The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 12, 1976, Image 2
Page 2 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1976 Gay issue is political There have been many issues dealt with over the past year by the administration of Texas A&M Uni versity. They have handled most very well, but there is a decision to be made that has been delayed by the administration, which concerns the acceptance or denial of recogni tion of an organization, that puts some school officials between a rock and a hard place. If the administration does recog nize the gay group, students, former students and parents of students will surely show their contempt. Poten tial donations to the University may be lost, enrollment may decline or possibly nothing at all will happen. We may get a chance to find out because the gay group was told they would receive an answer to their re quest during the summer. KKPf* W«>«lESRS^a*»»:swe- Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or of the writer of the article and are not necessarily those of the university administration or the Board of Regents. The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting enter prise operated by students as a university and community newspaper. Editorial policy is de termined by the editor. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are subject to being cut to that length or less if longer. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit such letters and does not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed, show the a ddress of the writer and list a telephone number for verification. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, Col lege Station, Texas 77843. Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — Sizing — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 Represented nationally by National Educational Ad vertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester; $33.25 per school year; $35.00 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 5% sales tax. Advertising rates furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 217, Ser vices Building, College Station, Texas 77843. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for reproduction of all news dispatched credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and lo cal news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of reproduction of all other matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. Editor Jerry Needham Managing Editor Richard Chamberlain City Editor Jamie Aitken Campus Editor Kevin Venner Sports Editor Paul Arnett Photo Director Jim Hendrickson News Editor Lloyd Lietz But the administration’s reply may be no. If this is the case, then the school may have to represent it self in court. This action will, most probably, result in recognition of the gay group anyway, so why go through the has sle? Because the group is not wanted here at A&M! There has been much corre spondence to the Battalion this semester concerning the gay organi zation in the area. At this point the gays are losing. But if the University goes to court, the tide will probably turn. Records show that the courts will most likely grant recognition to the group. School officials can possibly avoid any major conflict by taking action that should have been taken in the first place. That is, do not recognize the group as an official A&M organi zation, but allow them to post ap proved information and to have pro grams in University facilities, if the programs are approved by the ad ministration and are sponsored by a particular department or recognized group on campus. This is what the group wanted in the first place, and it could have been done relatively easily, but now it is going to be blown out of propor tion, it seems. Yes, this column could have been avoided. Let’s face it, gays are human and they have their rights. They do not need to be officially recognized, but recognized—yes. After all, the Uni versity does not recognize a Pot Smoker Organization, but they still allow the subject to be talked about. There is a drug abuse line to call in the area also. For those who will send letters and wish to cite references from the Bible, please refrain. This has been and still is primarily a political deci sion for the administration and not a religious one. — KMV 3* "X fT»= EXPRESS - BUS TO DOWNTOWN BRYAN COMPLETELY FREE! PICK-UPS ON THE HOUR STARTING AT 10:00 AT SBISA HALL & KRUEGER-DUNN. PICK-UPS DOWNTOWN ON THE HALF-HOUR. Society brands rape victims Editor: The article on rape in the May 6 Battalion included a comment by Chief Luther which explains the problem that “women fear they will ‘not be believed that it’s something they didn’t invite.’ ” He suggests that “a rape victim may encourage actions by her dress ...” What evidence does he have that a woman’s dress invites rape? Susan Brownmiller, in her extensive re search reported in her book Against Our Will , concludes that rape is not a crime triggered by the sight of an attractive woman but a crime of vio lence, usually somewhat planned, whose major purpose is to degrade and humiliate a woman. This humiliation is carried even further by a society which tends to believe that women lie or that their dress or manner invite rape. It can be solved only when society and its police forces realize that rape is a violent, awful crime, and that its perpetrators, rather than its victims, are criminals. Laif Swanson Tombstone returned The tombstone of Tip, a canine mascot of C Company Infantry, has been returned to its place near Dorm 10 almost two years after it was removed to make way for reno vations. Steve Moore, a freshman in Com pany B-2 reports that the tombstone was replaced last Friday, probably as a result of a letter which ran in Listen Up last week. The letter inadver tently found its way to the editor’s desk 14 months after it was written. Moore said the stone had been in the keeping of a band member. Something big is coming. .. ■: # ,, - - li LPX If' r 4R f^ASCO! C CO. IMF |94s 1949 Battalion Classified 845-2611 Big Charlie Daniels and the Band are ready to blast their butt-busting rock and roll right into your little home. Get a grip on the meanest and orneriest rock and roll music this side of a barroom brawl: “Saddle Tramp.” New from The Charlie Daniels Band On Epic Records and Tapes. Available wherever re cords and tapes are sold. • EPIC." MARCA REG C 1976 CBS INC SPECIAL NOTICE OPTIONAL BOARD PLAN Summer students may dine on the board plan during the first session of summer school at Texas A&M University. Each board student may dine three meals each day except Sunday evening if the seven day plan is elected, and three meals each day, Monday through Friday, if the five day plan is preferred. Each meal is served in the Commons. Fees for each session are payable to the Controller of Accounts, Fiscal Office, Coke Building. Board fees for each plan are as follows: PLANS FIRST SESSION Seven Day — $139.00 Five Day — $124.00 May 31 through July 3 and July 6-7 Day students, including graduate students may purchase either of the board plans.