The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 30, 1976, Image 6
Page 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1976 PLAY BINGO WIN UP TO $ 1,000 $1,000 WINNER MRS. BETTY MARTIN BRYAN, TEXAS $100.00 WINNER MRS. ELAINE O’NEAL COLLEGE STATION FULL DETAILS AT LEWIS & COKER ODDS CHART „of June 17, 1976 OPEN JULY 48,5 FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE NUMBER OF ODDS FOR ONE GAME PIECE Program #475 GAME PIECES ODDS FOR 2« GAME PIECES SPECIALS GOOD THRU JULY 7, 1976. LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED REG. OR DIET LIMIT 8 PLEASE SHASTA SOFT DRINKS MINUTE MAID FROZEN LEMONADE OR LIMEADE .. 8'1^-89' 5 6 oz. TjOO CANS I PARADE POTATO CHIPS . ^6°' HEFTY TRASH BAGS 1^89 FRESH FRYERS.... u .t^” E . D . - 39' BONELESS HAM e.l 4 ’ CHUCK STEAK S™r : * 69' PORK SPARE RIBS ™°“.T““/. d . e . a . n ....>-b. I 29 20-21 LB. AVG EACH RED RIPE WATERMELONS SOUTHERN PEACHES<-bs 1°° Scientists study pollutants iEJAM87( “Our particular interest involves two aspects,” said Giam. “First is an investigation of the processes by which some organic pollutants are transported from land to the Gulf of Mexico and, secondly, we want to look at the biological effects of these pollutants on marine organisms like shrimp, crab and fish. “We will provide an estimate of the flow of pollutants, in this case, to the Gulf, ” he added. “The pollutants of immediate interest are phthalates (plasticizer compounds which make plastic plyable) and another common class of pollutants, chlorinated common class of pollutants, chlori nated hydrocarbons which included PCB’s (polichlorinated biphenyls) and the DDT family. “Both these industrial compounds are produced in huge amounts,” Giam said. “In the case of the phtha lates, nearly one billion pounds per year, through the air, rivers and other elements of the environment, end up in the ocean which serves as a sink. But, not much is known about the amounts and processes by which they are transferred. “We ll look at what contributions the various pollutant pathways make to ROBERT HALSELL TRAVEL SERVICE AIRLINE SCHEDULE INFORMATION FARES AND TICKETS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL CALL 822-3737 ^rn 1016 Texas Avenue — Bryan *P^ Th,s For Spirit of ’76 Peniston Cafeteria Open Monday-Friday Beginning May 31 For Cash Operation This Summer Breakfast 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Lunch 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. FREE With Every $5.00 Purchase or More — One Old-Fashioned Milk Bottle FREE With Every $25.00 Purchase or More — One Old-Fashioned Milk Rack DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SERVICES TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY “Quality First” We’d like to take you for a ride Hey, Mr. suave and sophisticated . . try this on (or size. It’s the Raleigh Sports. Think bikes are for kids? Think again! This one’s spe cially made for the guy who’s a mover. Three speeds, safety- quick brakes, genuine leather saddle, touring bag . . . every thing you need to travel in style. See your Raleigh dealer, he’s got a set of wheels waiting for you. Come on along! CENTRAL CYCLE & SUPPLY Sales Service Accessories 3505 E. 29th St. — 822-2228 — Closed Monday Take East University to 29th St. (Tarrow Street) marine environments using the Gulf of Mexico as a model sink, he ex plained. “The second project will try to look at the biological impact of pol lutants on marine life, including lar val development in shrimp and crabs,” Neff said. “Also, we ll note accumulation and metabolism of these compounds by marine or ganisms in addition to fat metabolism of fish. “There are indications that these compounds we re looking at are toxic to fresh-water organisms; however, their effects on marine organisms haven’t been established,” Giam said. “We want to know if there is or there isn’t a deleterious effect. JUMM WEDNESDAY A&M Wheelmen meet for social bike ride at Rudder Fountain, 6:00 p.m. Bridge Club meets in MSG 212, 7:00 p.m. Dinner Theater “Barefoot in the Park,” MSG 201, 6:30 p.m. Grove “Duel,” 8:30 p.m. THURSDAY Dinner Theater “Barefoot in the Park,” MSG 201, 6:30 p.m. Grove “The Green Berets,” 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY India Students Association meet in Oceanography 112, 7:30 p.m. Movie “Yahudi” with English subti tles. Full Service Unisex Salon 410 S. TEXAS RAMADA INN COLLEGE STATION! 846< 1441 edRen HOOD COUNTY — A little i was bitten by a rattlesnake, under the treatment of Dr. Haniu was rapidly relieved. It is as v mention that indigo moistened toi thick paste and applied to the v is very effective in neutralizing tlit poison. GAINESVILLE — Professor Aide, son of the Gainesville High Scliool expelled two young men from k; school because they accompany two young ladies to attend the meet ing of a mite society. BELL COUNTY — Farm laborep are worth from $8 to $15 permonli, with board; mechanics, from $21) $2.50 per day, and some as highasS] and $4 per day. BRENHAM — Capt. McNellyis considering retirement from tie service because it is impossible b accomplish any good results in tecting the border area with tie small force placed at his disposal.He estimates it would take 400 ori men to keep the Mexican marauden at home. At present there is very little stealing going on, from thefar) that the marauders have stolen et erything in sight. GALVESTON — The “ Daily New editor suggests placing small signs® slips of tin, hearing the namesofit- tersecting streets, on the lamp-posts of our city. Hardly anything of more practical value to the general publit, to strangers especially, couldk suggested. Not a day passes witbl great numbers of people asking tie names of our most familiar streets. AU STIN — The House has passed! hill giving sheriffs increased power in apprehending criminals. Among its provisions is one that would alow the shooting of persons pursuedly the law. Repeated attempts to pas the State Detective Force biDhave failed. CASTROVILLE — Postal delira on the lower Medina and Frios done at night; love letters readim “leave the country intwenty days! are left at the residences of some of the stockmen of that section. BASTROP — The highest estimate placed upon corn this fall in Bastrop County is from 25 to 30 cents bushel and for cash now, any amount could he engaged at the former price. ADVERTISEMENTS - Mind Reading, Psychomancy, Fascina tion. Soul Charming, Mesmerisms, and Marriage Guide, showing how either sex may fascinate and gain tire love and affection of any person they choose instantly; 400 pages. Bymal 50 cents. Hunt, Co., Philadelphia If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned ... We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 FIRECRACKER SALE Tuesday, June 29 - Saturday, July 3 3801 E. 29th HOT BARGAINS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE! SHIRTS UP TO SOWcOFF SWIMSUITS AND SHORTS 40% OFF FASHION PANTS 20% OFF SELECTED JACKETS BY FADED GLORY 20% OFF GROUP OF JEAN SKIRTS..20% OFF SPECIAL DRESS SELECTION 25% OFF Town & Country Center 846-2940