The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 09, 1977, Image 4
age 5] •*Ti titt Vlai _.ab o s Ces OC Ml * jipl ind ilVt squ is,.( eh? tal: tio sit m< E> tO! he pi S A: o* ei 'tl tx it k Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1977 SENIORS & GRADUATE STUDENTS Your Yearbook Photos For The 1977 Aggieland Will Be Taken Through Feb. 11 Only — Feb. 111s The Final Day. Junior Yearbook Photos Will BeTaken Beginning Feb. 14 V* I T J I university studio 115 college main 846-8019 Games tournament tomorrow “Fussball is an art. It's a sport, not just a game,” says Scott Harris, a third year student at Texas A&M University. Harris will compete against fussball players from other universi ties in the Association of College Unions-International Regional Games Tournament tomorrow. Thirty-one students from A&M will compete in the tournament at Texas Christian University. To qual ify, they had to win the campus tournaments held in November and December. These tournaments were open to all A&M students. Competition will be held in bil liards, bowling, bridge, chess, fris- bee, fussball and table tennis. Doug Branch, chairman of the Memorial Student Center Recrea tion Committee, said A&M’s strongest areas are fussball, bridge and bowling. This is the first year the associa tion has included frisbee in the tournament. Rob Ennis and Monica Darby will be judged according to the accuracy and distance of their throw. Winners of the regional tourna ments will be invited to the national competitions held later in the spring. Winning the regionals is an honor, Harris says. When he dis covered that the national competi tion would be held at the Playboy Towers in Chicago, he said he be came more enthusiastic about the upcoming games. The housing and transportation for regional tournanu provided by the MSC. The get $6 a day for food. Th e tournaments are p a id fo r L sociation. A&M won’t be competing men’s table tennis becauseiJ entered the campus touri Branch said anyone entered could have gone ti Worth as the representati would have been an excusei sence and a paid trip to Fort it — LG,!, Anthropologist to give two lectures Leakey to speak on heritage in Mm Uni ASH :er is c th key mlatin lizing 1 iects C tarter ional vi Laboi ints toe lite H IsineSs tarter i iich he ling v |e as { |ce yes' it a ne Richard E. Leakey, acclaimed an thropologist and director of the Na tional Museums of Kenya, will present two public lectures March 8 at Texas A&M University. His 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. pres entations in Rudder Auditorium mark his second visit to A&M. His first was in March, 1976, as a visit ing professor during the Univer sity’s centennial year. Leakey, chairman of the Founda tion for Research into the Origins of Man (FROM), will speak on “The Human Heritage,” said Dr. Ordean Oyen, A&M anthropologist and member of the foundation’s national advisory board. Leakey’s American tour, which includes three other Texas universi ties, seeks to secure funds for the foundation and support for con tinued research in East Africa. Also on Leakey’s itinerary are lec tures at Texas Tech, University of Texas-El Paso and University of Houston. A&M will be Leakey’s first stop after a foundation- sponsored lecture series in Califor nia. Plans call for a future series to be held in Texas with A&M serving as scientific headquarters. Leakey will bring with him a cast model of the controversial Homo erectus skull he claims to be a mil lion years older than any Homo erectus skull was previously thought to be. Just prior to his 1976 visit to A&M, Leakey announced discovery BATTALION CLASSIFIED LAKEVIEW CLUB WANT AD RATES One day . 10c per word Minimum charge — $1.00 Classified Display $1.65 per column'inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication FOR SALE HELP WANTED SPECIAL NOTICE > Coachmen Travel Trailers, 17% ft. and up. Ideal for students tired of paying rent. Andersons. 106 Royall at South College, Bryan. 846-0992. 65t8 Attention NAVIGATORS! “SPRING AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS” Deadline — March 1, 1977 Application forms for Spring Awards Pro gram may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office, Room 310, YMCA Building. All applications must be filed with the Student Financial Aid Office not later than 5:00 p.m., March 1, 1977. Late applications will not be accepted. 67tl7 CANON CHURCH Bible classes taught from the original languages. For more info: 822-2294 after 9 p.m. mtfi Weight Watchers has an exciting new program. College Station class meets Thursdays, 6:30 p.m., Hillel Foundation, 800 Jersey Street. For further information call 822-7303. 67U6 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Bodv Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. >■ Sales and Service Since 1922 14 ; Texas Ave. — 823-8111 1974 Corvette — 28,800 miles, T-Top, loaded, $6600.00. And 1970 Ford Van Custom. Fully carpeted, 4 captain chairs. $2200.00. Call 779- 0758. 65t8 A RARE FLYING OPPORTUNITY FOR QUALIFIED AIR FORCE NAVIGATORS 3 Miles N. on Tabor Road Saturday Night: Country Music Revue From 9 p.m.-l a.m. STAMPEDE DANCE Every Tuesday and Thursday Nights Ladies $1.00 Men $2.00 All Brands, Cold Beer 40 Cents 8-12 FOR SALE POTATO $4.50 served with thick 8 oz. Filet, hot baked potato or com-on-the-cob, fresh bread and crispy green salad. 3-C BAR-B-Q 810 S. Main. Open everyday but Monday 11-9 FOR SALE: Five bedroom, 2 bath house four blocks from TAMU. $35,000. Call for appointment AFTER 5:30. 846-3138. Lo cated 411 Live Oak, College Station. 72t2 Keep your present civilian job and enjoy good pay for part-time navigation. Immediate openings for several navigators. Call your Air Force Reserve Repre sentative today. Call your Air Force Reserve Representative. (512)924-5186 TO: 433 TAW/RS Kelly AFB, Tx. 78241 Name: Or Mail Coupon Today! University Cleaners 112 College Main Northgate GET YOUR DANCING CLOTHES READY NOW FOR THE WEEKEND! Dry Cleaning • Alterations • Repairs “It is easy to be tolerant when you do not care" Address:. City: BEAT THE PARKING PROBLEM! 1974 Yamaha 100 c.c. LOW MILEAGE, $395. 693-3441 Zip:- Prior Service— Date of Birth:_ -(YesL -(No) TODAY'S CMSSffORD PUZZLE AIR FORCE RESERVE Your Local Air Force T.A.M. 65120 AM/FM car radio. $25.00. Call after 5 p.m. 846-6976. 7213 1975 Ponti \stre station wagon. Loaded. Ex- ce nt condition. Call 693-8300. 7212 ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES! You may begin ordering your Graduation An nouncements January 17th thru February 18th in the Student Finance Center, Room 217, MSC, from 8:00 to 4:00, Monday thru Friday. 58t21 LOR SALE: Peugot bike. TAMU license, ‘“24”. Good condition. $65 or best offer. 693- 1590 after 7. 7U3 Babysitter/Housekeeper needed full time. Professional parents need care for 6 mo. old boy. Light housekeeping. 8-5, Mon.-Fri. in College Station. Call 693-2707. 7213 Teac 6010 Tape deck. Realistic AMP and speakers. Garrard turntable. 779-5500. 7H4 WORK WANTED FOR RENT Typing. Symbols. 846-0360. 49t66 THE LA SALLE a resident hotel Faculty, Staff, Post-Grads, Stu dents. A quiet, dignified place to live & study. Rooms and Rooms With Board Monthly Basis La Salle Hotel 120 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN 713/822-1501 Attention Married Couples. One and two bedroom, furnished or unfurnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. 1-1V6 miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmos phere. Call D. R. Cain Co. 693-8850, or after 5, 846-8145 or 693-1818. 64t&, Bring your bikes to White’s Auto Store Col lege Station, your oldest and most depend able store, for parts, repair or trade and prices you like. Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 67114 JOR OPPORTUNITIES Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-' 7723. * 392tfh < Typing done after 5:30. 693-0267 64140 UNITED Feature Syndicate ACROSS procession 46 Less tidy 4 9 Sing joyously 50 U S. ballistic missile 5 1 Mannish 52 Supposing that: Informal 55 Quebec City founder 58 Of a continent 60 Partake of 6 1 Kind of tapir 62 Be the letters of 63 Chemical suffixes 64 Scottish Highlander 65 Sapid \ • a # y For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Op portunity through Affirmative Action. ^Texa^A&I^^UniversiW Professional Typing Services. 707 University Drive. Located next to University National Bank. Business hours 9-5. Phone 846- 9109. 64119 Typing. 823-4579. 71136 LOST Reward for SR-50 calculator. If found call Glenn, 693-1363. 7015 OVERSEAS JOBS-summer/year-round. Europe S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free inform.-Write: International Job Center, Dept. TC, Box 4490, Berkeley, CA 94704. 62tll HELP WANTED Need male roommate to share two bedroom apartment. Your cost: $97.50 plus Vi electric bill. Located in Holleman St. Apts. No. 301. Call Kip. 693-0424. 7114 1 Hinder, in a way 6 "La Boh erne” heroine 10 Tell tales 1 4 Eat greedily 1 5 Islands: Galway Bay group 16 Horizontal fence bar 1 7 Northern constellation 18 Unlikely winner: 2 words 20 After all deductions 2 1 Gyrate 23 Pawnbroker. Sian g 24 Responded to reveille 26 Observed 28 European title 30 Close- grained wood 3 1 Nickname for Arn old 32 Clydesdale 36 102: Roman 37 Imposes a penalty 38 Mr. Olsen s nickname 39 Art subjects 42 Vestibule 44 Violated moral standards 45 Public DOWN 1 Actor Richard --- 2 Extra 3 "Rule 1 1 Kind of wood 1 2 Usher's post 13 Exude sap 19 Kind of cupboard 22 OAS member: Abbr. 25 "Vive le — 4 — of consent 5 Bring back into use 6 Spanish mother 7 Russia's neighbor 8 Calendar abbr 9 Pigmented liquid 10 Mustang 26 Telegrams 27 Flatboats 28 Illinois Indians 29 Indian language 30 Provided with stays 32 Auto accessory 33 Income items 34 Winter sports vehicle 35 Autralian peninsula 37 Get along 40 E. Indian herbs 4 1 Brittle 42 China, etc. 2 words 43 Mountain: Prefix 45 Asian country. Abbr. 46 Sound speed:2 words 4 7 Frome or Allen 48 Canadian river 49 Welland 5 1 Small amount 53 Put a stop to 54 Solely 56 Straggle 57 Collection: Suffix 59 Cannes, for one Rooms available for students at Aggie Hall. 1502 S. Texas. 693-9891 5tfn Furnished apartment. Good for 2 boys. V4 utilities paid. $100. Call 846-5132 after 6.6917 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE ‘Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 Houston Chronicle needs newspaper car rier for an excellent route in College Sta tion. Applicant must have weekday after noons free from 1-5 p.m. and weekend mornings. Dependable transportation is a must. Route earns over $450 a month and has gas allowance of $50 per month. Route covers about 15-20 miles daily and can be completed in 2-2*4 hours. Call Julian McMurrey 693-2323 or 846-0763. 71t4 Two bedroom, fully furnished, central air. $97.50/month plus elect. .y. Call 693- 3170. 7014 INSTRUCTION Five (5) string banjo lessons. Scruggs style to advanced melodic style. For info call 693- 5858. 7114 EMTs, X-ray technologist, RN's and LVN’s. Grimes Memorial Hospital. Navasota. Contact J. Mahnke RN. 825-6585. 61t22 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 The Television Shop TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. Main Bryan 822-2133 Ride a bicycle Help keep our environment clean 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H ■ 10 11 12 13 14 m ■ 16 17 18 19 20 m 21 22 23 24 25 ^■26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 «38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 ■■49 50 fsi '^■5? 53 54 55 56 57 m r 59 60 1 M 62 63 ■ 64 ■ 65 of the skull which he said was 1.5 million years old. Other authorities had asserted that Homo erectus fos sils found in peking dated the find at 350,000 to 500,000 years old. Among Leakey s other discov eries are a 2 million-year-old Homo habilis skull and the famous 1470 Skull that he contends is proof that early man existed 2.8 million years ago, a million years earlier than previously believed. Other of his associates in Africa have dated fossils at 3.5 to 3.75 mil lion years old, the oldest reliably dated remains of man’s directj tors ' i flFnei Oyen explains that support J rently being sought for a col ^ live project that would have! P'f as the center for intensive ail 1 of skulls taken from the Ai sites. Such examinationswoiil tend into the medical field. Leakey, born i n Kenya, gre in one of the most famous fel in the world, the OlduvaiCor , WA Tanzania. He has been eithe f pn ducting or assisting in reseaii teren< nearly 30 years. Ecc Bulletin board WEDNESDAY Old Master Paintings, on exhibit through Feb. 18, Rudder Center Exhibit Hall, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Dance Arts Society, Modern, G. Rollie White 266, 7:30 p.m. Social Dance Club, MSC 201, 7:30 p.m. Rec. Bridge Committee, MSC 212, 7 p.m. Sports Car Club, Old College Station City Hall, 7:30 p.m. Philosophy Club, 300 W. Dexter, 7:30 p.m. Student Senate, Harr in'; ton 204, 7:30 p.m. Aggie Cinema, “Casablanca” and “African Queen, ’ Rudder Theatre, 8 p.m. THURSDAY American Society of Metals, Zachry 203, 7 p.m. Electrical Engineering Wives Club, Mrs. Nancy Schell, 2317 Dee Lee, Bryan, 7 p.m. OPAS, Carlos Barbosa-Lima, Rudder Theater, 8 p.m. Mathematics Department, Graduate Lecture featuring Dr. Avner Friedman, “Parabolic Var iational Inequalities,” Academic 223, 10 a.m. Physics Department, featuring Andrew T. Young,“Si in the Clouds of Venus,” 146, 4 p.m. (coffee preceding loquim) Ccpheid Variable, "Hem tion of Peter Proud,” Rudder 1 ! and 10 p.m. ($1 with I.D.), Chemistry Seminar, Jad; nur, “The Possible Violation! Second Law of Thermodynan Chemistry 231, 4 p.m. Chemistry Seminar, fid marest, “Atomic De-excitat: Highly Ionized Heavy Ion ectiles,’ Cyclotron Confen Room, 5 p.m. Ocean Engineering Sei Edward T. Gates, \J.S. Arm)! of Engineers, “A Mathemi Model to Predict the Behan Deep-Draft Vessels in Resin Waterways,” Zachry 342,3;$! FRIDAY Degree Application Deadlii Aggie Cinema, “The Taiti Seed,” Rudder Theater, Accounting Society, S(j othe Dance, Indian Lake, S-Ep Chemistry Seminar, Johnson, “The Construed) Small Electrical Devices, Ch try 1024, 11 a.m. Wc C chang feeds certa packa consi can p SA1 No on ar Paul Arms Ager oven Wi SAUi inch Back Crui stum Fei ALPHA EPSILON PI Young men’s Jewish fraternity is seeking charter members to begin a chapter at TAMU If interested, call: David Applebaum and/or Mark Snider 693-9502 MAIL ORDER EARTH® SHOES Send us the coupon below and we’ll send yo u ,. brochure with instructions on ordering Ea^ | Shoes by mail. Get the original negative shoe designed by Anna Kalso. It’s the shoe designed for people who spend time on tl feet. Send this coupon to: Earth Shoe Store 1610 Lavaca Austin, Tx. 78701 Name Address City | .State. 1 lot ^Ing "Hn t>«Hi *«7l Uj.,