I. 1 .' Hi is l ■ire, | peel icail ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL CALL 822-3737 1016 Texas Avenue — Bryan Romero's Beauty Supply Co. 3513 Texas Ave. 846-5949 Ridgecrest Shopping Center EARS PIERCED With the Ear Piercing Gun and 24 Carat Ear Studs, either silver or gold. Call for Appointment. mss SHUGART COUPON SB Gibson Discount Center 1420 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas ^ s This For ^ Spirit of ’76 1 i OK ii 1 )N 4 & Peniston Cafeteria Open Monday-Friday Beginning May 31 For Cash Operation This Summer Breakfast 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Lunch 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. FREE With Every $5.00 Purchase or More — One Old-Fashioned Milk Bottle FREE With Every $25.00 Purchase or More — One Old-Fashioned Milk Rack DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SERVICES TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY “Quality First†Friday & Saturday August 20 & 21 Photo Hours 9-8 WALLET SIZE COLOR PORTRAITS 994 i IPIUISIS J Extra charge *+8 X 10/ for ++ OFFER / GROUPS Allen Academy is opening an additional section in each grade of the middle school (grades 6-8). Limited vacancies in other grades (K-12) If you are looking for a private school for your son or daughter to improve his or her academic achievement, write or call Director of Admissions The Allen Academy Box 953/Bryan, Tx. 77801 (713) 823-0066 pie Student Finance Center [Office in the Memorial Student Center, Room 217 will be closed Monday, August 30th and Tuesday, August 31st for accounting purposes. BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR RENT WORK WANTED Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY- INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 19221 1411 Texas Ave. —823-8111 CHILD CARE ATTENTION 'WORKING MOTHERS Oosts'ycwj rAhVi \ages^ ani up) need in dividual atten tion with a learning envi ronment? Then, consider 'inryan-CoYlege Station Sta tion’s finest: 0) P SCHOOL & CHILD CARE CENTER 2214 Cavitt, Bryan 822-7147 House. By owner. College Sta tion. College Hills School district. 3 bedrooms with separate den, liv ing room and dining room. 1600 square feet. Huge tree shaded lot. Perfect condition. Call 846-8321 or 846-8322. i36 t2 lTTec[room^3HoatlLTivirq7Toorn and fireplace, kitchen and dining, CA, wooded and secluded, 30 miles from Bryan/C.S. at Hilltop Lakes. $200 unfurnished; $250 furnished plus utilities. 713/721- Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822- 0544. 134t5 Full time typing Symbols. Call ®23»7723. 39&tfn HELP WANTED Looking for quality used furni ture and household items? Get the best for less at JEWELS & JUNK 801 Texas Avenue, Bryan 779-2481 Owner-Class of 1925 i33t4 One horse or one horse and one colt pasture for lease with barn and water trough in Wellborn vicinity. Call after 5:30, 693-8837. 13512 Triumph motorcycle for sale. Absolutely perfect condi tion. Call 823-0826. 129t8 O’Keefe and Merritt gas range. Good condition. 865. 822-9319. 210 Davis, Bryan. 136tl 1974 Fiat 4-door\ air, radio, 15,000 M~Ex Cond. 846-9448. 135t3 ’71 Suzuki 90, helmet, excellent condition, low mifeage, $200. 693-5583. I35t2 Century mobile home, 10’x47’, 2 bedroom, a/c, heat, washer, dryer, furnished, $2,850. 693-5583. 135t2 Bring your bikes to White’s Auto Store, College Station, your oldest and most dependable store, for parts, repair or trade and prices you like. FOR RENT Pasture available. $10 a month per horse. Five miles from campus. Barn to store feed. Call 846-0296 after 5 p.m. Shuttle Bus Drivers apply at 3711 South College. 21 years old, clean driving record. Chauffeur’s License, good at titude. 846-0812 An Equal Opportunity Employer. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE Now open — House of An tiques, 2212 Truman, Bryan. Two blocks west of College Avenue. Round Oak table, chairs, high chair, desks, abinets, rockers, dressers and more at reasonable prices. 1974 Vega LX, 18,700 miles, automatic, air, very good con dition, $2,000. Call 846-8400 after 5 p.m. 1.3512 THE LA SALLE a resident hotel Faculty, Staff, Post-Grads, Stu dents. A quiet, dignified place to live & study. Rooms and Rooms With Board Monthly Basis La Salle Hotel 120 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN 713/822-1501 134tfn BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all city 1 large lots. 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less ROOMMATE WANTED Female roommate wanted to share 2-bdr. house near cam pus. $60 + Vi utl. Prefer no smoking or drinking. Call 846-9755 or 779-6280. 136t3 JOB OPPORTUNITIES f 1,CE2 ANDE 5 "ltjO-!. ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bed room, furnished or unfurnished, apartments. Ready for occupancy. l l /z miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washater^a on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D.R. Cain Co. 693-8850, or after 5, 846-8145 or 822- 6135. 124tin For ebfptoyrneiTt 'infbrmaHon -a* Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 houAf a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. Texas A&M University MB. GATTl’S — the best pizza in town. . . honest! Mr. Gatti’s is presently accept ing applications for full and part time help. Starting im mediately. Above minimum wage, 15-40 hours a week. Call Greg or Ron 846-4809 for ap pointment. I35t6 Waiters, Waitresses, Line- workers, Bus boys, and Dis hwashers. Apply in person at 3C Barbeque, 810 S. Main. Laboratory technologist. X-ray technician, and 11-7 Ward Secretary. Grimes Memorial Hospital, Navasota. Contact Jean Mahnke. 825-6585 I35t7 TEACHERS WANTED: West and other states. Placements since 1946, Bonded. Southwest Teachers’ Agency, Box 4337, Albuquerque, NM 87106. 124tl0 Female sales clerk for work in western retail business. Apply in person, 3808 Texas Avenue, Bryan. 136tl Ten employees needed working daytime, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Burger King, 3807 Texas Avenue, Bryan. 846- 8007 or come in to apply. 133t4 in BALES: AlumaCraft, Grumman, ABS l Tejas & Blue Hole M RENTAL: Special group rates ! DR. MICKEY LilfLE T" I College Station, Tx. . (713) 846-7307 ® Also your local booking agent for i canoe & kayak rentals on thei'l GUADALUPE RIVER for TEXAS* CANOE TRAILS. $16/day includes^ shuttle. Phone CANOES, LTD. for de- , p tails & reservations. I! • v Clip and'sayfr) — — The Television Shop TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental [713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE Where satisfaction is standard equipment'' 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 APARTMENT PLACEMENT SERVICE 3200 South College 823-7506 Reserve your apartment now for the Summer or Fall Semester before the prices increase. We Will Show You a Wide Selection of Apartments in the B-CS Area. OUR SERVICES YOU Cynthia Jensen 779-2047 Murray Sebesta 693-8950 FREE TO Jenny Pitts 846-1924 J. Glenn - Broker THE BATTALION Page WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1976 7 BANK VAULT BINGO ALL NEW GAME! ALL NEW PRIZES! WIN UP TO $ 1.000 ODDS CHART KING SIZE PUNCH foVl 3 * BATHROOM TISSUE . N .°. R . T . H . E r~.4 ™g l 69 c JFMO'C PI77 A hamb F urIIr.cheese. PEJSSoRTTfA^ERRy SAUSAGE. PEPPERONI SMUCKER'S PRESERVE . . . ,PKG. # W isoz.'yoc . . . JAR # W 4 BATH "I OO BARS I JUMBO TOWELS r OLL 49 c U.S.D.A INSPECTED MIXED PARTS FRESH FRYERS JUMBO PACK .3 BREASTS .3 THIGHS .3 DRUMS .6 WINGS I .3 NECKS CHUCK STEAK GROUND BEEF U.S.D.A CHOICE HEAVY BEEF BLADE CUT, . . EXTRA LEAN APPROX. 82% LEAN . . » 3 LBS. OR MORE. LB. LB. 2700 S. TEXAS AVE. COLLEGE STATION