*T/ Our Reg. 5.44 CHAIR/ CHAISE PADS 4 44 088 Chair Pad 9 88 Chaise pad w MOTORIZED SMOKER WAGON Deluxe grill with adjustable fire box. See-through win dow flip-fop hood. UL approved motor ELECTRIC WEED TRIMMER Our Reg. 49.97 Trimmer edger is designed to trim and edge "up close". Lightweight, safe. GuH Lite, CHARCOAL STARTER GULF, LITE CHARCOAL STARTER Our Reg. 63 c Barbecues, fireplaces, campfires, patio torches. No taste, fast fire no soot, no odor. 1 qt. OFF! INSECT REPELLENT 1 15 Oz. Off insect repellent keeps mosquitoes away from you WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. ...