THE BATTALION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1977 Page 5 ities d livitia Help 31 md nei, it cob plaind Credit itionpi eetiop; there i. Mini; i disci iship.i- Campus Top of the News Texas order: nunitf ual ji> ither tion ring, ingevi ioney. The Shape of Things your full service salon of HAIRCUTTING AND BEAUTY CULTURE 331 UNIVERSITY DRIVE COLLEGE STATION Call For An Appointment or Just Drop In 846-7614 AN AERIAL 40- by 60-inch color photograph of the Texas A&M Uni versity campus has been hung in Forsyth Alumni Center. Copies of the photograph will be sent to mem bers of the Former Students Associa tion Century Club, who gave over $100 to the association’s annual fund. THE LAW denying free public education to aliens residing in Texas without legal authorization was up held yesterday by Judge James R. Meyers in Austin. Ten illegal aliens had challenged the constitutionality of the state law requiring them to pay tuition to attend public school in Houston. School officials estimated there are 4,100 to 5,600 illegal aliens in the school district affected by the ruling. THE SOCIETY of Petroleum Engineers of AIME will host a 1976-77 Distinguished Lecturer, Thomas C. Barger, consultant and retired President and Chairman of the Board of ARAM CO. “Oil and the Middle East” will be the topic dis cussed at the meeting of the Student Chapter of SPE, Wednesday, Feb. 9, at 7:30 p. m. in the Geology Build ing, 105. A SPECIAL task force evaluating the state’s Medicaid program will conduct public hearings in 12 cities today. The 47-member force is ex pected to formulate recom mendations to shape the health care program which reaches 680,000 Texans. National AMERICA’S 38th president, Gerald Ford, freely admitted mak ing mistakes during his term of office at a college homecoming yesterday in New Haven, Conn. He told Yale University students that he made a conscious effort to de-imperialize the White House. He said he regret ted rejecting Soviet dissident Ale xander Solzhenitsyn’s request to visit the White House, expressed qualms about his handling of aspects of the Vietnam war and held out hope for a resurgence of the Repub lican Party. CHINA’S CHIEF envoy Huang Chen, was summoned to tbe White House today following up last week’s meeting with Russian Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin. President Carter also scheduled his first nationally televised news conference, set for early afternoon 1:30 p. m. CST in the Executive Office Building au ditorium, next door to the White House. He also called a meeting of Democratic congressional leaders to assess Carter’s chances of quick pas sage of his $31.2 million two-year economic stimulus package with its $50 per person tax rebate. The lead ers will also discuss Carter’s nomina tion of former Pentagon official Paul Warnke as his chief arms negotiator and his request for authority to reor ganize the government. EFFORTS to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana and hashish have little chance of being accepted by the New Jersey Legislature after a resounding defeat in the Assembly of such a measure last night. Hawkins’ bill and one in the Senate would de criminalize the possession for per sonal use of small amounts of marijuana and hashish. The fines would be similar to those for traffic violations. FORMER President Gerald Ford has accepted appointment as The Distinguished Fellow of the Ameri can Enterprise Institute, said William J. Baroody, American Enterprise Institute for Public Pol icy Research (AIE) president. AIE is a non-partisan, nonprofit educa tional and research institution which takes no position on public policy issues. Its basic goal is competition of ideas in the maintenance of a free society, with a focus on studying na tional problems, fostering innova tive research, identifying and pres enting varying points of view on major issues and developing practi cal options. WITH A Pacific storm center ex pected to reach the Colorado Roc kies by tomorrow, weather modifica tion experts and state officials con sidered cloud seeding proposals from three firms. The seeding pro gram is designed to increase the mountain snowpack, which is ab normally low because of scanty snowfall this winter. Experts predict the cloud seeding could increase snowfall by 15 per cent, providing Colorado rivers with an increased supply of valuable irrigation and drinking water in spring runoffs. UPSTAIRS ABOVE THE FARMER'S MARKET II Mon.-Fri. 10-8:30; Sat. 10-6 Itfik he Heal t recenl mmilleei lopment plan to ranch ii ,f produit farmeii g taxed present: )ii ' icherorl side to nes I.A. Co: Cattle® : MANOR EAST MALL Texas Ave. at Villa Maria Special Purchase lust Arrived SAVE OVER 50% Jr. Sham-Suede Jumpsuits Give* Red* 5 ' 1 je! 29th tin Domini ArcinW 5regP^ Reg. 30.00 99 13 T he new put-on! Jumpsuits in easy-care sham- suede cloth; a luxurious blend of arnel, polyester, an d cotton. Light-weight, soft and supple, feels great to wear; and washable too! A super Jr. fash ion in sizes 5 to 13. Assorted earthtones. When you’ve got only 2 tickets to the big game and you forgot that you asked Cheryl,Lori,Tracy, Kelly, Sabrina and Trisha,lmt they didtft it’s no time to get tilled up. ©1976 The Miller Brewing Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. Lite Beer from Miller. Everything yon always wanted in a beer. And less.