Inflation hurts retired persons worst of all, he said, adding that without cutting the budget, inflation can be stopped. If the rate of growth and spending by government can be slowed down, by 1980 the country could have a balanced budget, he said. America has a $180 billion deficit because the money printed and spent was not earned, borrowed, or taxed, Gramm said. Gramm, who opposed Lloyd Bentsen for a U.S. Senate seat in the last election, gave three reasons for unemployment. He said rapid growth in the number of people seek- Airlines give Hobby $500 United Press International AUSTIN — Lt. Gov. William Hobby has acknowledged he received a $500 cam paign contribution from a man identified as Warren Woodward, but says he did not know at the time the money actually came from American Airlines. American has named Hobby as one of many persons to whom illegal campaign contributions were made from 1964 through 1973. The airline said Woodward, a lobbyist, gave $500 to Hobby in 1972. “Certainly, I had no idea these funds may have come from American Airlines,” Hobby said yesterday. “My records indi cate that Warren Woodward, a long-time personal friend who formerly worked for American Airlines, bought five tickets to a fund-raising dinner held in Austin on Aug. 25, 1972. American officials also reported making illegal contributions to Sen. John Tower, R-Tex., twice in 1971 for a total of $350. ing employment, due to the post-WWII baby boom and the increasing number of women now working are the primary rea sons. Gramm said the investment slow down in the economy also produced un employment. Deregulation of petroleum prices would relieve the energy problem, Gramm said. Deregulation would induce the people to sell tbeir products now instead of waiting until prices go up, he explained. Asked if he would consider running for the Senate again Gramm said that would be like asking a new mother if she would like to get pregnant again. He added that it would be “awfully sweet to run against Bentsen again.” In his speech, sponsored by Young Americans for Freedom, Gramm said he believes that voters should consider a politician’s stand on the issues rather than which party he represents. uice prices may be higher \USDA predicts record orange crop United Press Internationa] WASHINGTON — Consumers ill can expect a record orange har- rtst this season with juice prices erhaps slightly above a year ago despite the devastating January freeze in Florida, the U.S. Agricul ture Department (US DA) says. Experts warned, however, the harvest is still in progress. Current Battalion art by Steve Korte freeze damage estimates may have to be raised later if warm weather in Florida permits dropping and dete rioration of freeze-damaged fruit, they indicated. The department’s Crop Report ing Board yesterday announced on the basis of Feb. 1 conditions, the 1976-77 orange crop was estimated at 248.6 million boxes, down 11 per cent from a 278.6-million-box pre freeze forecast based on Jan. 1 con ditions. Despite that decline, which in cluded a 14 per cent cut from January orange prospects in Florida, the national estimate re mained record-high, 3 per cent above the previous peak crop of 242.6 million boxes in 1975-76. A department economist said after the crop report that it foreshadowed continued adequate to plentiful consumer supplies of orange products at retail prices that may be only slightly higher than a year earlier. Department experts previously had said that despite some increases in vegetable and citrus prices be cause of this winter’s cold weather, they’ve made no changes in fore casts of a “moderate” 3 to 4 per cent 1977 food inflation rate. The fruit and vegetable increases will be offset by a bigger-than expected meat supply, they said. Citrus specialists said orange losses to the freeze so far have been minimized because cool weather in late January damaged fruit on the trees, allowing farmers to harvest it for juice processing. If temperatures climb into the 65 to 75 degree range, more fruit could drop and be lost, they said. Another survey to update esti mates of freeze damage will be made Feb. 15, officials said. The citrus report said grapefruit production was forecast as of Feb. 1 at 69.9 million boxes, down 11 per cent from a month ago and slightly below last year. Lemon production was estimated at 26.6 million boxes, unchanged from last month and up from last year’s 17.8 million boxes. While Florida orange prospects dropped from 213 million boxes in January to 183 million by Feb. 1—with Valencia orange forecasts slashed 21 per cent and other types 9 per cent—the overall Florida crop remained 1 per cent above a year earlier. Research donations reach all-time high J Support for research at Texas A&M University reached an all-time high for the first five months of a fiscal year, Dr. Robert R. Berg, university research direc tor said recently. Aid totaling $33,924,895 has been awarded A&M projects since Sept. 1, 1976. This is $3.46 million more than had been awarded this same time last year. Texans paying higher prices for Texas gas AUSTIN—Comptroller Bob Bullock Tuesday said a study of natural gas prices by his office showed that Texans are pay ing more on the average for their own natural gas than residents of other states. Bullock said that his Division of Planning and Research found that 68 per cent of the natural gas produced in Texas during fiscal 1976 was sold in Texas, while 32 per cent was sold out of state. Nearly three-fourths of the interstate sales were for 40 cents per thousand cubic feet or less, while only about 40 per cent of the Texas sales were at these lower prices, Bullock said. He added that the analysis also showed that while Texas is the major gas produc ing state, it is also the largest user — consuming more than two and one-half times as much gas as the number two user, California. The $33.9 million exceeds all 12-month grant totals before fiscal year 1973-74. The total was surpassed only in the final two months of 1973-74, in the last two months of 1974-75 and in the closing six months of 1975-76 when research reached a record $47 million. During January, College of Geosciences projects received $602,675. Other aid in cluded $420,221 shared by the College of Engineering, Texas Engineering Experi ment Station and Texas Transportation In stitute; $242,370 shared by the College of Agriculture and Texas Agricultural Exper iment Station and $103,005 for the Col lege of Science. Also received were $14,000 for projects in the College of Liberal Arts; $7,000 for the College of Education; $6,300 for the College of Veterinary Medicine; $4,200 for the College of Business Administration and $2,800 each for the College of Architecture-fenvironmental Design and the College of Medicine. Weather Cloudy with intermittent rain today, tonight and tomorrow. Winds from the southeast at 7 to 10 miles per hour. High today near 61, low to night near 47, high tomorrow about 65.