The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 23, 1976, Image 8
i : 1,1 if >aae8 THE BATTALION ! THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1976 A V 1 ■ 5 "m, T T * Royal says officials only human i Lunkers N Lies J 7 ^ ^ „ 1 u 1 two Royal watched Olympic gold g: By JIMMY GUILLOT T i r-u.K wRirh usually North Texas even though he had a Campbell, who a mis medal sprinter Johnny Jones cut in- g - . . , i , i Me ;! ! j 1 Associated Press AUSTIN, Tex. — Texas football : coach Darrell Royal said Wednesday ( “not any of us” — presumably mean- : ing coaches or players — “is entitled j, i : to be openly critical of officiating, | but he insisted a North Texas State player did not catch a pass judged a touchdown. Royal’s narration of game films of Texas’ 17-14 victory over North Texas last Saturday spotlighted the performance of sore-legged fullback Earl Campbell, who recorded per sonal highs of 32 carries and 208 yards. “Officials are human and make mistakes,’ Royal told the meeting of MSC Cafeteria the Longhorn Club, which usually attracts several football officials. “They blow some, and they blew that one.” North Texas receiver Jeff Brown said he had taken the ball from de fender Raymond Clayborn before we hit the ground. The ref was there and saw it.” , , . n “j know he didn t catch the ball, and Raymond knows he didn t catch the ball,” said Royal, but he noted that on the film club members viewed “you can’t see it hit the ground.” On a film used on histele- vision show, it is clear, he said. Campbell won national back-ot- the-week honors for his play against North Texas even though he had a pulled hamstring muscle, and R oy al said the 231-pound junior should be “totally well for our next ball game. Texas is off this Saturday and plays Rice at Houston Oct. 2 Royal said after Campbell hobbled 83 yards to set up Texas’ winning touchdown, he asked him if he hurt his leg more, and Campbell replied “Nope.” Royal said he asked Campbell if he drug his leg on pur pose to avoid reinjuring it, and Campbell said, “Yes, sir.” He reran one sequence of Campbell “fighting and bucking, shoving and pushing” for tough yar dage. Campbell, who had missed two weeks of workouts prior to the North Texas game, was “really out of gas” late in the fourth quarter, Royal said. After a sizeable gain, however. Royal remarked, “It takes a lot of guts” — and he paused — to take him out.” Royal watched Olympic gold medal sprinter Johnny Jones cut in side for short yardage and com mented, “He’s got a gold medal, and he’s going to have to get to using it. Jones, a freshman halfback, “has ability,” Royal said, “and when he gets it all together and relaxes, he 11 use it.” Class structure set in intramural sports i'! 11 1 Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $1.49 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 AM to 1:30 PM — 4:30 PM to 7 PM . MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Dinner Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas w/chili Mexican Rice Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Beef Steak w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea If handball or badminton interest you, next Tuesday will be the last day to sign up for intramural compe tition in these two sports. Games are scheduled to begin Oct. 4. Competition will be in three classes. Class A is the highly skilled class that competes for the All- University championship. Class B offers moderate competition for class championship. Class C competes for class championship, but the main emphasis will be on having fun. Handball, both singles and dou bles, is played under U. S. Handball Association rules. A match is the best two out of three games, with each game consisting of 15 points. Com petition will be single-elimination. Handball will be played between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at DeWare Fieldhouse. Shoidd a player find it necessary to miss a match, he may send a temporary substitute for one match only. Substitutions must be approved by Susan Schleider in the intramural office. Badminton will also be single elimination competition. A game consists of 21 points, and a match is the best two out of three games. American Badminton Association rules will be used. Because badminton is an open tournament, no substitutions will be allowed. Handball and badminton matches may be played in advance of the reg ular scheduled time if it is agreeable to all players involved. Players should furnish their own equipment but a limited amount can be checked out through the intramural office. Game schedules will be posted Sept. 30. This Saturday marks the start of dove season for Brazos County and the rest of the south zone. Legal shooting hours begin at noon and end at sunset each day. Texas Parks and Wildlife biologists tell me that this year should be about average in dove populations for this part of the coun try. We won’t get the kind of shoot ing that’s available in western areas of the state, but then that’s not un- A breeding survey conducted by TP&W last spring showed a better crop of doves in this area than is normally expected, but a lot of the birds seem to have moved to other areas at this time. The season should start well, at any rate, before hunting pressure scatters the birds. The food supply in the Brazos Val ley is adequate for a good population of doves, and some migratory birds may pass through soon to help dove numbers. Dove hunting isn't as popular here as in other areas. 3 his may be due to the agricultural nature of the land. Letty Valdaz, a local TP&W biologist, says that the large amount of improved pastures in this area tend to scatter the doves, rather than concentrate them. Hunters in our area may get a lot more shots at singles and doubles than hunters in THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL “Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style” Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee ‘‘Quality First” SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter - Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable HOUSE OF TIRES MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL Spin Balance 4 Tires for $6.98 HIGHEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES! Membership $2.00 a year “Al would like to give it all away, but his wife won’t let him.” Financing Available HOUSE OF BOOTS NOCONA BOOTS ONLY $3.00 OVER COST! Sounds Crazy? There are 30,000 Aggies . . . $3.00 = $90,000 gross profit. 30,000 x ALL STYLES & LEATHERS Belts $1.00 Over Cost NOBODY Undersells Us! ii ' TheTeachings of Jose Cuervo: “There is white, and then there is white (fa ifOTval I ! p&fHIC? cf MEXIC< % *«u*Ou. ' ..xv.'utiv.rv yJW.-ffcV.'l If you don’t want a ring around your drink, re member this. The first white is Jose Cuervo White. Since 1795 Jose Cuervo has been the first, the pre mium tequila. . U7-..L And Jose Cuervo is made to mix best. With cola, tonic, collins, water, orange juice, grapefruit juice, juices and etc., etc., etc. CORNER OF COULTER AND TEXAS BRYAN 822-7139 \ AGGIE SUPPER SPECIALS MONDAY: TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: FRIDAY: 2-Pieces Fried Chicken, Choice of 2 Vegetables. Roll and Butter. Spaghetti, Meat Sauce, Green Salad, Garlic Bread. 2 Tacos, Spanish Rice, Refried Beans, Tortilla Chips. Chopped Steak, Choice of 2 Vegetables, Roll and Butter. 2-Pieces Fried Chicken, Choice of 2 Vegetables, Roll and Butter. SUPPER SERVED 4 P.M. TO 9 P.M. UNIVERSITY DRIVE AT COLLEGE AVENUE OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK areas where the doves sticktosell?J w more. Shooting in the north zone,\vfe.|P jta started several weeks ago, startedr(W'‘ well but has tapered off considen'P w ly. Biologists think this may I 1 been caused by excessive rain j| those areas. One of the biggest problems e,- countered by hunters in Texas is y lack of a place to hunt. Wehavemoi good hunting land than any oils state, but most of it is privatey that is hunted by a select few. Leasl are hard to come by unless youb(| contacts with landowners, ~ J ' 1 can be expensive in goo areas. . If you want to hunt in the Bum ^ Valley, about the only thing toi*. m approach a landowner and ask per mission to hunt on his land. Tkeitii some pretty good dove shootiip the Brazos Biver bottom, an s rich in agricultural land. Much of this land is in crops time of year, but there maybesi farmers who would allow a lit amount of hunting to be done. AkoJ the worst thing that can happenil that he will say no, so it miglillt| worth a try if you are determinedli hunt cloves this year. If you do find a landowner» allows you to hunt his place,., member to follow a few courts, rules. The bad image of huntersL some places has been caused kil breaking the rules. Pick up any trash you drop,! leave his place the way it wasbeloiij you came. Be especially carefull pick up shell casings after theyi ejected from your shotgun. ” bother livestock and crops, an. gates after you go through them. If you get lucky andhitafewbiilJ offer the landowner part of them as you are leaving. If you are com ous and take care of his interests when you are on his property,lie»i probably allow you to returnatotkl times during the season. Intramurals corps Division A: SQ-6 vs. SQ-1, M SQ-2 vs. SQ-3, 21-0; H-2 vs.U 6-0; L-2 vs. M-2, 6-18; SQW SQ-7, 0-6; SQ-8 vs. SQ-9,33-lt; Division B: E-l vs. F-l, Iff SQ-10 vs. I-1,0-7; SQ-8 vs. SQ! 8-10; SQ-1 vs. SQ-2, 0-25; SQ4t SQ-3, 20-33 MEN INDEPENDENT A Division: M. E. Bunch vs ies, 21-0; Los Cahrones vs. Riders, 18-0; Mebcavefsvs. Veil 0-6; Vett IIA vs. Theta Chi Country Place vs. Beaver Pfe 0-7; BSU No. 1 vs. Sleeze 1 53-0; St. Thomas vs. 76’ Ex. 8-21; Fayette Co. vs. Ag. Eco.3fl B Division: Turkeys vs. Scnr 6-41; P. E. Majors No. 69vs. Maj 6-0; Wildcats vs. 2%, 0-7; Skip 1 ’ vs. Old Men, 12-0; IEEE A Bandits, 20-19; “A” Ramp vs/ Club, 25-2; CO-REC C Division: BSU No. Ivs.l & B.H.’s, 7-13; 11 not pay jeuste ppo harta I'o-ho' |nbe 'The. tmci cessr jSarta |leres' flhe I Get into some| great pants! TOP DHAffll Culpepper Plaza '( llexa jvities M [ress a tanl ^lirmn :ulty I The Embrey's Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set- Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts Jkcademp of Jan Jones Hammond 3406 South College Ave , Bryan, Texas 77801 713/823# IMPORTED AND BOTTLED BY ^ 1976 HEUBLEIN. INC.. HARTFORD. CONN. JOSE CUERVO' TEQUILA. 80 PROOF.