arter pledges cooperation ith Congress; leaders leery Associated Press ! WASHINGTON — President- dect Jimmy Carter is contacting the Democratic leaders of Congress with Overtures of partnership and cooper ation, but none of them can say yet how easy that will be to achieve or what programs it will produce. ■ Carter telephoned leaders includ- Hng prospective House Speaker : Thomas P. O Neill as his victory over esident Ford became clear early esterday and told some of them he Jants to meet with them soon on forking with Congress. “There is no question but what [lere will be a period of cooperation nd partnership, ’ retiring Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield said last night. “How long it will last I don’t know. ” I While Carter was beating Ford, democrats were keeping their 62-38 »~more, donljcontrol of the Senate and possibly increasing their 290-145 House con- ——-Srol closer to the 295-140 ■femocrat-controlled House that ike in pricevjhelped push through President ,yndon B. Johnson’s Great Society importancfland war-on-poverty programs in the iii' to I mid-1960s. lie lity t in But Democratic leaders yesterday 1 |brushed aside the question of how Expansive a program the Democratic President and Democratic Congress lean enact, pointing out that they ha ven’t even met on the subject yet. ■ An aide to O’Neill said Carter telephoned early yesterday and told Hie House Democratic leader, “Tip, j’m six votes from being elected Iresident. . . and TH be wanting to Intel Kitkoski,! i its, in addition I tiers, are wel l s submitted li| uld he: meet with you on working with the Congress.” The aide said O’Neill has been tel ling people that Carter’s victory will mean the days of veto battles are over and Congress’ leaders can cooperate with a President “who will work with us because we know which programs will work and which won’t.” But that pointed to what could be come an obstacle to Democratic un ity, the problem of working out who is going to listen to whom. Democrats were reluctant to talk about that ticklish subject but some Republicans were happy to. “My impression is that Jimmy Carter is going to run things,” said Rep. Barber Conable of New York, chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee. “I think he’s a very tough bird and I don’t think the Democratic leaders will be able to stand up to him.” Conable said he also thinks Dem ocrats are going to have to make hard decisions on federal spending, Social Security financing, welfare and other issues that might have voters voting more strongly Republican in the next election. Tuesday’s elections struck no seri ous blow to the Democrats’ power structure in either the House or Se nate but retirements had already set up races for the top leadership po sitions in both bodies. O’Neill is unopposed so far to be House speaker and Senate Demo cratic Whip Robert C. Byrd appears likely to step up to the job of Senate Democratic leader. Court says personal liberty factor in mental patient cases THE BATTALION Page 3 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1976 ALL YOU CAN EAT $1" Associated Press AUSTIN — Personal liberty is too precious to commit a person to a mental hospital indefinitely without proving “beyond a reasonable doubt” that that is where he belongs, the 3rd Court of Civil Appeals ruled yesterday. This “question of major impor tance in Texas” arose when Dan Turner appealed his indefinite commitment to the Austin State Hospital. Turner, the appeals court said, had been diagnosed as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and had been in and out of mental institu tions many times. After Turner had been observed for 60 days at the Austin hospital under a temporaiy order, the state alleged that he was mentally ill and needed to be committed to a mental hospital indefinitely “for his own welfare and protection of others. ” In his charge to the jury. County Judge Mike Renfro said the state had to prove its contentions by “clear and convincing” evidence. Turner’s lawyer objected that the state had the burden of proving eachelement necessaiy for commit ment “beyond a reasonable doubt. ” Associate Justice Bob Shannon noted that some out-of-state cases had held that in an indefinite com mitment the state “has the burden to prove the necessary elements by ‘clear, unequivocal, and convincing’ evidence. The appeals court reversed the judgment commiting Turner and re turned the case to the county court for a new trial. Thursdays & Sundays 5-9 p.m. Steaks & Seafood Green Beans, Pinto Beans Soft Drinks, Tea & Coffee 317 College Ave. • Chicken Fried Steak • Texas Toast • Mashed Potatoes with Gravy Salad Bar 30c Refills Free 30c Refills Free 846-8741 »i«»:«»>:« »>:« >>:« »>;« >:»;< >>:« »>;« »>;« >>;<»>;« >-»-<»:»:«»>:« »7S% *?•% »T5T« *?5T« »75% M CONGRATULATIONS AGGIES! 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