:an(!. first gs ready for Bad News Bears THE BATTALION Page 9 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1977 FAST By PAUL ARNETT Battalion Sports Editor he Baylor Bears, who helped Aggies ascent to stardom, in- e College Station tonight at 7:30. they will have on their minds is nging a 60-59 loss suffered in a month ago. ince that heartbreaking defeat. Bears have lost six out of the :n games they have played. The y victory for Baylor in that seven lion stretch was against Rice in e Bears were a conference fa- ite at the beginning of the sea- But five games into the confer- e schedule, coach Carrol Daw- resigned from his post. Assistant *2 ich Jim Haller barely had his y* )es warmed as the new coach, en star-forward Tony Rufus quit » team and headed home for jrmphis. fit’s obvious that the Bears have their problems,” coach Shelby itcalf said, “but we look for them lay us a tough ball game.” he last time the teams met, the ;ies were an obscure group of expected to finish in sixth or enth place in the conference . That all changed when Steve Jones sunk a 30-foot jump shot send ing home 9,000 disappointed Baylor fans. The Ags currently ride in fourth place and are looking to improve upon that position tonight. “We think we can finish second to Arkansas,” a confident Steve Jones said. “We re going to take them one at a time starting tonight with Baylor.” Jones is fourth in the conference in scoring averaging over 17 points a game. He has been the most consis tent outside shooter for the Aggies all season. The senior forward from Houston has also played well on de fense. Jones will be guarding Sher man Patton tonight. An outstanding player for the Bears is sophomore Larry Spicer. The 6-8 forward from Memphis av eraged 15 points a game as a freshman. Spicer is currently fifth in the conference in scoring averaging almost 17 points a game. Doug Pederson and Willie Fore man held Spicer to just nine points in the Waco contest. This outstand ing defensive effort must be re peated for the Ags to defeat the Bears again. A&M must also stop the inside game of Arthur Edwards. Edwards, who will be guarded by Wally Swanson, was the main offensive weapon in the first meeting be tween the two teams. In that con test, the San Antonio junior scored over 20 points. Swanson will be an important fig ure in the Aggie attack. Not only will the Aggie forward need to play a tough defensive ball game, but he will need to rebound effectively as well. Wally is currently second in the conference in rebounding, av eraging over nine carems a game. He is second only to the Red Raid ers’ Mike Russel. This is a very important game for the Aggie basketball team. A&M is only a half-game behind Texas Tech, and one game behind second place Houston. A victory over Baylor would help the Aggies in their battle for a fifth place slot. EKTACHROME ® PROCESSING E-4 irker and E-6 gpSotSgropfiy 7^) @NORTHGATE 846-2828 1 07L FABRIC Shoppe | Complete Stock of Fashion Fabrics “In Our 30th Year of Selling Fabrics” DOWNTOWN BRYAN Ags split openers Defense dominated the scene as the Aggie lacrosse team split weekend games, losing the opener to Texas Tech 7-5, but rebounding to defeat the LSU Tigers 4-3. In Saturday s action, the Aggies and Red Raiders exchanged goals for three periods before Tech edged into a 6-4 lead early in the final period. With eight minutes remain ing, the Aggies narrowed the lead to one goal. Hopes of winning the game, however, were destroyed when Tech put the game out of reach, 7-5, minutes before the final whistle. On Sunday the LSU Tigers in vaded Aggieland for the first time in Aggie lacrosse history. The Aggies completly dominated play during the first half yet failed to break the game open. The score was 3-1 at half time. The Tigers carried the action to the Aggies in the sec ond half, tying the score 3-3 midway in the final period. Not relishing the thought of an overtime game, the Aggies executed a picture book goal, with Steve Emrick scoring with three minutes remaining in the game. AGGIE NIGHT BUFFET EVERY TUESDAY 6:00-8:30 P.M. ALL THE PIZZA AND SALAD YOU CAN EAT FOR $1.89 CHILDREN UNDER 6 - 99c THE NEW PIZZA INN OF BRYAN 1803 Greenfield Plaza Next to Bryan High 846-1784 PIZZA INN OF COLLEGE STATION 413 Texas Avenue S. 846-6164 Pizza inn 0 xibiity, Wally Swanson goes high in the air in an attempt to block Jr,® ce center Wayne Roger’s shot. The sophomore from Illinois is the second leading rebounder in the conference averaging 13 rebounds a game. The Ags next game is Tuesday night SgainSt Baylor. Battalion staff photo 'i' ‘l*! 1 *!*!* *>1* *>1* ‘iii* *>!♦ ‘>I« »>!< >>!« >>:« >>:« >>:< »;« >>;« »T5% , NEW SENIORS! Let us set a diamond in your new Aggie ring. (V 3 rs^! fc/fett] Tinal Clearance Sale to make way for Spring merchandise arriving daily. Super Values 30 to 60 % 0FF (Excluding Etienne Aigner) selected stock 707 S. Texas 846-H48 »T5T« >75!« »?•% 1/5 carat diamond set in your ring for only $ 99 95 Ask about our 1-day setting service Bring your ring in the morning — and pick it up the same afternoon! Shala*s Shoes 11 Embrey's Jewelry "The Friendly Store’ 415 University Dr. College Station 9-5:30 Mon.-Fri. 9-5 Sat’ p. It'S Valentine! SUGAR AND SPICE . . . AND everything nice for your VALENTINE. Corsages and Boutonnieres for the Freshman Ball. FLOWERS WIRED EVERYWHERE! 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